Bongtae Han

This professor has taught: ENES220, ENME473, ENME680, ENME690, ENME808Z
Information Review
Bongtae Han

Expecting an A
Professor Hans a very animated Professor but as long as you follow his instructions in lecture then the exams are fairly easy to do well on.
Bongtae Han

Expecting a C-
This class is a waste of time. I thought we were going to do machanical and thermal analysis on electrical components, however it is all memorization and technical jargon. You learn "Rules of the Trade" when it comes to electrical manufacturing, which is very boring. It doesn't help the Professor Han yaps about irrelivant stuff for over half of the lectures. The class is fine if you want a memorization class, but the material is so niche and so boring. There is a reverse engineering project where you take apart a smartphone, but you can't really do anything hands on as an undergrad. Theres no actual hands on approach to designing or manufacturing electronics, very few analytical tools are given for verification of design, and some are given for validation, but only for graduates. This class is extremely boring and only relevant if you know you are getting into microchip manufacturing.
Bongtae Han

Absolutely terrible professor. Just yells at you during class about the material and expects you to remember every word. He also doesn't give actually notes and then rants on in groupwork sessions about you need to do it his method or you wont get the problem correct. take another professor, he isn't worth taking for this course.
Bongtae Han

One of the worst professors I have ever had, if you have any other options DO NOT take it with him. All of my friends in other sections go on and on about how easy this class is but all my friends in Han's section with me feel like we are drowning. His notes are incomprehensible, we've had whole lectures where he doesn't even fill up a single chalk board with notes so it all comes down to understanding what he is saying. He goes on long tangents about how he doesn't care what we think about an answer and we need to listen more to what he's actually teaching, we timed one of his rants once and it was over ten minutes. He also creates a very hostile environment towards students asking questions, getting visibly frustrated when students are struggling to understand a concept. A friend and I were trying to figure out a groupwork and we couldn't get it on our own so we called him over, he took one look at my friend's paper and yelled "this is shit, just draw the damn circle" while slamming his finger down on the table in front of us. He also isn't accommodating when you're sick, he has on more than one occasion shamed students who got covid and when I missed a groupwork he refused to give me more than an hour of extra time to submit so I ended up completing it from the waiting room of the doctor's office. TL;DR he spends more time talking about things that aren't class content, is super mean to students who ask questions, and god help you if you have the audacity to get sick, not worth your time other professors are way better.
Bongtae Han

Expecting a B
Typos and grammatical errors on tests created confusion and made grading seem unfair. As a grad student, I felt that the grad student version of the final assignment was too broad and nebulous. I never received individual grades or feedback on my final exam or two final projects.
Bongtae Han

Expecting an A
One of the most animated professors on campus, he makes paying attention in class easy. The only downside is that he goes through the material quickly, so you'll need to review the lectures on your own time.
Bongtae Han

Expecting a C-
This semester, Dr. Han displayed high level of arrogance and temper that made some students, including me, feel uncomfortable seeking help from him. In addition, he and the TA's behaved antagonistically towards students who had shortcomings in understanding certain statics concepts (concepts which this class builds heavily upon). As for me, when I sought help, they shamed me for not knowing these principles; and to an extreme, encouraged me to drop the class, as they "were not here to teach statics". Furthermore, despite knowing that the grading scale on CANVAS was erroneous, and not reflective of our actual grade in the class, he deliberately left it like this and refused to correct the errors (the reason for doing this, I will never know). He is, nonetheless, very dedicated to the material. However, if you are ever stuck, then you are on your own. I was able to seek help elsewhere; but in the end, I barely passed with a "C." I don't look back on my semester with Dr. Han very fondly at all.
Bongtae Han

Expecting an A+
NON STOP THRILL RIDE. If you like beams this is the class for you. Professor Han will rivet you as he takes you through the mystical journey that is ENES220. WOW. What a class, most fun I have ever had. If you like fun, and you like science you will have a great time
Bongtae Han

I have had many poor professors and only a few good ones. Han is one of the later. He is actually the best professor I think I've had in college. He is passionate and knowledgeable, and will help you if you need it. He won't give you the answer but makes you figure it out so that you understand the material. I'm planning on looking for upper level electives that he teaches in the future.
Bongtae Han

A very good professor. He most definitely knows his stuff and is very passionate about what he teaches. Sometimes the class did get boring, but he would still teach it with rigor and like it was the most important thing in the world at the time. He told all of his students that if they ever have any questions or problems with engineering or not that they could come find him even after the semester is over and he would try to help. He said it is his job as our professor to make sure we succeed. Couldn't have asked for a more dedicated man to teach me.
Bongtae Han

This class is pretty boring, and paying attention to this professor in lecture is hard. But he is very excited about the class and will help you in any way he can. Overall, I liked him. And I just cannot sit in a class and look at Professor Beigle, so if they are your two options I would definitely go with Han.