Reviews for BMGT298F

Information Review
Koki Nagata

Expecting an A
Vinayak Ramaswamy
Really nice guy, very smart and knowledgeable. Final was ridiculously difficult, especially for a one-credit. He said that he didn't curve, but my raw score in the class was an 83.5, and I ended up with an A, but I wouldn't expect that anymore, with the business school ratcheting up it's expectations. Just read the case studies, show up to every class, and get ready for a tough final. Good luck!
Hugh Turner

Expecting an A
Had him for 110 and 298. Prof Turner cares that you do well. Tests are easy if you study for them for even just a little bit of time. The classroom experience really depends on you and your classmates. If you participate, class doesn't seem so bad. If you don't, class can seem to drag on forever. Likes to show clips from 60 Minutes that relate to the topic you're learning about which are usually interesting.
Martin Dresner

Expecting an A
Professor Dresner comes off rather timid, but he's really nice and I enjoyed 298F. Shows a video nearly every class. Class discussions can be rather slow, but I feel like that was because the students spaced out all class instead of forming opinions on the subject, and Professor Dresner wasn't at fault. Also, the case studies were actually interesting, and I think he grades on effort more than on content.
Curtis Grimm

Expecting an A+
Grimm was a really good professor. He encouraged class participation and also was very approachable and willing to spend outside time and money on the class. Grade consisted of class participation/attendance and 4 two-page case study write ups basically answering 4 questions. Full credit if you did it. He scheduled class lunches, bringing in potbellys one day and bagels and coffee another. Overall, a very friendly and nice guy who really wanted his students to succeed.