Changguang Dong

This professor has taught: HLTH710, MATH136, MATH140, MATH141H, MATH241H, MATH246H, MATH406, MATH410
Information Review
Changguang Dong

Expecting a B+
If you can avoid him, please please do. He sucks. To give a good example, on the second day of lecture he taught us a very simple concept incorrectly(closed vs open circle on a graph). When someone tried to correct him, he gave no proper explanation and said "oh no it's like this" in reference to the wrong way.
Changguang Dong

Expecting a W
Terrible Terrible. Cons: thick accent, skips over steps because he thinks you know it already, not very good at answering questions, usually wouldn’t even understand my questions. TA’s aren’t much better, the man, Duc, is worse than Neha but same thing, thick accents and Duc rushes though material and assumes you know everything. This is a real quote from him “if you do the steps right you will get the right answer” like bruh. Use textbook but even then some times the practice problems are wrong. Take anyone else. I had to drop and I’m retaking next semester with someone else. First test avg was a 63/100 and there’s no curve. Don’t have any pros.
Changguang Dong

Expecting an A
Hands down one of the most accommodating professor under an online environment. He gave enough time for all exams and prepared us well in advance. The TAs were also amazing and very helpful. Highly recommend taking him for 136!
Changguang Dong

Expecting a C
Nice enough guy, but a poor lecturer. Lenient homeworker grader, but harder on exams. Lots of homework problems each week. Exams are extremely difficult. Teaches directly from Levermore's notes.