Romel Gomez

Information Review
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
ENEE101 is a good intro to ECE that doesn't take much effort. My TA basically walked us through every lab and as long as we were there we were pretty much guaranteed full points. Some labs were more engaging than others but all were super easy. Guest lectures are sometimes interesting and are easy to skip if you have friends to send you the codes. Lots of extra credit opportunities in this class.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
Honestly ENEE 101 is such a TA-driven class that I don’t even really feel qualified to give him a review. Almost all of the lectures are guest lectures and the majority of time in this class is spent in lab so you don’t really see him that often. However, the lectures he did give were pretty good. Honestly for this class you really just have to hope you get a good TA and go to office hours. There’s no curve because it’s pretty easy to do well as long as you take the time to do all of your labs, pre-labs, and reflection paragraphs. There are no exams or anything so it’s pretty low-stress overall. Don’t take an 8am section.
Romel Gomez

Dr. Gomez is a nice dude who knows a lot. His lectures on circuits are top notch, teaching the fundamentals of circuits very well. Class assignments consist of a couple midterms and the final, as well as weekly homeworks, quizzes, and labs. Quizzes are fairly easy, as are labs (though labs can get a bit tedious). Homework sets are usually quite long and difficult. If you take this course, you should be prepared to spend a significant portion of every weekend on the problem sets. Exams are very similar to the homework, with averages generally in the 60s. The first exam was rough, the second a bit easier, and the final was hard. Exams focus heavily on recent material, and the final is not cumulative (only material from after midterm 2). The grade cutoffs in the syllabus are a bit different than usual, which makes the class a bit easier (C- was a 55% or something). If you are decent at math and want to learn a lot about circuits, I would recommend taking this class. Just be prepared to spend a lot of time on homeworks. If you only want to get 205 out of the way and never think about circuits again, you should probably look for an easier professor.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
This is a very lab-focused course, and grading is dependent on your TA. That being said, the labs aren't very hard, but each lab may not interest everyone and you'd sometimes just want to leave early. Unfortunately, I somehow faced some sort of hardware problem almost with every lab, which didn't help the experience. The lectures were hit-or-miss too; it came to the point where some of the guest speakers Dr. Gomez was bringing in were legitimately making people fall asleep. Some of them were definitely more entertaining and engaging, including Dr. Gomez himself.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
This class was mostly guest speaker lectures and a lot of labs. Both the labs and lectures were hit or miss, some weeks being better than others, but the class was very easy and mostly serves its purpose of being an introduction to interesting ECE topics. The lectures from Dr. Gomez were usually the best with live demonstrations and engaging delivery of the topics, and my TA who ran the lab was really chill and my entire section liked him.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
Although the class was run by my TA and I didn't see Gomez often, I liked him when I did. He took an interest in what we were doing, told stories, and gave good feedback. Reccomend.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
Class itself is pretty easy. Some labs can be tricky but the TA's get you through it. I enjoyed it but many people I know switched to CS because they didn't enjoy this class. Our TA was honestly the goat, gave us advice on other things outside of class as well. The friday lectures were actually mad annoying and people mainly did other work during and eventually just stopped going. Gomez came in once during lab and honestly just made things harder for us. If you make friends in class it's kind of fun.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A
This class was very easy, largely in part to my TA though. Not sure how much grade is affected by TA but I am certain that effort required is dependent on your TA. Some of the labs can be very tedious and feel kind of pointless but I found if you do them at least for completion you'll be fine. The class structure is cool with the Ted Talk style lectures, he is pretty funny when he lectures though. Very nice guy and there are lots of points to compensate for any late or undone assignments.
Romel Gomez

Dr. Gomez is an extremely friendly teacher that definitely seems to care about his students mastering the material. One thing to note is that he is giving students the opportunity to do extra work over winter break in order to raise their grades, which is very admirable. However, I do not believe that Dr. Gomez has adjusted well to online learning. His lectures would likely be 10x more effective if taught in a classroom, but I cannot really blame him. His homework assignments are MUCH longer than stated on the syllabus, so be prepared to have a heavy weekly workload. Labs can often have confusing instructions but do not take too much time. The exams are mostly fair albeit having somewhat low averages. He does curve the exams sometimes, and has a generous curve at the end of the course. I would recommend Dr. Gomez if you feel confident in your circuit abilities, but the class can be rough at times.
Romel Gomez

Expecting a B
Gomez is a really good lecturer but is really unprepared for class , as he often goes overtime. His homework assignments are really difficult and take several hours to complete. This semester Gomez made the class difficult as compared to previous semester, exam averages were in the 60s, even with the amount of leniency he gives in grading. No curve beyond the one mentioned in the syllabus, as the expected class average at the end was around a B/B-.
Romel Gomez

Expecting an A+
Gomez is a guy that is as passionate about teaching as he is about circuits. He puts so much energy into his lectures that it makes me feel out of breath by the time his lecture is over. He cares about his students learning, and is a great help in office hours. He also holds extensive office hours (something like 6 hours a week when I took his class). That said, sometimes he'll just forget to show up to his office hours, so it's good to send him an email if you're going to go. I do highly recommend going to his office though, as it can be a great help. Homeworks are difficult, but are good at reinforcing what is done in lecture, and are only worth 5% of your grade, so they are much more for you as a tool to learn, and you'll essentially get out of them what you put into them. There are also occasionally a couple challenge questions that aren't graded, but can sometimes sneak their way into an exam. (More on that later, but he does release homework solutions before the exams). Exams are difficult but fair for the most part. Our first exam he did pull out this question involving a random talyor series expansion that we never talked about, but in his defense the question was straight off the homework, it just caught everyone off guard because it was one of those challenge questions, and we never covered anything like it in class, so no one saw it coming and everyone got it wrong (But partial credit was clutch so it was aight). Speaking of partial credit, he is the most extraordinarily generous teacher with partial credit I've ever had in my life, up to and including preschool. In the taylor series problem I mentioned before, I literally just wrote the initial equation and left it there because I had no clue what to do and he gave me 15/20 on that question. He also gave me full credit for a question I didn't even get the right answer on because he spotted an algebra mistake I made and decided that I actually knew how to do the problem (LOL). He also has this great rule with exams that if your second midterm is better than your first, he'll REPLACE YOUR FIRST MIDTERM SCORE WITH YOUR SECOND. The dude is honestly a legend. He also has a rule that if you get an A on the final you get an A in the class, period. This is because in his mind, since the final is cumulative, if you ace the final, then that means you managed to understand what the class was designed to teach you by the end of the semester so therefore you should get an A (Sounds pretty reasonable to me). Regardless of who you take, 205 is going to be a challenging course that requires some level of effort and enthusiasm to succeed in. That said, Gomez does a fantastic job of getting you excited about the topic, and as long as you put in the effort, you will learn a great deal from him. 10/10 would take again.