Advanced Special Topics in Psychology; The Psychology of Adolescents' Close Relationships: Parents, Peers, and Romantic Partners

Prerequisite: PSYC355 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Restricted to PSYC students only. This course examines the development of close relationships during adolescence, including those with parents, peers, and romantic partners. We examine core developmental themes including nature and nurture, stability and change, and individual differences, and discuss theory, research, and clinical applications.

Sister Courses: PSYC489A, PSYC489C, PSYC489D, PSYC489E, PSYC489F, PSYC489G, PSYC489H, PSYC489I, PSYC489J, PSYC489K, PSYC489L, PSYC489M, PSYC489N, PSYC489O, PSYC489P, PSYC489Q, PSYC489R, PSYC489T, PSYC489U, PSYC489V, PSYC489W, PSYC489X, PSYC489Y, PSYC489Z

Past Semesters

2 reviews
Average rating: 1.50

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.