Jude Cassidy

This professor has taught: PSYC309J, PSYC416, PSYC426, PSYC456, PSYC468H, PSYC489B, PSYC603, PSYC611, PSYC660, PSYC661, PSYC789, PSYC789D, PSYC819A, PSYC819D, PSYC819E, PSYC888A, PSYC889A, PSYC899
Information Review
Jude Cassidy

Expecting an A
She's very old school and insists on doing things the way she is used to. She doesn't allow electronics in class but then expects the quizzes she administers in lockdown browser to run smoothly. She has zero patience for anybody and will call you out if you so much as even look down, as she assumes you are looking at a phone. Class is so boring but she does her best to make it interesting, as the content really isn't that difficult. Overall, definitely don't love her or the class, but doing well so far.
Jude Cassidy

Expecting an A
Dr. Cassidy is an awful and manipulative professor. She sets ridiculous standards for her students and does not tell you what they are until after the grade is returned to you. Interesting material, NOT WORTH IT