Special Topics in Latin American Civilization; Latin American and Caribbean Theater and Performance

Prerequisites: SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN362, SPAN363, or permission of instructor This course will introduce students to important Latin American and Caribbean theatrical texts and performance art and focus on the unique ways performance communicates cultural, historical, social, and political contexts at different times and countries. We will pay special attention to themes of revolution, violence, human rights, gender and sexuality, and history to examine the ways that theater and performance solidify and challenge structures of power and build community.

Sister Courses: SPAN448B, SPAN448J, SPAN448K, SPAN448Q, SPAN448U, SPAN448V

Past Semesters

5 reviews
Average rating: 4.40

5 reviews
Average rating: 4.40

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.