Jarred Young

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENAE311, ENAE457, ENAE484, ENES100, ENES100A, ENES102, ENES102H, ENES113, ENES232
Information Review
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
In a very honest review. Professor Young started the semester out strong, giving examples, and teaching the content at a nice pace. Towards half way through the semester I felt like that kind of decreased. Less examples, and the content felt rushed at times. One example of this is when he mentioned how we would only spend 1 week on 3D equilibrium because its the "same process" for every example, and although true, other courses were giving 2 weeks to this material. Now more on professor Young. There were moments where I felt aggrevated and annoyed by his guidance in the discussion throughout the problems, but he really does seem to pay attention to each persons strengths. What i mean by this is he would say "you can figure it out" and although it would bother me at first, I ultimately did and he believed in that and I ended up doing better than if he just gave the answers or process. In addition, I feel like majority of the bad reviews are from people who probably just didnt work hard enough. If you put in the work the class itself isnt difficult. The truss project is graded so easily and he provides a 1.5% increase if you do the extra credit. The class was also scaled back, idk if this is because a lot of people were close to failing so dont expect the same going in, but an A was anything a 85% and up. If you are willing to put in the work, genuinely take professor Young. Great guy.
Jarred Young

Expecting a B
Doesnt teach the class. TA does more work than him.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
He does some examples but they aren't really that helpful for homeworks which are pretty difficult and time consuming. During studio, he's kind of condescending and doesn't explain things that well either. He's not the worst professor I have had at UMD, but he's not the best pick.
Jarred Young

Relevant to Aid in ENES102 homeworks which are take hours and can be difficult he is useless. When asking for guidance on specific questions doesn't attempt to understand your question but will instead give vague advice "this doesn't look right". I once sat with him for two hours attempting an homework but he would give advice in bits and pieces so I would show my entire previous work he would make one comment i would fix it the answer would still be wrong and he would look over it again and the process would repeat. At the same time he's condescending and sedentary . I didn't take his class but have heard similar things about it specifically if you note anything from this do not go to his office hours unless it a last option, genuine waste of time.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
I'm gonna be honest. If you have good studying habits you will pass this class just by watching Mike's videos and doing practice problems. I had Jarred Young but I feel like I learned nothing from him. At one point I was questioning why I went to his office hours, asked him questions, or go to lecture. It does not really matter who you take in my opinion unless their grading is better than others. Young curved for my class even though he said he didn't. Doing the extra credit isnt hard but it does seem like too much when he first introduced it to us. It's fine to take him but if Anderson or Hamel teach it, take them if you can. If not Young's grading is fine too.
Jarred Young

While Young is clearly very passionate and intelligent, he is not good at teaching. He does one easy example problem and expects it will aid you in the very difficult HW. I learned this course from the TAs and mike galczynski's YT channel. He is very strict when grading exams, giving no partial credit. I remember asking him a question once and he was very rude to me, showing little interest in helping me during a very hard studio assignment. I would recommend not taking this professor.
Jarred Young

Expecting a B
Dr. Young is not the worst professor, but as other reviews mention on here, when asked questions he can come off pretty condescending at times. He's a nice person and pretty funny but in the classroom, you may feel out of place. I personally learned a little in class but I had to relearn it on my own for the homework and for exams (use ENES102 youtube videos). He shows up 10-15 minutes late every day and then will end class 10 minutes early so your 50 minute lecture just turned into 25-30 minutes. He also did not hold any review sessions for the final, cancelling class claiming that "there was not enough information to hold class for" when we had an exam. The exam grading was pretty harsh honestly- if you miss one part of the problem there is not much partial credit besides the free body diagram that you can get. His final exam was extremely fair, however. I wouldn't take Young if given the option.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Provides little guidance on what he expects from you and grading of assignments seemed arbitrary. Feedback was often contradictory and left teams more confused than when they started. Dr. Young came around once a week at most during the build phase to condescend each team without actually helping them. If you asked him a direct question, he would give an ambiguous answer, and it seemed like he didn't really know what was going on in his own class. Your experience in this class will largely depend on your team and their willingness to work, but if you consistently show up and put in effort, your grade will be fine.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr.J is a great lecturer by all standards. He gets the information from the slides off of the slides pretty well, that being said there's not much to teach in this course as this is literally just Virtus community course. Guy himself is not bad once you get to know him but can come off as a little condescending the first time you meet him. Overall okay personality and great lectures, but small course so can't say much.
Jarred Young

I really want to like dr young but as funny and easygoing as he is, he's kinda condescending and doesn't actually teach the topics. "You all know this" no we dont! Also studio is really bad. he gives really hard old exam questions and it takes like 4x the scheduled time. Class is literally one example he stretches out with like 10 min of asking the class a question, saying 'nope' and waiting for someone else to answer. Not sure what thats supposed to teach us. Also he just.... didn't bother holding a final exam review? Take Galczynski or Calabro. They really enjoy teaching and you'll learn more.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Doesn't teach anything. He is a pretty smart guy and the only way you will get him to do anything is by asking questions. During the build phase, he genuinely doesn't do anything other than sit on his stool and help the ta's with their homework. The first two milestones are presentations that are graded very harshly but your grade will recover. If you need help I would ask the ta's first and if you do talk to him don't give up after his first few one-word answers, keep asking questions, and eventually, he will be helpful. If this is the only class that works for you, you'll be fine but not a first choice professor.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr. J is not a very good lecturer, I often left class with many questions and had to relearn the material. However, he makes up for this by being very very helpful one-on-one and by keeping his lectures and studios engaging. Young is the type to answer your question with another question to test your understanding, and even though this can be annoying at first he is very good at helping you find an answer and understand difficult concepts. Young also posts lecture videos online with corresponding notes for every lecture and it's really helpful if you need to go back if you missed something. He curved the class a lot and is a really nice guy.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Very polished notes, caring and helpful during office hours. Made the material feel very easy
Jarred Young

Expecting a B
Very lazy. Does not teach and is hard to follow. He cancelled class the week before the final exam. He did give a curve at the end of the semester though. Would not have passed without it.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
As you've seen in other reviews, Young is very chill but wasn't a very helpful professor. He quite literally did not teach the mechanics lecture and barely showed up to class during the building phase. On the occasions that he does show up to class, he'll simply make a snarky remark about your OTV and leave. I can't complain too much tho because I had a 91% in the class and he bumped that up to an A.
Jarred Young

Expecting a B
Professor Jay is an amazing person. One of the best professors I've ever interacted with. He posts his old zoom lectures and class notes for reference which is super helpful! He does studio a little different from other Mechanics professors - he gives you past exam questions. Sometimes he doesn't really explain well, making it difficult to get through the content and homework. I relied a lot on Keystone and my TA to get a better understanding of the topic. While he gets straight to the point in his lectures, when he does examples he makes a lot of mistakes making it hard to follow along sometimes. Although the tests are pretty reasonable, he is a pretty harsh grader - he doesn't give out partial points, so if the answer is wrong you get 0 points (other than FBD). However the grade cutoffs are very reasonable. Personally, I feel like I learned better on my own and with others than through him.
Jarred Young

He's a great guy but I'm not a big fan of his teaching and grading style. He does not give out any partial points for tests. He grades based on whether your answer is correct or not, meaning that if you don't get any of your answers right, the only points you would probably get are for a correct Free Body Diagram (FBD). His lectures are not helpful; while he gets to the point, he often skips through some of the content and the examples that show up on the homework. There's not much structure to his lectures, and they don't make sense a lot of the time because he won't be clear with what he's saying. When he tries to work through examples, he makes mistakes. I learned the majority of the content through TAs and friends.
Jarred Young

Expecting a B-
Nice person that wants you to do well but is lazy and does not want to teach. Leading up to the final he disappeared for a week due to being sick and then had to virtual lectures even though he was no longer sick. Then canceled the last class of the semester before finals. Most of the class you needs to be self-taught as he only goes over one or two example problems in the lecture when there are many variations of each problem and topic.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A-
Sat on his stool the entire build phase. Was asleep during initial mechanic lectures. Offered no feedback throughout semester. Very judgmental.
Jarred Young

Expecting a B
Dr. Jay is a good person, but that doesn't make him a good professor. Often his lectures involve him scribbling small notes on the whiteboard that you can barely read while he poorly explains topics. Often, he would leave out the necessary information that we needed for the homework and often, he would cover a single example as if that would do much help when doing the very difficult homework. His office hours aren't really helpful either, honestly, I learned more from my friends with the other professors. Many people love Dr. Jay, and again, he's a great guy, just not an effective teacher. If you feel like teaching yourself and feeling much more lost than the other classes, feel free to take this course with Dr. Jay.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Great guy, he tells jokes and is very generous and caring to the students.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr. Young is a very genuine professor; he wants you to succeed and tries to help you do so, but will jokingly call you out for dumb questions. His lectures are fine, but you can honestly get by with the course notes he provides on ELMS. They're very neat and available in both worksheet and video format, so basically the entire course is available to you from the start. Overall, funny guy, very organized, no complaints. Only real downside is he's one of those "let's try that again" people when the class doesn't do a passionate enough "good morning." Learned a lot, though, and I would take him again. As for class structure: One weekly homework assignment that usually takes 1-3 hours, and one weekly classwork for the studio sections (posted online). Lectures and studio sections are not mandatory, but occasionally there will be some unannounced extra credit opportunity you can only get by attending, so don't skip. 3 midterms + a final, but the midterms are taken two times each (so midterm 1 was actually 1A and 1B, with 1B being 1 week after 1A). There is no partial credit, but they grade them within 1-2 days and you do regrade requests on Gradescope - 90% of points back for numerical errors (ex. calculator mistype), 20% back for conceptual errors (you didn't know what you were doing), and an additional 10% back for sanity checks ("my answer clearly doesn't make sense and this is why"). The higher grade of each set of midterms is kept. The system sounds harsh but can be quite forgiving, as the questions are typically pretty formulaic. The final DID grade with partial credit (and it was almost exactly like the practice final), and there was an unspecified (not shown in ELMS) curve for the course grade, and he doesn't seem to do minus grades (A- = A). Bumped my 88 to a flat A. There's also a final project that looks like a lot but was graded quite leniently.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
Complete joke of a course. Really nice guy. No curriculum for the students. I would not recommend taking virtus.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
Dr. Jay is a professor who cares greatly. He wants to inspire his students and does his best. I want to offer a warning to anyone entering this class out of high school that this class is very difficult for the average person, especially if you have not taken a mechanics class before and regardless of the professor. Other people have mentioned asking questions and I don't believe it to be as bad as some have mentioned. I have never seen him answer a question in a way that does not provoke learning whether it be through trying to see if they can figure it out or excitingly telling the person that their question leads him to the next topic. The technical definitions might be helpful to some, but examples seem to be the most helpful part of the lectures. The examples most closely resemble what we do in the class, whether it be on the homework or the exams, so doing a few more examples to help people learn the content might be beneficial to those who are a little confused. Unfortunately since the textbook is simultaneously too basic and too confusing, the professor of this course will be close to the only source of teaching and thus is very important. Not everyone likes Dr. Jay's style and in that case, I would recommend using the lectures put out by the other teachers, however, he is a great professor to have regardless of the opinion of his lectures. He wants his students to learn and will do everything in his power. I highly recommend doing the extra credit he gives throughout the year because it will boost your grade a lot (without extra credit my grade drops about 6%). I truly believe that anyone who has the desire to learn the material will be successful even if the material fails to click at first primarily because of Dr. Jay's willingness to help.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
AMAZING professor! I am in the honors program and originally registered for ENES102H, but I had a walking man on my schedule because of it so I switched to a non-honors ENES102. Best decision I've made. I would take Dr. Jay over an honors class for the same topic any day. I came into the class having never taken an engineering class in my life, and I got over 100%. He is friendly, is chill with his students, encourages his students effectively, creates a welcoming environment, and teaches well. I hope I get him for thermodynamics.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr. Young is a great guy when you talk to him, however, he can be a bit harsh on students. His grading is harsh and he does not respond to questions well. Whenever questions were asked he would chastise the question asker and never gave a clear answer. I did actually learn a lot from this class, partly from Dr. Young but partly because it is a very straight forward course meant for freshmen. I do enjoy him as a person but he seems like he is here to relax, not focus on the success of his students.
Jarred Young

Expecting a B+
Dr. Jay is an okay teacher. He knows his stuff for the course but he's not really the best at explaining it. During lectures, he often skims past things that require further explanation and when a student asks a valid question, he just answers "wait and you'll see", but the question never gets answered by the end of the lecture. Given that this is a pretty easy class, it doesn't matter too much but I'm not sure how taking a class with him for a more difficult subject would be...
Jarred Young

Expecting a D+
Decent guy, but bad lecturer and harsh grader. Lectures go over basic material with too many equations that you're expected to memorize. Exams have no partial credit and expect to lose sets of 10 points for sign errors that are inconsistent or other simple mistakes.
Jarred Young

Seriously don't understand the praise for this guy. I enjoy his humor and that's about it. If you want to watch someone slowly write definitions on the board for 45 minutes, not 50 because he's usually late, this is your guy. If you want to cover one extremely easy in class example per week that is nothing like the assignments or exams, he's your guy. If you enjoy the childish game of the lecturer demanding repeat enthusiastic "good mornings" before starting lecture, also your guy. If you want to lose 20 points on a 30 point question because of one error, he's definitely your guy. The grading for these exams is so absurd. "conceptual fluency" is a joke. Incredible that you can get all the right numbers yet get 0 points on a 30 point question because you did or didn't use a negative sign, extremely ironic when other universities teach this class with opposite definitions of heat and work in/out. If the concepts are so important, why is so much time spent on definition, not concepts or examples? The TA is extremely arrogant and generally not helpful at all. Literally laughs at students questions, then goes back with Young and they laugh about things together. What a great environment for hard studio assignments. You can still easily get a good grade since there's exam retakes plus extra credit, but that says nothing about the quality of the professor IMO. Leaves a ton to be desired.
Jarred Young

Dr.Jay is the best professor I've had at UMD. He truly cares about his students and helped me immensely during office hours. Not only that, he's one of the most genuine people you'll meet, he's one of the few instructors at this school who's actually passionate about teaching! If you don't understand make sure you communicate that to him since closed mouths don't get fed. If I could, I'd give him 6 stars.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr. JAY is an excellent professor who cares tremendously about his students. He is friendly, helpful, and supportive. Sometimes his lectures could be a bit hard for me to follow because of his handwriting/his style of writing on the board, but he more than made up for that by posting notes and giving assignments that genuinely helped us comprehend the material better. He really wants his students to succeed and gives ample support and extra credit opportunities so that people who put in the effort have the chance to do well.
Jarred Young

Very solid professor who had an entertaining personality and was a strong lecturer. Tests were fair, after the class did poorly on the first one he offered 20 points of extra credit for it if you did a supplemental take-home test. Homework was quite hard IMO so I'd recommend going to office hours, but the hard homework means the tests will be easier in comparison. The way to pass the class is to do lots of practice problems, Dr. Young also offers extra credit for practice problems if you do 80+and turn them in. I'd recommend the class for sure.
Jarred Young

Jarred Young is stuck up and always has a remark to make when you ask a question or try to answer in class. He takes off as many points as he wants but then goes to do the problem himself and gets the wrong answer and doesn't know what he did wrong.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr. Young is funny in a nerdy way. He is truly always a delight to talk to because in the way he talks to students. He talks to you as an equal and is never demeaning. I'm not sure if other professors give out extra credit for ENES102, but Dr. Young gives out quite a bit. Whenever you go to office hours, he is happy to answer questions and guide you through stuff.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Dr. Jay is AMAZING! He genuinely cares about your success and well-being. His lectures are good at explaining the concepts, but he doesn't go over harder examples that mirror the in-class assignments, homework, or exams. He also posts his covid lecture videos which are helpful if you want a review of the concepts again. But definitely go to office hours if you want explanations for problems at the difficulty level that you'll be graded on. Just doing the in-class assignments, homework, and review problems are not enough practice before an exam though, so this class takes a lot of time if you want to do well. He offers a generous bonus percentage (+2-3%) at the end of the semester for turning in all your extra practice problems (if you have more than 80 problems), and from what I hear he will bump your grade even more on a case-by-case basis. If you put in the work, he WILL reward you. There are three midterms (15, 20, and 20% of the final grade) and a final (25%), as well as homework/in-class assignments (10%) and the final design project (building a truss) (10%).
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Young is the GOAT Take any and every class you can with him. Had Young for 102 and 232. He was great in both and makes material understandable. Also, Extra Credit is life saver!
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
Dr. Young genuinely cares about his students' well-being, both academically and otherwise. Fair grading, plenty of extra-credit opportunities, and more-than-generous grade cutoffs at the end.
Jarred Young

Cares about his students. Gives a very generous opportunity for extra credit & very willing to explain confusing concepts/help with classwork assignments. Overall a really good experience with him for an online class.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Very great teacher. Willing to work with students and will open up office hours for your help. Puts his students first and goes over all important material thoroughly.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
Dr. Young cares about his students and is very easy to talk to. He has a great story and he grades fairly. He is concerned with making his students better engineers for the future, not just giving out hard grades.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A+
He is the man.
Jarred Young

Expecting an A
Jarred Young truly cares about his students and goes out of his way to help them. He gives several extra credit opportunities throughout the semester which helps with the grade. He does not do "-" grades and curved the final grade by 5 percentage points. However, his lectures are not all that informative as he goes over the principles and very basic problems, but does not cover the hard examples that will definitely show up on the exam and homework. However, Keystone Center Office Hours are very flexible and useful.