Scientific Computing II

Prerequisite: Must have knowledge of C or Fortran. And CMSC466, AMSC466, AMSC460, or CMSC460; or (must have knowledge of basic numerical analysis (linear equations, nonlinear equations, integration, interpolation); and permission of instructor). Cross-listed with AMSC66 1. Credit only granted for: AMSC661 or CMSC661. Fourier and wavelet transform methods, numerical methods for elliptic partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra for sparse matrices, Finite element methods, numerical methods for time dependent partial differential equations. Techniques for scientific computation with an introduction to the theory and software for each topic. Course is part of a two course sequence (660 and 661), but can be taken independently.

Spring 2024

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.29

Past Semesters

6 reviews
Average rating: 4.00

4 reviews
Average rating: 3.50

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.29

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

26 reviews
Average rating: 3.58

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.29

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.