Introductory Statistics for Sociology

Prerequisite: SOCY100; and (MATH107 or MATH111). Restriction: Must not have completed STAT400, BMGT231, or ENEE324. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, INST314, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. Elementary descriptive and inferential statistics. Construction and percentaging of bivariate contingency tables; frequency distributions and graphic presentations; measures of central tendency and dispersion; parametric and nonparametric measures of association and correlation; regression; probability; hypothesis testing; the normal, binomial and chi-square distributions; point and interval estimates.

Fall 2024

1 review
Average rating: 4.00

Spring 2024

17 reviews
Average rating: 4.76

Past Semesters

2 reviews
Average rating: 4.00

5 reviews
Average rating: 3.00

2 reviews
Average rating: 4.00

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

3 reviews
Average rating: 3.67

3 reviews
Average rating: 3.67

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

3 reviews
Average rating: 3.67

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.