Special Topics in Terrorism Studies; Understanding Insider Threat: From Threat to Risk and Trust

This course will take the form of a survey course where we will explore past and present trends of insider threat, response and mitigation challenges, and policies, procedures, and practices currently implemented within the U.S. Government to respond to and mitigate threats. The course will also examine individual, organizational, and social stressors that could contribute to insider behaviors and explore the systems approach to countering insider threat vis-a-vis vulnerability assessments. In doing so, the course will expose students to a new paradigm of thinking that shifts the focus from insider threat to insider risk, and countering insider threat to mitigating insider risk.

Sister Courses: BSST338B, BSST338C, BSST338D, BSST338E, BSST338G, BSST338J, BSST338K, BSST338L, BSST338M, BSST338O, BSST338P, BSST338R, BSST338V, BSST338W, BSST338Y

Past Semesters

7 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.