Reviews for INST462

Information Review
Scott Jackson

Expecting an A+
Prof Jackson is really nice, understanding, and helpful. Any issues or problems you have he will help you through and make sure you get it resolved. I genuinely believe he has a passion for teaching us the material and wants us to learn but like others have stated the grading part is lacking. Personally, I did not mind the slow grading as he is very lenient on deadlines and grading so it's kind of a give-and-take. The classes were fine, it is not the most interesting material so it was whatever. The discussion sessions allowed us to practice what we learned during class. There is a final group project at the end which is easy, probably can do it yourself if need be. TL;DR Professor Jackson is really helpful, nice, and understanding. While he puts in grades slowly everything else makes up for it.
Jennifer Golbeck

Expecting an A
SUPER outdated class, everything that you learn in this class you learned in the first year of this major. It is all busy work that teaches the students absolutely nothing. She forces you to do the same templates all semester and the work is harder fitting what she wants into the templates. For example, she will ask you questions in the assignment and then make you use a template where you have no space to put any of the questions. This class was a waste of time and all of the lectures are 5+ years old on youtube.
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A+
I loved Dr. Klein! She does require students to purchase a subscription to Top Hat to track attendance but she doesn't take points off your participation grade if you miss a class here or there as long as you participate when you are there. She's super understanding and was the only professor I had who cancelled class on Election Day so students could go vote. This semester she did assign a written assessment as well as our final Tableau dashboard and writeup, but I think it's all manageable. You start the Tableau project midway through the semester and get multiple rounds of feedback before the final deliverable is due, so as long as you aren't putting in the bare minimum in the six weeks leading up to finals you'll be more than fine. Dr. Klein also assigns mini "data sketch" assignments each week that take no more than 20 minutes. She gave great feedback and was always doing temperature checks on how the class was doing.
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A+
Very helpful and accommodating to students needs
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A
Very kind professor who is open to answering questions and is willing to walk students through when they can't grasp the course concept. Class is fairly easy although I do wish there was more tableau involved. We didn't start using tableau until about a month and half into the course.
Scott Jackson

Expecting an A
First: expected grade not A+ because *I* could mess some things up (busy semester)! This is my first 400-level INST class and I'm taking MATH401 (Justin's Notes) this semester, too! I had Dr. Jackson for INST314 Statistics for Information Science, and I loved it! He is so passionate about what he teaches that he has a hard time fitting all of the content into a 15 week course. Fortunately, he is vigilant of this and provides ample time to complete assignments as long as you start them when they're released. Additionally, he moves deadlines back when necessary and before anyone can get a chance to complain. This is all part of a grading philosophy that he has, described below. What's important is that he gives more than enough time on graded assignments. I have accommodations provided by the ADS. While they aren't needed, it is good conduct to let him know. He has an unusual method of grading. I know a few counties in Maryland are/were testing a new way of grading in public school called "Standards-Based Grading." If you know what that is, this is what he does. All graded assignments are a set of objectives rather than a rubric. The grading is binary: either the objective was met or it was not (the policy is usually "point awareded if effort shown"). The top-down approach he takes to the class means that there is a "point pool" that contains all assignments for the semester. Rather than screwy math to figure out your grade prospects in his courses, you just need to check the remaining assignments and compare that to a letter-grade table on the syllabus. INST314 and INST462 require R, the statistical computing language. He has a few weeks of onboarding before he gets started with the appilcations. During this time he uses lecture to introduce both contemporary and historical theory and context. The discussions are for monitoring the onboarding progress and ensure a practical R tutorial. Hope I helped!
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A
Not a hard course, but instructions are often vague
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A+
This is by far one of my favourite courses at UMD. I took this course asynchronously, but Dr. Klein is extremely present and engaging regardless, to the point where I feel like I have met her in person. She responds to emails extremely fast, is always willing to provide help and guidance, and gives us a plethora of resources to do our assignments. The class content is very easy to learn and understand, and I have a lot of fun doing it as well.
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A
Good teacher, she defiantly cares about her students and makes things enjoyable. The workload for INST462 is nothing to worry about. The class content was also easy to understand and the final project / final exam were also fairly decent.
Jennifer Golbeck

Expecting an A-
Professor Golbeck is a good professor, she posts weekly lecture videos each week pertaining to the module topic that also comes with a weekly quiz. Most of the homework will either be a Analysis or Visualization so get ready for that. The class overall wasn't that hard but I feel like the TAs graded assignments very harshly for someone that is just learning visualization. Also some assignments you will have to figure out on your own due to no instructions or clear guidance. The final is fairly easy though it just a final portfolio of all your work throughout the class.
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A
Such an easy class. Most weekly assignments take like 2 minutes and she responds quite quicky.
Jesse Klein

Expecting an A+
Work is extremely easy if you know what you're doing. Go to her zoom meetings if you're confused. I literally got a 99 doing an hour of work a week.
Jesse Klein

Often found myself unaware of what was going on in this course. She gives extensions when the class pesters for them but doesn't respond to emails in a timely manner, if at all. The assignments either took me 2 hours or 2 minutes. She seems nice but it got very frustrating by the end.
Naghmeh Momeni

I was excited to take this class because it promised to teach different valuable programs for data visualization, but I am severely disappointed. The class is ridiculously easy and her teaching consists of reading PowerPoint slides, reading code templates, and/or tutorial videos. The first half of the semester consisted solely of visualization "theory" with no practical assignments and the second half was solely following tutorials - no integration. We have only worked with an abstract network and no other type of data. We have used the seaborn package in Python, R, Tableau, and Illustrator all with the same context-lacking dataset. The material we have gone through in this class just isn't enough to justify a standalone class and the school does not deserve the tuition I spent on it.
Naghmeh Momeni

Expecting an A
She sucks. You won't learn anything in her class. Her recordings are poor quality, you can't understand what she is saying. For a class on Data Visualization, we only learned how to use Gephi and Adobe. The syllabus listed Power BI, Tableau, and actual valuable programs in the workforce. Weekly quizzes that are hard, that is all the class consists of and a final project I learned nothing on.
Eric Newburger

Expecting an A
Easily the most passionate professor I have ever had. Very knowledgable about his material and always willing to provide additional help to students.
Eric Newburger

Expecting an A
Eric is a really good instructor that is passionate about what he teaches. Obviously since he teaches a class on data visualization, he lectures almost strictly through visuals and examples. These lectures are very beneficial because he is full of energy and keeps your interest and attention. The only real problem I had was that he didn't adequately explain the software tools necessarily for completing assignments (Excel, Tableau, D3, etc.). However, overall he is receptive to these concerns and is willing to address them as they arise. He will also likely do more to combat this issue in future semesters. Ultimately, if you are willing to go to his lectures and ask questions when you are confused, he will do his best to make sure you understand and succeed.
Jennifer Golbeck

Expecting an A-
I think the main problem is that there are so many assignments and only 1 TA. My class had around 93 people and only one TA. This means our assignments took forever to get graded. Another issue is that some of the assignments had very unclear grading criteria. The class was hard per se but the overworked TA and unclear grading criteria were the class much harder than it needed to be. I did, however, learn a lot of new visualization tools from her class that I have used in my other classes so I'm very thankful for that.