Karin Rosemblatt

This professor has taught: HHUM205, HIST251, HIST329I, HIST408Q, HIST428I, HIST429E, HIST601, HIST608J, HIST619R, HIST639I, HIST819Y, LACS251, LASC251
Information Review
Karin Rosemblatt

Expecting an A-
Prof Ronsemblatt is one of the most insane professors I've ever encountered. She assigned an insane amount of reading, most of which she did not discuss during lecture, and seemed to have insane expectations for all students. Was really interested in Latin American history but the fast pace and the refusal to connect how the events of one country affected the other made nothing of what we learn stick to my head. The exams are insane and she makes you memorize a ridiculous amount of information to avoid cheating through chatgpt. Only reason I passed was because I decided to do more than what was asked but she proudly exclaimed how she didn't think anyone was getting an A before taking the final. Think twice before taking this class with her.
Karin Rosemblatt

Expecting an A
Prof. Rosemblatt is a good lecturer but not a good teacher. I did not like how she structured the class because it made me abandon my history minor. There are no research papers or out-of-class writing assignments related to the course content. We go through the history of 8 different countries through various readings and lectures, but we don't spend a lot of time connecting them together. You're expected to do that on the midterm and final, but even then only for the sake of the essay. Halfway through, the class became quite boring because we were going through the politics of dictatorship after dictatorship. Don't take this class if you have a mild interest in Latin American history and really just enjoy studying the complexity of history and writing about it. Take it if you think you're interested enough that a history class with memorization and surface-level class discussions will be enough for you.