Kevin Dayaratna

This professor has taught: ECON321, ECON424
Information Review
Kevin Dayaratna

Expecting an A
Honestly you hav3 to study a bit but the dude is nice and fair!
Kevin Dayaratna

Expecting an A
He is not a good teacher at all, however the way the class is laid out makes it possible to get an A. All of his slides are online, and homework is from the textbook which makes lectures not that important to go to. Grading scheme: 2 midterms, if you get higher on midterm 2 than on midterm 1, the midterm 2 grade counts for both. Final, if you get higher on the final than on midterm 2, the final will replace midterm 2. There are 8 HW sets, top 5 count. 1 group project at the end which is easy. I did poorly on both midterms (in the 70s), did good on HW, got a good project grade, and aced the final, which gave me an A. Not a good teacher, but the grading scheme makes it possible to do well.
Kevin Dayaratna

Expecting an A+
Dayaratna isn't a great professor in terms of explaining the material and making it make sense to you. You'll find yourself in class not really getting what he is saying. I resorted to just teaching it to myself from the book. I ended up not even going to most classes just because it was so difficult to listen to him. It almost seems like he doesn't come to class prepared. He hasn't thought through how he wants to teach the material and how to get the material across to you. On the other hand, I found this class unbelievably easy. I know people have said that Econ Stat is a really hard class, but at least with him, I thought it was easy. Not necessarily because of the material, though, mostly because it's easy to do well in his class. The homeworks aren't hard to do well on because you basically just have to look in the book for the correct formula to use and know how to use it. Then, on the tests, you're allowed back and front cheat sheet, which means you can literally just write down every formula you'll need. You can do this my just looking at all the highlighted stuff in the book. I literally didn't even study, I just wrote all that stuff down and that was good enough. I got a 99.5 on the first midterm and a 100 on the second. Also, he formats your grade so that your Exam 1 grade is the higher between your first and second exam scores. Your Exam 2 grade is the higher between your second exam score and your final exam score. So that works in your favor. Overall, I can say that I didn't really learn much from the class because I could get by without learning it so much. Also, I didn't learn anything from going to class itself and that was frustrating. I didn't think he was a good teacher overall in terms of coming out of the semester knowing the material well. But I thought it was easy, for what that's worth.
Kevin Dayaratna

This guy is so funny. He makes the funniest faces in lecture so sometimes it's hard to pay attention to what he is talking about. He is obviously a stat wiz, but he has a problem getting students to understand the material. He wasn't a bad professor but he wasn't great either.