Identity, Places, & Spaces

Students in this interdisciplinary course will explore multi-layered issues related to privilege and oppression through their own life experiences via exposure to theory, research, film, memoirs, and current events. Students will evaluate and critique common assumptions about the meaning and experiences of privilege and oppression using Intersectionality theory as a guiding framework. The human experience related to various social identities (i.e., race, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, religion, age, and ability) will be addressed. Restricted to UH students matriculating in Fall 2020 or later. This course is the required I-Series course in the Identity & Intersectionality cluster. Identity & Intersectionality courses will not be offered after spring 2022. Yyou should only take this course if you have either previously completed one course in the Identity &Intersectionality cluster, or if you will take both HNUH248A and one other Identity & Intersectionality course together in spring 2022.

Sister Courses: HNUH248B, HNUH248C, HNUH248O, HNUH248Q, HNUH248R, HNUH248U, HNUH248V, HNUH248W, HNUH248X, HNUH248Y

Past Semesters

6 reviews
Average rating: 4.33

6 reviews
Average rating: 4.33

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.