Reviews for STAT464

Information Review
Matthew Griffin

Expecting an A
The class is fair and easy if you pay attention in class and attend regularly. TA's and AMP's are very helpful, and so is Professor Griffin. Don't expect to be a lazy student and get an A, but if you actually put in the work (which is not too hard for this 100 level math course), this class can be very rewarding.
Raluca Rosca

Expecting a C
She's a very nice lady but is extremely slow in teaching content. She can go an entire class period talking about the theory to the one equation we need to know, and by that time most of us are already confused. She does include practice problems in her worksheets, but we can usually only get to one per class due to how slow she teaches. Our syllabus is vastly different from what she has actually made us do in class - there is much less homework and quizzes to do but that means we have less points to cushion exam scores (the average is 60). Rosca did let us have an extra week of studying before an exam because it was obvious we were very unprepared (class still averaged a 60 regardless), but she has not made it clear whether there is a curve or really any acknowledgement of how we are collectively scoring low. Attendance is not mandatory, but she only solves problems in class or in office hours - if you miss those, even self-studying the textbook is likely not enough to do well on exams.
Matthew Griffin

Expecting an A+
If I had to take one math class in college for my GenEd I figured STAT would be the most bearable. This is the only math class since elementary school that I have enjoyed. Griffin is engaging, posts slides, freely gives out extra credit for class participation, and gives at least 1 extra credit opportunity proceeding every exam. AMPs will have frequent study hours where they will give homework help and will do reviews before all exams. If you attend office hours he will be very helpful and even give you the answers if you are struggling. Professor Griffin is a teacher that cares deeply about his students and their success.
Raluca Rosca

Expecting an A
Not a huge fan. She's a nice lady, but I frequently leave class not understanding what we just did. Her accent isn't an issue, but she does use odd terms of speech that can complicate your understanding of topics. Her handwriting is definitely not great. On the brighter side, she did give us exams that were very similar to previous practice exams which made taking tests easier even if you have little clue what is going on. She took 4-5 weeks to return our first test to us, which was really annoying as I had no idea what my grade was until literally the drop-add with a W deadline. Overall, would definitely not take again, the class is much harder than the grade average indicates.
Hatice Sahinoglu

Expecting a B-
Took her during the corona semester so we didn't have a second midterm which made our final worth 50% of our grade. She barely went over the last few topics and then expected us to explain our answers on the final in gory detail. Average for the final was a 63, again worth 50% of our grade, and she barely curved it (+3 points I believe). She does not answer questions very well and is bad at communicating with her students when it comes to due dates for homeworks, etc. After taking this class, I feel as though I know very little about biostatistics and how to apply the math we learned to real life situations.
Hatice Sahinoglu

Great professor. She spends alot of time deriving the formula rather than giving you the formula, but if you pay attention, it ends up benefitting you more.
Casey Cremins

Expecting an A
Really nice guy. Very easy class that can get boring at times, but Dr. Cremins does his best. Quizes everyweek, you can drop one.
Casey Cremins

Expecting an A
Dr Cremins is not an exceptionally good teacher for stat464, but he tries the best he can to teach you the material and he genuinely cares about his students doing well in class. Success in this class: Go to class always and write down every single questions he will work on in class because chances are he will bring similar or the exact question on the questions or exams. It is overall good and A doable class.
Casey Cremins

Good class, but definitely challenges you to think. The textbook was very convoluted and confusing, as it would jump from examples to definitions and formulas and back to more examples. Cremins was a good teacher, and knew his stuff, even though class was boring at times. Four exams and weekly quizzes.