Special Topics in Terrorism Studies; Analyzing Terrorism: Simulations, Wargaming, and Strategies of Security

This interactive course introduces students to novel, applied methods to study terrorism and security, including simulations, wargaming exercises, red teaming, and horizon scanning. This course assumes no prior experience with these methods. Throughout the course, students will work in groups to complete interactive strategy-based activities to understand the behavior of terrorist and criminal groups and develop security strategies to counter violent non-state actors.

Sister Courses: BSST338B, BSST338C, BSST338D, BSST338E, BSST338G, BSST338K, BSST338L, BSST338M, BSST338O, BSST338P, BSST338Q, BSST338R, BSST338V, BSST338W, BSST338Y

Past Semesters

8 reviews
Average rating: 4.38

8 reviews
Average rating: 4.38

8 reviews
Average rating: 4.38

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.