Katie Rim

This professor has taught: PSYC433
Information Review
Katie Rim

Expecting a B
pros: this professor did the best that they could given the extremely short time teaching this material. Additionally, I found that this class was overall a positive experience. cons: the class was great. this professor was.....eh. Nothing special; nothing specially good, nothing specially bad. To be honest, the test had some really really specific shit in the book that was mentioned kind of briefly in lecture then never again. You would think that things tested would be big key features, and not the minutiae of the lecture, but you would be incorrect. If you take this class with her, please take notes, and don't goof off. Honestly, taken during the summer, treat it like a job.
Katie Rim

Expecting a B+
I took this course over the summer and do not think it was taught fairly nor to the best of its ability. The course was too slow paced and the professor did not do a good job in explaining the different helping skills nor was understanding how some people could not have their cameras on some days. If you miss one day, it drops your grade by a letter grade which is ridiculous. I had a A and went to a B+ because I missed the last day when I had given notice I would be away. I did not think she was the right professor to teach this course and often seemed judgmental of students.