How Do You "Man Up?": Men, Masculinity, and Mental Health

In August 2018, the American Psychological Association released guidelines regarding the best practices for researchers and mental health professionals when working with boys and men. Many reacted with the question, "are we treating masculinity as a mental health issue?" This course aims to answer that question by taking a historical perspective on how American society has viewed masculinity from the beginning of psychology as a field of study until present day. An intersectional approach will be taken to better understand how race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status impact men and masculinity. We will address the questions: How does one prove their manhood? How much of masculinity is biological versus socialized? What experiences are unique to men? And how do psychologists and mental health professionals understand and address mental health concerns among men? Restricted to UH students matriculating in Fall 2020 or later.HNUH248Y is part of the Identity & Intersectionality cluster. IdentityIntersectionality courses will not be offered after spring 2022, so you should only take this course if you have either previously completed HNUH248A, or if you will take this course and HNUH248A together in spring 2022.

Sister Courses: HNUH248A, HNUH248B, HNUH248C, HNUH248O, HNUH248Q, HNUH248R, HNUH248U, HNUH248V, HNUH248W, HNUH248X

Past Semesters

38 reviews
Average rating: 2.76

38 reviews
Average rating: 2.76

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.