Phillip Thompkins

This professor has taught: INST201, INST335
Information Review
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
Didn't go to lecture ONCE and got the easy A+. Just busy work and a semester long project that is just writing heavy. Professor is an easy grader and super lenient on extensions.
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
Super chill guy and easy coursework since he is a recent grad so he understands students have other classes in addition to this one. The topics covered in the class were also pretty interesting and were a good break from harder classes. Assignments are quick and final paper is easy if you have a good group. He is also lenient grader and will grant extensions for basically any assignment. Only downside is that the class meets 4 times a week, although lectures are optional.
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
great proffessor, class was very laid back easy gen ed
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
Chill and understanding professor. Makes this class an easy A with all the extra credit opportunitues he provides. Also is very understanding for extensions. Class contains weekly discussions, quizzes, and lecture tickets where you need to write 3 things you learned from lecture that week. Class does require semester long group project, but if you have a good group it should be enjoyable.
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
Extremely easy class. The professor is extremely laid-back and funny. He gives lots of extra credit and also at the time of writing this review has 24-hour grace period for submitting assignments after the due date without being penalized. If an assignment is due Friday night, you can turn it before 11:59 pm on Saturday and get full credit. The class itself is a requirement for my major but I feel like I didn't get much out of the class. No final in-person exams. No tests. You do have a final-paper that you will work on for the majority of the semester with a group of classmates. Discussion is required, lecture is not. Lecture was Monday and Wednesday, discussion is on Friday. Nearly impossible to get lower than a A/A+. Class mainly consists of discussion boards, weekly lecture exit tickets, quizzes online (very easy), and then working on the semester-long project. Overall probably about 1.5-2 hours per week of work.
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
Take Professor Thompkins if you have the choice to. His class is very laid back and he is even more laid back. He offers you to ask any questions you have about anything in technology and he will give you the answer. The class INST201 is very easy. It has a weekly discussion post and quiz but that's it. No tests! I showed up to class every week but many did not and I'm sure they did fine as well. The final is worth most of your grade and it is a 5 person paper that needs to be only 3k words. I would definitely take him if you have the chance to.
Phillip Thompkins

Expecting an A+
Take this class with Professor Thompkins!! I took this course as a benchmark for Information Science and it’s what made me realize I want to do it. The class is genuinely so easy to do well in it consists of weekly discussion boards where you have to comment on someone else’s post as well to get the full points and weekly online canvas quizzes based on the readings and from lecture, but it’s genuinely like so easy like the quizzes are, I think 5 to 10 points each and they’re all directly from the slides and the readings and multiple choice. Professor Thompkins is so chill. He’s very young professor, so he is really understanding and he really focuses on trying to be there for his students and be as relatable as possible. He also offers SO MUCH extra credit!! It’s nearly impossible to not get an A/A+ in this class. There are no exams, finals, or paper quizzes in his class either. I barely showed up to lectures, but I went to my discussions every week which I would definitely recommend going to because the majority of your grade is based on the final group project and the discussion sections is when you meet your group members and you get time during that discussion to work on your group project. The class is very laid-back, which is really nice for if you’re doing it as a gen ed or if you’re doing it as a benchmark course because it’s really stress-free and if it ever is stress inducing professor Thompkins is really understanding!