Introduction to Plant Science

Restriction: Must be a student in the Institute of Applied Agriculture; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Credit only granted for: INAG100, PLSC100, PLSC101, PLSC110 or PLSC112. A general introduction to plant science designed to provide the students with a working knowledge of the fundamental structures and processes of plants. Content includes plant anatomy, physiology, genetics and environmental relationships.

Fall 2024

3 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

Fall 2023

3 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

Past Semesters

3 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

3 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.