Mansoor Moaddel

This professor has taught: BSST330, BSST337, BSST338G, BSST338M, BSST399T, SOCY100, SOCY105, SOCY201, SOCY380, SOCY480, SOCY481, SOCY498E, SOCY498I, SOCY685, SOCY699B, SOCY699L, SOCY699U
Information Review
Mansoor Moaddel

Professor Moaddel is really nice. His lecture style is definitely boring and content-heavy at first, but once the content gets more interesting, and in his field of expertise, lecture is pretty enjoyable. The workload is not too heavy, but he's sometimes a harsh grader who doesn't leave constructive feedback which isn't helpful but it's not hard to do well in his class at all. Exams are also pretty straight forward, he will usually tell you what to expect and if he doesn't, the exam content is usually straight from his slides. There are also a lot of extra-credit/ make up exam opportunities, which is nice. He seems genuinely passionate about what he teaches, and seems like he cares about his students a lot too. He just seems a bit unprepared sometimes.
Mansoor Moaddel

Expecting a C
Professor is extremely kind and seems like he cares about what he's teaching, but lectures do tend to be lengthy and boring. He spends all of lecture basically reading from slides, and it's not easy at all to really learn what he's trying to teach. TA grades very harshly on student reports (writing assignment) considering a lot of the info isn't in the textbook like they say it is, and it's not easy to understand what the slides mean. Workload is very light considering you do a writing assignment every other week or so and that's the only assignment outside of the exams. In terms of exams, he gives you 30 questions, and 10 of them will be on the exam, so you pretty much have to study a lot to be prepared.
Mansoor Moaddel

Expecting an A
Lectures could be a little bit boring at times, and he has a little bit of a thick accent so it was somewhat difficult to understand him at times, but overall great class and great Professor. He was very clear about what we needed to know for our exams. Everything on the exams were exactly what was on the slides. He gives you a variety of questions to prepare before hand, and picks a select few of those to test you on. Also the work load was super light. Only 4 Reports over the course of the entire semester, and it was group reports so you pretty much write a page or less for each report.