Jui Ramaprasad

This professor has taught: BDBA803, BMGT758A, BMGT808B, BMGT808W, BMSO603, BMSO778B, BUDT721, BUDT733, BUSI621, BUSI752, BUSI758X, BUSM758A, BUSO620, BUSO733, HBUS100
Information Review
Jui Ramaprasad

Expecting an A
Really nice professor! She is very interactive with the class and does her best to make it engaging. She is very nice and if she thinks the class needs an extension on something, she will give one (and a very long one)! The only thing is that she takes FOREVER to grade. I have assignments from 2 months ago that still haven't been graded. We get feedback on our assignments that we are supposed to use, but we can't because we don't get it back in time.