Information | Review |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH403 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/31/2024 |
Honestly, he's not too bad. The first couple homeworks were brutal for me before the way the class expected you to think made sense for me, but the rest were probably 90 minutes total for each homework, once a week. Lectures are boring and the proofs are very confusing and I usually had no idea what he was doing unless I had read the textbook's proof prior. I don't think I ever got enough intuition developed to just freely following along with all the "obvious" insights he expected us to see. The first exam was a total freebie, I got 100% with very little studying and just glancing through the review problems was sufficient. Material difficulty greatly ramped going into the 2nd exam, with a lot of chapters covered and the most difficult material all condensed into one exam window. Everything from basic homomorphism facts to sylow groups and free groups fell here, and there was a heavy expectation on the second exam that your intuition be strong enough to work with very little given information in a problem and recognize the correct structure of a group to be able to reduce what felt like a complicated and near impossible problem to a trivial two line proof. Not kidding, all the solutions posted by him after were essentially a sentence or two. Lowest exam score of my life with a 58/100. My lowest grade on anything else in the class, including the final, other than the second exam was a 90% on the 3rd homework, and in general I got a 100% on just about everything, including the homework leading up to exam 2, so I wouldn't say that my understanding of the material was lacking so much as my intuition. If you're very comfortable with 400 level math, I don't think you'd have any problem and rosenberg is always willing to answer questions quickly when you email him, even before a homework assignment is due. The time spent on rings and fields was a little short and felt rushed due to the heavy emphasis on group theory, though the problems on the final did appropriately compensate by being very fair and quite straightforward and easy, so I won't complain too much. I think what we didn't cover that other professors did could easily be made up in a week or two of your own time, as we got a strong foundation in rings and just ran out of time to go into field theory. Would have liked to know earlier after the second exam that he thought he made it too hard and would be making the final easier and curving the class, as I had spent the previous several weeks before he finally told us during final review terrified I may fail the class. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH403 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/19/2024 |
He uses lecture to prove theorems from the book. The proofs are pretty tough to follow, and can stretch on for multiple pages of notebook paper. His shorter proofs are sometimes useful for intuition, but the others are practically unnecessary, and we would benefit much more from examples and demonstrations. Weekly homework assignments can be hard and very time consuming. They consist of several proofs from the textbook, some of which can take over an hour if you get stuck. Homework is graded on accuracy with decent partial credit and feedback. Our first exam was free and a quarter of the class received a 100%. He beefed up our second exam with no indication in the practice material... I may have received the lowest exam score in my life. After breaking my back studying for the final, I snatched an A with an 85.7% in the class while the 75th percentile was a 85%. Since there are no grade cutoffs listed in the syllabus, I suspect that he placed the A threshold at 85. Overall, he's alright. Don't fall behind, because the lectures only got harder. And expect the second exam to look like the first... The rest of our class stats are as follows: Mean 78 Median 80 25th %ile 75 75th %ile 85 |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH403 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/16/2024 |
This was his first time teaching 403. I think our curriculum is a bit different from other classes (we did sylow instead of field extensions) which might pose an issue if you take classes which have 403 as a prereq. In general, his lectures are solid and provide a good amount of examples to supplement proofs, but I stopped going after the first 2 or so weeks because he speaks slower than the pace at which you'd read the book. There's not a lot of homework so you really gotta dig into the textbook to do practice problems. First midterm was really easy (100 upper quartile, literally unheard of). Second one was brutal (75 upper quartile) and placed right after drop deadline. Finals was somewhat in-between (85 upper quartile). His tests have less problems than other 403 profs, so you can do well without being fast at writing proofs. If this won't be your first math 400+, I think Rosenberg is manageable. But this class certainly wasn't easy and you need to be self-guided to some extent to do well. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH403 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/13/2024 |
rosenberg is my goat, prep as much as possible for the second midterm because it will be HARD |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH456 Anonymous 12/08/2023 |
Not a great professor, lecture is vague and uninformative, better to just self-study from the book than to show up to class, as I often get nothing from lectures. The tests are also horrendous with averages being in the 50-60's percent range and are nothing like the homeworks or previous tests. Homework is somewhat bearable with having group partners. TA's are nice with grading in terms of homework and is easily accessible. The class seemed also lagging behind compared to the lectures vs what is on the homework. Don't take him unless you want to self-study. Don't take him if the course is not based on Washington and Trappe's book on Cryptography, atleast the textbook was very easy to read thanks to prof Washington. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 01/20/2023 |
Lectures and learning: Boring lectures, even if you try to pay attention you won't know what's going on. Spends a lot of time going into in-depth proofs that aren't really necessary for the class. Unfortunately, my TA was not the best. Relied entirely on Justin's Calc 3 playlist on Youtube and that was enough for me to do really well. Homework: Takes many hours for each Matlab HW. You learn a lot from getting it done, and I think knowing how to use Matlab is valuable, but Matlab is not taught at all in class. He often waits until the day the HW is due to give students a hint in lecture. However, if you go to his office hours and are personable and ask good questions, he'll tell you everything you need to know (sometimes he typed the code for me). My TA didn't know how to do the Matlab assignments. Quizzes: Had hardly any. Tests: Mostly fair, Matlab questions were not bad if you have a basic understanding of code. Gives 4 exams, helpful for bringing up your grade. Overall: Don't go to lecture, just watch Justin's lectures online instead. Try to learn Matlab through the homeworks to prepare you for tests. If you know NOTHING about code and generally do good on tests, find a different professor. But if you're stuck with Rosenberg it's not unmanageable. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 12/28/2022 |
Stay away from Professor Rosenberg. His lectures were very unhelpful - he placed a lot of emphasis on textbook proofs and definitions rather than explaining the concepts and providing examples. I would walk out of lectures not understanding a single thing, quite honestly. But discussion section usually clarified a lot - I had a very helpful TA who explained the concepts quite thoroughly and gave me a base-level understanding of them. If you rely solely on content from his lectures you likely will not fare well in this class. To study for exams (and even to understand most of the content in general) I relied on Justin's online Youtube Calc 3 playlist as well as Professor Leonard (a VERY good Math Youtube channel, highly highly recommend). This is what singlehandedly saved my grade in this class. Simply relying on the professor (and even the textbook, quite frankly) I don't know if I would have made it through. I think by far the most egregious part of this class was the exams. The exam questions were blatantly designed to trick you and often covered obscure content. In addition, the first two exams contained MATLAB questions that were nearly impossible to figure out - even our TA told us that he was shocked by the exam MATLAB questions, and that he may not have been able to do them either. Thankfully, the latter two exams didn't have such questions but the first two were enough to hurt my grade significantly to the point that it became very, very difficult to improve my grade in the class. The fact that the professor does not curve your exams in this class did not make it any better. As for the MATLAB HW assignments, they were absolutely ridiculous. Most of the assignments were tedious and incredibly unfun, each taking me many hours to complete. We were assigned HW groups but if your group wasn't able to figure out the assignments or, in some cases, not even willing to do the assignments, you would have to do it all on your own (which is what I ended up having to do for the final few assignments). We did not spend much time learning MATLAB in class at all so I had to rely heavily on online documentation. We had quizzes periodically. Most of them were on the very first week of a unit, basically right after the first one or two lectures of that chapter. I remember us taking a unit exam and being notified in class, during the exam that we would have a quiz the very next day on the next unit. Throughout the entire exam week, I (and presumably most other people) studied in preparation for the exam, not for the next unit, so I was quite unprepared (and we were only notified about our quiz the day before). Nevertheless, when I came home I studied that day for the next day's quiz thinking it would just cover basic concepts, things you would only be expected to know on the very first week of that unit. However, the quiz contained absurdly complex questions that you would only be able to figure out by the end of the unit. Nearly everyone failed this quiz (including me) - the average score was a 3.5/10. The professor, who happened to teach the discussion section on that specific day, even said out loud that "it's clear no one knows what they're doing" (you don't say), yet he did not drop the quiz. This significantly hurt my grade to the point where I could have gotten a higher letter grade in the class had it not been for this scheme. The purpose of quizzes should be to prepare you for the exams and to make sure you're on the right track by the time you're halfway through the unit. Instead ours were on the very first week of units, meant to trick us and catch us when we don't understand the concepts yet. It's clear the professor does not necessarily care about our success. I would definitely avoid this professor by all means, even if you find math to be your strong suit (like me). I highly recommend choosing Justin Wyss-Gallifent as your professor if you do take Calc 3. From what I've seen on his online playlist, he's amazing at explaining the concepts and giving ample examples to build your understanding. In addition, I've looked at a few of his exams and they seem a lot more fair and test you directly on core Calc 3 concepts. I liked Calc 3 as a subject, but Professor Rosenberg in a large way ruined what could have been a much better experience for me. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/19/2022 |
I came in to this course with some knowledge on multi/linear algebra, but I think he provides students with all the necessary tools to succeed. His lectures follow the textbook pretty closely, so it's easy to go back and review topics that I was confused on. However, I benefitted from his lectures because he went more in depth on topics and gave good examples in class. The exams are quite easy, with lots of partial credit, as long as you understand the topics. I averaged a 97 on exams, and my studying mostly consisted of reviewing equations and doing practice exams. The final also wasn't bad at all, and it follows the practice exams very closely. The only annoying thing was that discussions were pretty much mandatory attendance on thursdays, as thats when quizzes/group work were assigned. Hes a nice guy and knows his stuff. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Anonymous 12/14/2022 |
Listen. He's not that bad. Compared to other calc 3 professors, he's not the best, not is he the worst. I would say that you learn more with your TA, but that was not the case for me. Your final grade is composed of 4 midterms, quizzes/groupwork (1-2 dropped), 9 matlabs (1 dropped), and the final. The content was not that bad, but his lectures sometimes made concepts more confusing than they needed to be. However, one can overcome this issue by watching Justin's lectures and teaching yourself/spending time with the textbook. The exams are relatively difficult compared to the examples we did in class (and the final), so just be prepared for that. The sad thing is that there is no curve on the midterms. So, if you're stuck with him, it's totally fine and manageable. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 12/11/2022 |
Decent professor, just uses MatLab way too much. The MatLab homework he gives you doesn't help with understanding the material and is just a waste of time. He also included MatLab questions on the exams with arbitrary directions. Besides those, the four exams were a reasonable difficulty. Each with three questions, and as long as you knew the material you were fine - there were no trick questions or anything. My TA was horrible, they often messed up problems in discussions, did not know how to use MatLab, and blatantly admitted to not knowing the material they were hired to know during discussion. Rosenberg is fine, but your discussion sections might be miserable. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/10/2022 |
he's alright, his lectures were usually boring and confusing. we had 4 tests, a final, and 9 matlab assignments. each test had 3 questions and i found that they weren't that hard as long as you study well. jonathan does not go over the matlab or gives much in class help with those, so you kinda just do some coding and hope its right. my TA was not good, he often made mistakes during discussion and made things more confused. calc 3 is cool, but maybe not as cool with jonathan. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/08/2022 |
He's fine, his lectures can be a bit confusing and rambly at times, and the exams are challenging, but as long as you pay attention and know when to space out on a tangent, he won't be too bad to deal with. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241H Anonymous 10/19/2022 |
I've never written a review for a professor before but this professor makes this class unnecessarily hard. The exams are nothing like any of the material we learn in class. Additionally, the exams have only 3 questions or so, so one question will can be worth up to 50 points. During lecture he goes into proofs, rather than giving examples that allow us to understand the content so they are confusing to follow |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141H Expecting a B Anonymous 12/19/2021 |
Wow. This was the worst teacher I’ve ever had. He really tries to teach the material but wastes 90% of class time proving theorems that you really don’t need to know. He often gave us homework’s on things we hadn’t learn yet and only changed the due date after o pointed this out ti him and the assignment was due. In other words, If you left the question blank and dIdnt use all your cengage attempts. He also loved to give us pop quizzes the second after learning new material, so If your the kind of person who only fully grasp the material that night after reviewing your notes, you cannot do well in this class. You would expect the honors section to do better than the regular section, but any section of 141 with Rosenberg is doomed from the start. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH246 Anonymous 01/11/2021 |
Dr. Rosenberg was an intelligent man that you can tell is passionate about the subject matter. He likes to emphasize MATLAB and the application of DEs in real-world scenarios. There is no official homework with the exception of group MATLAB projects throughout the semester. In this course, however, quizzes and exams made things difficult. The course content itself is not too complicated, but the format of these assignments were not the best. They took place in the format of Canvas quizzes (final included) with typed answers (no file uploads), which made partial credit and time management difficult. These assignments also featured some tricky questions that really required you to know the material and pay attention to small details. Overall, Dr. Rosenberg was a good professor and the course would have been much easier if the exam format was different. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH603 Anonymous 05/22/2019 |
Good |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241H Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/16/2018 |
Dr. Rosenberg was a fantastic teacher for my calculus III course in the fall of 2018. He is an extremely fair grader and very helpful when you have a question about the material. His style of teaching mixes in just enough proof and intuition to help learn the content without getting bogged-down in technicalities, and his sense of humor is amazing. As far as the course layout goes, we were assigned four midterm exams, three tiny online quizzes, and eight MATLAB group homework assignments, and that was all for the whole semester. His exams are easy if you know the content, and the questions often give you hints as to how to approach them. Overall, Dr. Rosenberg is most surely one of the best math instructors I have ever had. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH406 Expecting a B- Anonymous 01/02/2018 |
If you want to get an A by just studying given material and don't have experience with proofs, avoid taking any classes taught by Rosenberg! Teaching: He can explain concepts straightforwardly, although he chooses to cover proofs in class instead of problems related to homework or ones you'd find on tests. The homeworks are hard. Even if you do well on the exams, this is where you will be losing your points. Expect to sit down on homework for at least 4 hours unless you are good at proofs. He usually asks 2 to 3 difficult thinking questions that require you to do proofs where you need to think outside of the box. Exam Difficulty: He starts off the class seemingly easy. The first exam took about 20 minutes or less if you just did the homework problems. Its mostly arithmetic / problems memorized from the notes. I got a 97 on it. On the second exam, I got a D... the full exam was all proofs except 1 problem despite the fact that he said it would be more arithmetic based than proofs and easy like the first exam. Rosenberg loves proofs so if you're not a math major like me (comp sci), avoid this class. He likes to make you think intuitively on the exam. Out of the 5 problems, I only saw 1 before, despite reviewing every single hw problem and the notes multiple times before the test. Rosenberg only curves at the end and you have no idea how you did. The final exam is brutal just like the second midterm ... do not be fooled by the curriculum of this class or the first midterm. He made it way more difficult half way through the year and doesn't seem to care about student concerns ... you don't even get the solutions to the homework problems after the first 2 or three. If you do end up taking his class, do all the proofs covered in class. Try to look for previous exams and study everything. Studying all the material is not enough to get an A. You need to practice proofs a lot. Grading Breakdown: In-class exams 100 points each Homework 100 points total Quizzes 50 points total Final Exam 200 points Total 550 points |
Jonathan Rosenberg
CMSC456 Anonymous 05/20/2013 |
He's alright, I suppose. There were - 11 homeworks worth a total of 20%. He dropped the lowest one. - 2 midterms worth 20% each - The final exam was worth 35%. - 2 simple online quizzes on Elms worth a total of 5%. All the grades were kept up to date on Elms, which is nice. I did go to lectures and took notes most of the time, but I felt like I took notes just for the sake of it. I never really looked over them, because I felt he was just reiterating what was in the book sometimes. He did do examples though. One lecture I realized he was introducing something we had just done for homework as if he wasn't aware of the homework at all. I suppose a TA grades it. The homework was kind of easy, with a few problems requiring Matlab. He had the useful M files on Elms. I learned mostly from the book and Google... The only issue was his exams. The questions were pretty tricky. None of them were really similar to any homework or previous exam. You had know the topics pretty well and even then you had to think pretty hard for a bit to try and work out some of these problems. I felt some of them were riddles really. Another thing is there were a lot of topics and cryptosystems to study for... a lot of tricky modular arithmetic and number theory involving factoring, Fermat, primality, and whatnot. The final was pretty nasty. I felt like I had pretty much failed the course after time was up. It was 200 points. There were only about 20, maybe 30 points worth of problems I felt confident about. The class average for it was 108 (out of 200). I guess it's okay though because apparently no one got below C- with overall final scores ranging from 43% to 90%, an average of 67, and a standard deviation of 12.8 for 27 students. So it's a huge curve for this class at least. It's quite a relief because I needed this to graduate. It's weird because I was really wondering. A few people almost never showed up to class, and I think this one guy only showed up for the exams. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Anonymous 12/16/2012 |
Rosenburg is a really nice old man who is super smart. Too smart to be teaching 141. He spends all of lecture doing proofs and going into the mechanics of a formula without explicitly stating the formula and what you can use it to do. Accordingly, lectures quickly got smaller and smaller. You need to go to discussion to survive. TAs will prepare you for quizzes and will teach you how to use formulas and do practice problems. However, my TA was not the greatest. If you get a russian guy named Alexey, it's gonna be pretty rough in the beginning, but he gets more comfortable as the semester goes on. He still managed to teach me a lot and prepared us for the quizzes. And the last chapter is the hardest. The series test is a *****. Class average was a 45%. Overall, Rosenberg was alright. I heard about other 141 teachers that were a lot more intense, so I guess he's not a bad choice. Hopefully, he'll give a nice curve. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B emnm47 01/05/2012 |
I came into Calc 3 having audited it at my local community college over the summer, and I found the lectures did not help me at all, and I knew the material pretty well already. To be completely honest, I stopped going after two classes and just showed up for exams. But I did put effort into this class. I took notes on every single chapter in the book, and went to every discussion (which helped me MUCH more than the lectures). The ten-point quizzes each week were easy, just making sure you understood the concept taught in that chapter (I had Ioannis as my TA). The exams were extremely difficult. But the final seemed really easy to me, probably because the exams had been so impossible. Important: Make a friend who is good at MATLAB! There are THIRTEEN MATLABs to do for his class, and he includes MATLAB questions on the first two exams. Basically the last chapter (15, Stoke's, Green's, line integrals) really screwed me over, because I didn't go to lecture and my summer class didn't cover that material. And I was sick for three weeks and fell a little bit behind towards the end. tl;dr: He's extremely hard if you haven't seen the material yet, quizzes are easy with a good TA, exams are IMPOSSIBLE (except collaborative final), Ch. 15 is very hard conceptually, make a friend that can do MATLAB well. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B Eddie Wong 12/05/2011 |
Advice: Absolutely wait for another semester with another professor to take this course. Explanation/Experience:In my opinion, In the classroom Professor Rosenburg makes easy concepts more difficult than they really are with unnecessary variables, disorganized lectures, and spontaneous proofs. Like what many other said his lectures don't actually help you do well on the exams. Matlabs are self taught through his readings which are good. Options: if your reading this too late in the course to drop. Learn through MIT lectures, Khannacadamy, Reading textbook paragraphs, But above all to prepare for exams, use UMD test bank. These will help solidify the material you already practiced with. He curves in the end? I read? Conclusion: Calc III is still cool regardless of him making it ugly |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 11/30/2011 |
If you are taking Math241, take a different professor than Rosenberg. I came into the class with 5's on both AP Calc tests and math was always easy for me to pick up quite quickly. This class has been difficult for me, his notes are almost useless (very cryptic), the textbook just as cryptic, and the tests are not that easy even though you get a cheat sheet. The saving grace for me has been my TA, Maxx Cho; he has helped so much in me learning the material, but I definitely not learning the material like I should be, just learning it enough to scrape by on the tests with Bs. The lesson to be learned is take someone different, or really devote your time to learning the material on your own, because you really won't learn it from Rosenberg. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 11/30/2011 |
Mr. Rosenberg is the perfect teacher to take if you already have a vague idea of Calculus 3. If you are taking this class as a "breather" or have genuine interest in math, this class will engage you very well. His diagrams and proofs build on any preexisting experience you may have had with Calc 3. However, if you have no experience with Calculus 3, I by no means recommend taking this class. You can expect to have few to none basic "foundation", or concrete ways to do problems. If, however you are stuck taking this class due to scheduling problems, learn to "zone out" the first half of class to not get confused, and after he start writing formulas, try to pay attention to examples he gives. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a C Anonymous 11/11/2011 |
if you want a fast track to depression take Rosenberg. I pulled many all nighters just to get 70s on his exams. They are extremely difficult compared to other calc 3 professors. Not to mention i had the worst TA. He was from Russia and just did not know what was going on. If you have Alexey as your TA be ready for quiz questions that are harder than test questions. This is the worst class i have taken at UMD so far. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting an A zhangsta 05/26/2011 |
Dr. Rosenberg clearly knows his stuff, but he isn't that well-suited for teaching. In class, he likes to go over proofs of the equations that we use, but does very little on actual applications. However, the exam questions were entirely applications, but you'll probably learn how to apply the equations in discussion and on homeworks. In addition, Rosenberg loves to throw questions that involve special cases on the exams which is/are usually the question(s) that the class does the worst on. The best way to prepare is probably to do his old exams, which are on the testbank because you'll get some practice on how to approach his questions. Another great resource is Schaum's Outline of Calculus, which is pretty good at explaining a lot of the concepts clearly. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 05/25/2011 |
Lectures are pretty boring so I never went. Learning the material from the book wasn't too hard for me, just make sure that if you decide to skip the lectures then you should definitely go to discussions. One of the test averages was like 40% so he gave everyone a take home exam to replace the grade with. Overall, not a bad teacher. He knows what he's talking about and gives a nice curve at the end (something like 85-100 is A, 75 - 85 is B, etc). |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A rkm 12/18/2010 |
Rosenberg very clearly knows his stuff (as everyone else has said), but the main thing I noticed about this course is that he tries to force MATLAB down your throat, so be sure that you're at least mildly acquainted with programming (I'm not, and it was a hassle for me to correct syntax on literally every problem). He's a very intelligent professor and does most of his lecture with the examples listed in the book; and as others have said, he's almost exactly like what one would expect out of an older mathematics professor. One word of caution: if you're going to take his class, be prepared to do extremely well on exams. His exam averages are significantly lower than the other professors', but since they use the same final, I've been told that Rosenberg uses the same cut-offs -- hence his 10% A distribution for this class. If you want to know how to use MATLAB rather comprehensively and you're willing to put the effort in, take him. You have one quiz and MATLAB a week, and out of the 13 of each, he drops 3. My TA was Dave Shaw, and in the first couple of weeks, he seemed somewhat incompetent, but give your TA time and you'll get to know them a bit better. Make sure you either attend lecture or read the book; he lets you have a page of notes on exams, so if you know how to apply the equations, then you're good to go. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/18/2010 |
I feel like this class was unnecessarily stressful... it was really hard to get a good grade on his tests, even if you knew the material like the back of your hand. Most people's grades were salvaged because of the final, which was MUCH easier than his tests (albeit, not exactly easy...). However, his lectures by no means prepared us for the final- the only reason that the class generally did well was that we studied like crazy because we all needed to bring our grades up! |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a C twitkows 12/13/2010 |
Rosenberg is a intelligent professor and knows all the material, but he knows it so well it effects his teaching methods. Instead of actually showing how to do calculus 3 problems he shows proofs and explains where the equations in the book come from. Honestly I could care less about where they come from and want to understand how to apply them. He acts like the concepts he shows in class are easy and cannot explain them to students without complicating the problem to the point of confusion. This is an honest review, not a good professor in my opinion. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/10/2010 |
When you think "stereotypical older math professor" Dr. Rosenberg should come to mind. He's really smart, knows MATLAB like the back of his hand, and his lectures are BORING! That being said, with a good amount of studying and grinding out problems the exams aren't too bad. When I took MATH241 he made one problem on the second exam truly impossible to lower the "really high" average on the first exam, which was a rude gesture. However, there were people who got A's on that exam. His class is hard, bottom line. But if you take the class with Rosenberg there is all but guaranteed to be a generous scale/curve and you will for sure be extremely well prepared for the common final exam/future math classes! |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/07/2010 |
Just look at this man's grade distribution. He gives out more C's than B's and A's combined. He truly doesn't want his students to do well. His classes are incredibly boring and often off topic, and he rarely gives you a good answer to any question you may have. His tests range from reasonable to impossible, and that's how he likes it. Even my TA said some of his test questions were "not possible" and he gave hard tests just to lower the grades. I don't know how bad the other Calc 3 teachers are, but they can't be worse than this. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a C Anonymous 12/06/2010 |
Lectures are nearly impossible to follow.. if you can stay awake. Tests are ridiculously hard. As an mechanical engineering major, I thrive on problems with numeric and physical practicality. But, Rosenberg explains things in a very theoretical manner which will leave you feeling very confused. Rosenberg also helped write the textbook.. which means definitions and examples are equally cryptic and confusing. Additionally, He clearly enjoys failing a good percentage of the class. There is a reason he has a 20% drop rate! DO NOT SIGN UP FOR HIS CLASS. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A+ terpfan8591 12/18/2009 |
Rosenberg's an alright professor. He's crazy smart and clearly knows what he's doing, but sometimes his explanations are too complicated if you don't have a PhD in math. His lectures are also pretty boring (he goes over proofs) and often irrelevant to the class. However, he's very approachable and a nice guy, so you can ask him questions during or after lectures and he'll explain it. MATLAB sucks but its not graded too hard so it boosts your grade. Contrary to what other people have said, his tests are reasonable; they're harder than the problems you do in class but if you do all of the problems in the textbook than you'll find that his tests are about the same as an average textbook problem. If you work hard and go to discussion then you can get a good grade. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a C+ Anonymous 12/16/2009 |
Rosenberg may be very smart, but he is not a good teacher at all. He teaches in a way that is only suitable for a math major, and as an engineering major, his lectures were very boring and pointless, not to mention confusing a great deal of the time. He enjoys failing the class, he likes his test averages around 50-60 range, so that he can make his stupid curve at the end, which if you haven't seen is awful compared to any other teacher, and while it may be a normal curve, it is ridiculous compared to his tests. Also he decides to make his tests extremely hard, especially after everyone does well (about an 70-80 avg) on the one before. Sometimes he decides to get creative with questions by asking them in the most complicated and confusing way possible. Another problem is Matlab. He makes you do Matlab so you can buy his book, and his assignments are not too bad since you can follow his online instructional, but when he puts matlab questions on tests beware. DO NOT TAKE HIM under any circumstance. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B rnb110 12/16/2009 |
Dr. Rosenberg is extremely smart. In lectures he teaches more proofs and theory while the actual problems are taught in discussion. The lecture is sometime hard to follow, but overall not that bad. I definitely would have been lost without discussion though. Also, there are weekly quizzes but they're not too bad. There's a lot of matlab and it just gets progressively harder so even though he drops three, definitely do the first ones because you'll want to skip the later ones. Exams are okay, the last two were really hard but he curved a lot. There's four exams during the semester and a final. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a C- UMDstudent2011 12/12/2009 |
Professor Rosenberg is the worst teacher i've had in a long time. With that said, my definition of a teacher is someone who can help students understand the material and prepare you for the examinations. He does neither; in fact, his examines started off easy for our MAT241 class and the last two examines were extremely difficult (3rd test avg : 65; 4th test avg: 50). The only reason i've managed to progress through the class is my textbook, and TA. The lectures are boring and most of the time i ended up dreaming about sports or whatever I was going to do after the class! Don't get me wrong, Professor Rosenberg is a nice person and means well. But at the end of the day, your employer/parents/whoever don't care if your professor was nice, all they care about is if you learned the material and have a GPA to show for it. With that said, i would look for alternative Math teachers before registering for any class with the last name Rosenberg teaching it. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/08/2009 |
This guy is terrible, his lectures are not only boring, but they are taught in a very confusing manner. He is unclear when he teaches concepts and his examples are extremely simple relative to what he expects on quizzes and tests. He gives the hardest tests out of all the 241 professors. He loves MATLAB like its crack or something. He gave us 13 MATLAB assignments while other professors gave 4, not to mention that the MATLAB assignments were difficult and included zero instruction. Another word on MATLAB, he likes to put it on tests to trip people up. He sounds like a smart guy (no doubt, afterall he IS a professor) so maybe his upper level classes better, but for 241 and under don't take him. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH241 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/01/2009 |
Jonathan Rosenberg was a terrible teacher for me. His lectures were very difficult to understand and it was a struggle to stay awake everyday. He taught in a very abstract and theoretical way. This way of teaching may be good for a math major, but as an engineer major his lectures did not help me to learn how to do actual problems. Rosenberg is in love with MATLAB, so he includes MATLAB in a few of his lectures. He also tends to include MATLAB code for the last question of his exams. His exams are fairly difficult and he is a pretty tough grader--he is not afraid to give 61% of the class a C or D. Moral of the story is switch out of the class if you can. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting a C Anonymous 04/24/2009 |
He was a very smart man, and is probably a very good teacher for higher level maths, but he should not be allowed to teach Calc2 to first semester freshmen. It pretty much seemed like he wanted us to cry. The kid next to me in a test actually did once. After the course was over, I realized I actually liked the math, but I hated the class. I would strongly recommend getting a different professor for Calc2. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/17/2008 |
Rosenberg is one of the smartest guys around, and a good teacher overall. If you take notes and pay attention in discussion, then you have a chance of doing well in this class. His tests are very difficult, and if he feels like the grades on one test were too high he will make the next exam very nearly impossible. Most of the questions on the exam can be answered fairly easily if you know the material inside and out, however, most of the time there is at least one question that even hours of studying could not have prepared you for. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting a B Anonymous 11/24/2008 |
Rosenberg is a relatively bad teacher. The material is tough and his lectures are often indecipherable. He talks with his back to the class and mumbles into the board, and tries to explain everything with proofs instead of examples. The TAs are relatively helpful, and you learn most of the material either with them or outside of class with the book. He is not very approachable and is definately not a people-person. His tests are extremely convoluted and difficult, and the TAs grade extremely hard. Most people I know in the class are getting a C, and I am hopefully in the A to B range because I am doing so much work outside of class. Try to get someone else if you can, but Rosenberg isn't completely horrible if you are good at math. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 asianterp 11/16/2008 |
He goes over proofs and theories in class. So that means that you have to work really hard outside of class on the actual problems. His exams are impossible...I did all the homework, the webassign and i even went to my TA for extra help but it didn't prepare me at all for his exams. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting a B mhd101 02/11/2008 |
He is a pretty good professor. He does a good job explaining the material. Discussion is helpful to learn the material better. His tests are really hard though but there is a pretty generous curve. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Anonymous 12/24/2007 |
Overall Rosenberg is pretty good. WIthout the discussions I would have been a little lost. He teaches the concepts and empirical proofs, where in discussion you learn how to solve the problems. The weekly quiz is fair and his tests are a bit difficult. He uses a lot of "special case" problems which make it much more difficult. While his tests are hard, he curves the exams and is very approachable. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting an A sga001 12/22/2007 |
Rosenberg is a tough grader. Even though he will tell you he curves, out of a 300 class lecture only 7 of us got A this semester. Expect to learn mostly from the book, and be prepare because sometimes he decides to be creative with the exams... By creative i mean he will ask the oddest question in the worst possible way ever. |
Jonathan Rosenberg
MATH141 Expecting a C- trimalchio 11/28/2007 |
Rosenberg is a good calculus teacher, he explains the material and is understandable and I got a lot out of the lectures. His tests are incredibly hard though, and he expects a lot out of the class that the class can rarely give him. Rosenberg is generally nice and is approachable. For a Calculus professor Rosenburg is better than most. |