Government Information

Restriction: Permission of INFO-College of Information Studies. Credit only granted for: INFM718E, INST607, or LBSC708E. Formerly: INFM718E and LBSC708E. An introduction to the nature and scope of government information. Tracing the ongoing efforts of government agencies to offer information, services, and resources online, this course examines the nature, current impacts, and future impacts of E-government. More specifically, the course explores information and communication technologies designed to make government more open and transparent; the design, implementation, and evaluation of efficient, effective, and new government and governance mechanisms; the role of information institutions in supporting E-government; and the development and implementation of selected public facing E-government tools (e.g., portals, visualizations).

Fall 2023

9 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

Past Semesters

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

12 reviews
Average rating: 4.92

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

9 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

9 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.