Steve Sin

This professor has taught: BSST240, BSST241, BSST338B, BSST338K, BSST338Q, BSST638Q, BSST650, CCJS318D, CCJS318F, CCJS498P, GEMS296, GEMS297, GEMS396, GEMS397, PLCY752
Information Review
Steve Sin

Expecting an A
Took BSST240/241. Arguably one of the easier lab courses. Professor Sin is a great lecturer, and the topics are interesting. Would take this class to get rid of your lab credit if you want an easy and interesting lab.
Steve Sin

Expecting an A+
Absolutely take this class!!! Dr. Sin is such a fantastic teacher who makes the lecture and the lab super entertaining! As long as you put in the effort, he grades super fairly. The lab is over 2 hours, but you mainly work on the assigned research during it, so you can honestly leave at any time. Most of the assignments for both 240 and 241 are super easy, but the final and midterm are a bit trickier, so make sure to really pay attention to the lectures and the review session.
Steve Sin

Expecting an A+
Really nice and funny teacher. The content was very interesting and kept me engaged and the work load was very light.
Steve Sin

Expecting an A+
I only took this course for the DSNS credit but I ended up really loving this class. Prof Sin is a very nice guy and he definitely knows what he is talking about. Your grade in the class is based on three group projects (two 10-15 minute topical projects and one 20 minute semester long project) that are very manageable. There is no homework, quizzes, or exams, just the group projects. There are readings but I didn't read any and passed with an A+. He does take attendance, but the classes are also recorded on zoom just in case you are not able to join in-person. Overall, if you need an easy DSNS credit (or DSNL if you take BSST241) this is definitely the class to take!
Steve Sin

Expecting an A+
insanely easy. you do minimum research about a weapon/agent and thats it. theres like 5 assignments. lab is 2.5 hrs but we always got out max 1.5 hrs after. most times it was only 45 mins. easiest dsnl ever
Steve Sin

Expecting an A+
omg the easiest dsnl if u take it with bsst241. theres only 6 assignments, 3 are presentations and 3 are just reflections for each presentation where you say what each person did. the presentations are supposed to be 15-20 mins but he'll give you a 100% even if they are like 5 mins. you also dont have to physically present, you just take screenshots of the slides, add audio recordings in the background and that can be your presentation. hes never gave a group below a 100% on any presentation. funny guy
Steve Sin

Expecting an A+
Loved Prof Sin- really smart dude who's hilarious and super engaging. I would definitely recommend taking the lab in conjunction with this class. I signed up for this class not super into terrorism studies or CBRN weapons, and ended up getting super into the material. Take BSST240 and 241!!