Hyuk Oh

This professor has taught: KNES300, KNES300H, KNES385, KNES385H, KNES474, KNES498Q, KNES674, KNES689R, KNES789R
Information Review
Hyuk Oh

Expecting an A-
Dr. Oh is quite honestly one of the worst professors I've ever had at my time here at UMD. He has an incredibly thick accent, making him impossible to understand. I went to lecture the first day and understood 1 out of every 10 words he would say. I never went to another lecture after that because I was learning more just from reviewing the lecture slides on my own time than torturing myself by sitting through 50 minutes of absolute gibberish. While his quizzes and exams are open note, the questions are very mundane and the notes I took from the lecture slides helped probably 50% of the time. On the first exam he warned us there was going to be a question that we needed to know how to do, yet refused to teach us how to solve the problem, and naturally not a single person in the class got the question correct. The lab for this class was actually quite fun, but is heavily outweighed by the terrible teaching. If Dr. Oh is your only option for this course, I implore you to wait a semester until you can get someone else. Do not under any circumstances put yourself through what I had to go through. This is your only warning. Heed it. Please.
Hyuk Oh

Expecting a B
You will never be able to understand what this man says because his accent is so horrible so it is pointless to go to his lectures. Even though all the exams are open note, they are impossible to do well on because his lecture slides are extremely vague and mundane and so are his exam questions. I would recommend waiting a semester if this man is your only option because the professor for this class rotates. I have friends that took it with the other professor in earlier semesters who all got As with no complaints.