Michael Trusov

This professor has taught: BMGT458U, BMGT484, BMGT828G, BMSO758A, BUDT758C, BUMK758M, BUMK758N, BUMK758O, BUMK766
Information Review
Michael Trusov

Expecting an A
Professor Trusov is very passionate about what he teaches and it shows. However, his lectures can drag on and the textbook reading can be a bit monotonous. He does give GREAT study guides for his exams which really help out with studying. Overall- I would take Professor Trusov again.
Michael Trusov

It's an easy class but by far the most pointless I have ever taken. The information you learn in this class is so simple you feel like you're back in middle school. I have taken some bad classes but this one is by far the most useless class I have ever taken.
Michael Trusov

Expecting an A
Really respectable teacher. Exams are very easy, just do the book questions and follow his study guide. The website projects (one personal one group) are not at all bad. My group got a 100% on our group paper/website prototype. Participation is determined based on completing the online assignments at the end of class. Not a bad class, you learn some helpful stuff. Definitely take 484 with Trusov for Marketing elective credit