James Grand

This professor has taught: PSYC361, PSYC603, PSYC660, PSYC661, PSYC707, PSYC737, PSYC789, PSYC789K, PSYC798K, PSYC899
Information Review
James Grand

Expecting an A+
Best class!!! Professor Grand is the nicest guy-really cares about his students and wants everyone to do well. The lectures are interesting but he doesn’t take attendance and records them all. Tests are very straightforward and if you study you’ll do well. Otherwise there’s weekly online quizzes which are also super straightforward and easy and a discussion board once a week which you get full credit for as long as you do them. There’s also three main assignments and one large group assignment at the end but also all straightforward and you’ll likely get an 100 on all of them. Would definitely recommend this class with this professor.
James Grand

Expecting an A
Grand is a great professor and really cares about his students. Attendance is not required and he records all lectures. If you study the lectures, you're good for the exams! The exams were not difficult if you study and non-cumulative (there were 3). They are in person and on paper, closed-note. There are also 3 other larger application assignments and a final group project/paper. All are relatively easy and fair. It's gonna look like a lot of assignments but they're easy and a lot are completed in class! Overall nice guy and made a boring topic surprisingly interesting.
James Grand

Expecting an A+
Considerate and knowledgeable professor, all lectures were recorded. There is a large group project that you shouldn't procrastinate on, but you can choose your own groups and Grand structures it so that any slackers will have their lack of effort reflected in their grade. All exams were take home, and pretty easy if you just use your lecture notes.