Save the Soil, Save the World

Canada, Maui, eastern Libya. We are witnessing the burning and flooding of our planet. A major influence on these catastrophes are the greenhouse gasses presently trapping too much heat close to earth and warming it beyond acceptable limits. Our survival depends on reversing this trend. But how? An answer lies just beneath our feet. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the top 30 cm of the world's soil contains about twice as much carbon as the entire atmosphere and more than is stored in all the vegetation on earth. Soil turns out to be a great way to keep carbon out of the atmosphere. This course explores the critical role soils play not just in our food production, but also in our efforts to prevent the worst effects of climate change. With their knowledge of the drivers of climate change and soil characteristics, students in this course will research and propose more sustainable soil management practices to help mitigate climate change and save the world.

Sister Courses: HNUH248A, HNUH248B, HNUH248C, HNUH248O, HNUH248Q, HNUH248R, HNUH248U, HNUH248V, HNUH248X, HNUH248Y

Spring 2024

6 reviews
Average rating: 3.50

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.