Reviews for PLCY306

Information Review
Shanna Pearson

Expecting a B
She is a nice lady, but a terrible professor. Do not recommend. The course is so boring, even though 306 is supposed to be interesting, and the whole course was basically repeating the same topics and themes. She makes you do readings that are insanely long and time-consuming, just to lecture on the same material in class. On top of that, there is no tech allowed in class, and you have to print everything out, which is so unreasonable for a reading and writing-heavy class. The class is so boring, and you never really know much of what you are learning, since it really doesn't stick. She also grades really harshly, and most of the heavy grading assignments are at the end of the semester. Lots of work. And she gives pop reading quizzes, so you literally have to handwrite or print notes for those super long readings. While shes a nice professor, and tries to make the class good, its just not. Take another 306 course that has an interesting topic that you are meant to learn. I normally always get above A's, but for this class, I am not surprised to get lower than a B+. Since all the heavy grading is at the end, you cant really bring your grade up. It just goes down.
Shanna Pearson

Expecting an A-
She is what the French would call "les incompetents." Has no idea how to run a class and just rambles on about the exact same thing for class. She does pop quizzes that she says are to grade for overall comprehension but they are actually about tiny obscure details of the readings. She grades them how she would like to see the questions answered and not off of the objective truth. Puts trick questions in the quizzes. Gives unclear and pointless assignments. The readings have been slightly different versions of the same material all semester but you have to read it and take notes just for the quizzes. The class she taught was completely different from the one listed on Testudo. Everything has to be turned in on paper in class which is absurd as we live in the 21st century. Spent the first 5 minutes of class saying how she was sympathetic that we were so stressed and then laughed when she handed out a pop quiz. The class is fine with her just generally pretty pointless and could learn everything she "teaches" in about an hour of googling research methods. If you want to learn take someone else.
Curtis Valentine

This man is the worst professor and person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting or interacting with. He assigned a major assignment on Rosh Hashanah when half of the class was absent due to the holiday. He is condescending, mansplains everything and I'm convinced he only went into teaching because he loves the sound of his own voice. I have not learned anything from this course other than the fact that I no longer want to be a public policy major. He focuses on education policy and has made me despise school. I dream of being hit by a UMD bus on my way to class so that I can miss it. There is no greater joy I can imagine in this world than the day that he finally retires or has a student put him in his place. If you want to be talked down to and have everything you say be completely ignored unless you are either 1. agreeing with him or 2. a boy, then take his class. If not then AVOID!!!!!