Information | Review |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 03/22/2025 |
I took this class as a gen-ed and found it very interesting! Professor Baron is amazing, he's extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic about the material and the class itself. He is also very understanding and considerate if you are ever having any problems in the class. I highly recommend you take this class!! |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A Anonymous 01/19/2025 |
I don't know why Baron gets such good reviews. He talks about basically nothing every class and goes on about the AI policy for an hour. Easy class but long written essays. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/13/2025 |
AMAZING PROFESSOR! super understanding easy 100% low time commitment conversational approachable kinda monotonus tho :( amazing TA(shoutout to Elizabeth) |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/25/2024 |
Prof. Baron is a super nice guy and the the topics covered in the course are also pretty interesting. Only complaint is that he can be a tough essay grader as he is a former lawyer. Group project can be annoying if your group does not communicate well. TA Elizabeth is also the best TA I've ever had. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/10/2024 |
My major is not related whatsoever to this course. I only took it for a gen-ed. However, it actually ended up being my favorite class on my schedule this semester. Professor Baron is extremely knowledgable and passionated about the subject. This shows through how enthusiastic he is for every class and how much time and effort he puts into the assignments he gives us. Not once did I feel like I was doing busy work for this class. I'm a STEM major and workload is completely manageable. He is also super understanding about needing extensions, as long as you request it before the due date. He cares about all of his students dearly and wants everyone to do well. His TA's are also amazing. Elizabeth is one of the nicest people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 11/19/2024 |
great class & super nice guy !! definitely take this if ur looking to fulfill a gen ed requirement! |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 10/02/2024 |
I loved this class and Professor Baron. Although it was an online class, he made the classes interesting and remained sensitive to difficult topics while encouraging open discussion. Although I'm in the health field, this class helped me better my writing and analyzing skills. Professor Baron also invited several guest lecturers that were very captivating ranging from journalists to members of the NAACP. This class has also offered me an insightful look into how technology affects me and society as a whole. There is a group project but if your group is on top of communication it will go well. You can consistently receive high A's on your essays for this class as long as you put in the effort to write with accurate information and a clear opinion. This was probably one of the best GEN EDs you could take. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/03/2024 |
If you come across this class, or need to take it as a gen ed TAKE THIS CLASS. Professor Baron is one of the nicest and most understanding professors I have ever had. He is extremely understanding when it comes to late assignments, and will even push assignments back for everyone if he knows it is a stressful time. The assignments are not too time consuming, and there are no exams, just papers. The papers are graded fairly, and the content of the class is interesting so you won't be bored. I truly have nothing bad to say about this class. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 03/04/2024 |
Professor Baron was extremely well-versed in the topics and invited several guests such as a political journalist and leader of an NAACP chapter. Additionally, he is extremely understanding of personal circumstances should they arise. I thoroughly enjoyed the material covered in this class and writing essays about them. Although this class isn't an easy A, the material is easy to interact with and the feedback from Professor Baron helped me become a better writer. There is one group project, so make sure to communicate with them and overall this was one of the best electives I've taken so far. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A Anonymous 01/04/2024 |
Awesome professor. I learned a lot from this class. follow his instructions and you will pass! gives constructive feedback and genuinely wants you to succeed. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/23/2023 |
Prof Baron is an AMAZING professor! I took IST153 to fulfill a GenED and absolutely loved it! He genuinely cares about his students and their grades. He offers extensions if needed on all assignments and tons of valuable info to complete all assignments. Take this class while you can!! |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/23/2023 |
Professor Baron is a very qualified, super knowledgeable professor that has a lot to speak about on the topics covered in this class. His interviews with various important figures and his supplementary knowledge on each scandal is really impressive, and he's definitely a super accommodating and kind person. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/21/2023 |
Very chill class, grading is very fair, very generous with extensions for assignments if you need it |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A- johnparis 12/13/2023 |
Definitely a good professor, this class is honestly just very useful if you're looking for an easy but fun elective for history. Do not be fooled though as while it is only an hour and a half one day, there is a decent amount of out of class work so take it more for it's easiness than it's lack of work load. The topic itself is interesting and a lot of the work is graded on completion, and the graded work is graded very leniently |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/05/2023 |
TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU CAN! It is a relatively easy class and Prof Baron is amazing. The scandals are interesting and he is very lenient with extensions as long as you fill out the google form. Honestly, easy A and a really good Professor. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/10/2023 |
Future Students, Take this class I just graduated from UMD and INST153 was one of the last classes I’ve taken (to fulfill preliminary requirements) [Winter 2022]. I can say without a doubt it was a pleasure to be Prof. Barron’s student this semester. The class was fun, informative, and he showed an unparalleled amount of respect to his students. Talk to him and he will be accommodating to your personal situation. Trust me. After graduating from the iSchool InfoSci program I can confidently say, if every professor at the University had a modicum of his professionalism and compassion, the University (and its students) would prosper tenfold. The class is inspiring. It’s actually quite surprising that he’s never taught this course before because it seems like: 1) everything he covered in the course was filled with his extensive knowledge and expert testimony. and 2) the content fits in with everything I’ve learned throughout this InfoSci program The class is not necessarily an easy A but if you follow the formatting, font, and length requirements, you are well on your way. You will be expected to write nuanced essays in this class; bend your mind to see both sides. There are no final exams or tests but there are midterm and final essays due. He gives you plenty of time to write these essays. Use this time well. If you are (IN ANY WAY) passionate about (and constant with) the course content and want to learn more about high level data breaches/scandals, you will do very well in this course. You do not need to be the best. If you do your best you will do exponentially more than you think you are capable of… and you will succeed. Trust Me. |
Jason Baron
INST153 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/02/2023 |
Professor Baron Lays EVERYTHING out that you will possibly need. Class consist of: Discussion Post weekly (less than a paragraph), 2 major assignments (3 pages), and 1 group project. He gives many opportunities for you to get extra credit. Some include extra discussion post leaders where the next class you will summarize some of the classes post and your thoughts (not intimidating at all). He also offers extra credit within assignments such as bonus questions of extra length requirements. This is where he'll put in a bonus question on the assignation page that is extra credit if you answer or if you meet the extra length requirements. Most Length Requirements are (300-1500) words long. This is an amazing elective, Gen ed, or interest to explore because professor Baron makes it fun and about learning. Not about being right or politically correct. |