Scientific Computing II

Prerequisite: Must have knowledge of C or Fortran. And AMSC460 or CMSC460; or (CMSC466 or AMSC466); or (must have knowledge of basic numerical analysis (linear equations, nonlinear equations, integration, interpolation); and permission of instructor). Cross-listed with CMSC66 1. Credit only granted for: AMSC661 or CMSC661. Fourier and wavelet transform methods, numerical methods for elliptic partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra for sparse matrices. Finite element methods, numerical methods for tiem dependent partia l differential equations. Techniques for scientific computation with an introduction to the theory and software for each topic. Course is part of a two course sequence (660 and 661), but can be taken independently.

Spring 2024

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.29

Past Semesters

6 reviews
Average rating: 4.00

4 reviews
Average rating: 3.50

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.29

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

26 reviews
Average rating: 3.58

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.29

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.