Monica Kearney

This professor has taught: HNUH248Y, HONR249G, PSYC336, PSYC354, PSYC391, PSYC432, PSYC433, PSYC489W, WGSS336, WMST336
Information Review
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Dr. Kearney is a great professor you can tell that she genuinely cares about and is passionate about the course content which I found to be very interesting. The class is pretty straightforward and easy. Each class she lectures with a powerpoint and engaging memes and videos that you are supposed to take notes on. If you consistently take notes on the slides and what she is saying in class you will do fine on the two exams that are open note. Aside from the exams there are 3 critical thinking papers and one big group project that is a gender empowerment project on a topic of your choosing. You will have assigned group "workshop" days to work on the project with your group in class which was very helpful. The papers were my least favorite part about this class because I thought that the TA's grading was very inconsistent and they did not provide helpful feedback as to what points were being taken off for. Besides this there were a couple of extra credit opportunities which were very helpful. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and would definitely recommend taking it. My one suggestion would be to contact Dr. Kearney directly for specific instructions and feedback because the TA's are not as helpful and sometimes unclear.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
Okay, I know that I ended up with an A- but the amount of stress that this class gave me should be evaluated. The TA's grade unfairly and are inconsistent. You could put so much time and effort into the assignments, but there will always be something wrong. This became very discouraging for me and I did not feel engaged in the coursework. I had a 79 for a long time but then I realized that the TA's grading system is based SOLEY on the rubric. So follow the rubric. Not the assignment's description. That is how I raised my 79 to 89.8. She does give extra credit but I feel like its because she knows how unfair the grading policy is. Do not recommend this class. The stress was not worth it, and I did not learn.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
I got a bone to pick with one of the TAs in this class! It's not fair that your grade is dependent on which TA you have grading your work, which I know is expected a little bit in college but not to this extent. However, yes, the class is an easy A if that's what you're looking for. No need to go to lecture, everything can be done online including exams. I didn't feel like I walked out with any valuable knowledge so if you actually want to learn something useful I would choose another class. Some of the content was ridiculous, it was impossible to find reliable, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources and I felt like we were going to start learning about crystals and spirits next.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B
Teacher is really cool and the content of the class is super easy. The grading is really harsh though. though this would be an easy and fun class to take but I'm not even expecting an A in this class.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Dr Kearney is super nice. shes a great lecturer - she puts effort into her slides, so theyre engaging, not too wordy, but also not like they don't have enough info. she explains concepts really thoroughly and is always willing to elaborate if you're confused. lecture slides and recordings are posted, making attending lecture basically optional. shes also just really kind and sweet and gentle hearted, and also funny. I honestly love her. The readings are also not that bad - most readings were about 10 pages. we also had frequent writing assignments where we applied the theories we learned in class to a case study; this format is honestly really helpful and a good way to get students to practice what theyre learning. exams were open note, online, remote - but i would recommend studying still because all questions are application based, so only looking at your notes during the exam might not be as helpful as you want. with that being said, there are some drawbacks.... like most people are saying, the grading you get on the assignments are REALLY inconsistent, and is based entirely on which TA grades your work. I was fortunate enough that most of my assignments were graded by the UTA, who seemed more lenient - and this is probably why i'll end up with (hopefully) an A in the course. But the graduate TA.... he grades so harshly. He gave me a 25/35 (a C) on a discussion post assignment. literally a discussion post assignment. and it wasnt even warranted - like I answered all the prompts and did well, he was just so nitpicky. He seems like a decent guy who genuinely just wants his students to improve, but he grades as if were in grad school. we are not in grad school sir. he would also take off points and be like "idk really know what you mean here, could use more elaboration" but like thats what the rest of the paragraph is for.... like just read the rest of it sir i do actually explain it. its really not fair to play with students grades like that. so sad to see that this is a consistent problem in this course
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B+
Nice and passionate teacher. Content is super far left and very hard to listen to but the lecture is optional. TA's grades like its a high upper required course. Was expecting this to be a super easy A turns out I may not even end with an A.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
1. You don't need to go to lecture, so that's cool. 2. I learned nothing. 3. The grading is super unfair. One of the TAs throws everyone a 100% and one of them gives everyone a 70-80%. It doesn't really matter what you turn in, so I stopped trying halfway through the semester (but my grade never changed :P). 4. Professor Kearney is nice.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Professor Kearney is so knowledgeable and genuinely a great person with great energy and attitude. That said, the lecture is not necessary to attend (although I wasn't complaining), and the grading on behalf of the TAs, one in particular, was so inconsistent and harsh that I felt like my best work would still get points taken off of it. Definitely make sure you are an expert on APA format, and if not, prepare to lose points. The workload is not bad, but I felt so much frustration towards my grades in this class over the semester, and I thought I was going to receive my one and only B in my entire college career, so I just don't think it speaks true to a student's skills and work if that makes sense. The midsemester review was quickly brushed over and kind of like the professor and TAs teaming up on the complaints and not taking accountability. Let's make some changes!!
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
The grading is harsh and unfair, the assignments can be unclear and unorganized, and the lectures and actual content feel more divisive than anything.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Although I did well in the class, Instructor teaching style and grading were inconsistent. In order to do well, I felt I had to write to the progressive narrative that I don’t align with. Seemingly, this course focuses on current social justice issues. However, there tended to be a lot of shaming and the course could’ve been better if the professor focused on building bridges rather than tearing individuals apart. There should never be assignments that grade an individual on ones racist or bias views.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B+
The content is elementary and easy to grasp without attending a lecture. Most of it was covered in my high school sociology class and what wasn't was common knowledge to any woman. Grading is harsh and often feels unfair, TAs will not give you points when asking for a regrade. While the concepts are easy, the assignments are often convoluted and disorganized. It is clear Dr. Kearney teaches too many courses at once and has not given each class enough consideration. For example, the rubric for the final project or the extra credit (which had been promised all semester) was not posted until a week before it was due. I would not recommend this course to a friend who wants to learn something.
Monica Kearney

First, Dr. K needs to reform this class. It was not what is advertised and pushes a far left narrative. It doesn’t allow room for opinions even though they say they do. TA’s grade harsh. Rubrics are unclear and unspecific. Ask question and more office hours, nothing. It’s basically on your own and the class makes you feel bad about your identities no matter what you are. She only applies multicultural psychology to who she wants to. It’s more woke liberal agenda of social activism than psychology focused. Learned nothing but a mess with my brain of all these terms. Can we just be…? Don’t take her class but seeing she’s the only professor is disappointing
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
She is a cool person and a good lecturer. I love the way she explains things and the inclusion of discussions. However, your grade is solely based on APA format. Her/her TAs grade so harshly specifically for APA errors. She doesn't fully explain/express what she expects from you or emphasize how harshly she grades. Her classes are basically APA class which is not what I signed up for.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
This class is titled Multicultural Psychology in the U.S. however it focuses more on political controversies and race rather than US. Assignments are graded on following the rubric and writing what the professor seems to be looking for. However, the TA’s grade all assignments so there is definitely some bias there. Assignments are quite shallow to be honest. I know this is a required course and some components are interesting while others do not provide the relevance or intention. I’d appreciate more research based and I wonder if the other psyc354 professor teaches different style.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
I have mixed feelings about this professor and this class. Kearney was kind, passionate, and energetic. The lectures weren't bad but some of the discussions were too long for the material given the class was only 50 minutes. The assignments were kinda aggravating. I love that she wanted to do a real life engaging project. There's one large group project in which you have to show tangible change. The concept is great but it was stressful at times because the check ins required a lot in a short period of time. I found the project to be less enjoyable because it was stressful to keep up with. The grading was super harsh and nitpicky for the content.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
I liked this course a lot, as the content was very engaging, relevant, and important. Additionally, Dr. Kearney is very nice, accessible, and easy to talk to. I believe that she got new TAs for this semester, as grading was not nearly as severe as what appears to be reported on this page, so she might have taken that into account. Additionally, the TAs offered regrade opportunities in case there were inconsistencies. I can definitely see though how your grade is dependent on the TAs, since 60% of your grade in this course comes from writing assignments, but at least for now the TAs seem reasonable, so this course was pretty enjoyable opposed to being a nightmare.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
truly the worst class I have taken in all 4 years of undergrad. the concepts are important and the content is necessary, but the TAs will destroy your grade at the drop of a hat. just as previous reviewers have said -- there are THREE TAS and there is absolutely zero consistency in grading. you could get a 100 on a draft, and receive a C on the final submission that was identical, simply because you got a different TA that round. i wish i never took this class, and i recommend you choose any other possible option. i took the class to learn about critical topics that were especially important to me, but all i could focus on was keeping my grade afloat.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
Positives: Dr. Kearney is a fantastic lecturer and good at explaining topics. The lecture is very interesting, insightful, and really helps you understand the scope of topics in society. I believe everyone should take the time to go to these lectures. The lectures are also very skippable, so if you don't care enough, you don't need to go. Negatives: Grading is insanely harsh, inconsistent, and defensive. - If you want a good grade in this class, you need to follow the rubric to a T for EVERYTHING. My OpEd did not deserve the high grade it got, but it only worked because EVERYTHING I did was based on the rubric. Can't take off points if there's nothing wrong with it based on the rubric. Was the purpose of the OpEd to write well or write based on the rubric? The rubric, I guess. - Basically got my grade destroyed (A vs. A-) by 1 assignment that wasn't to the T. Tried asking for a regrade, got the "nope lol." - Regrade requests are offered. If you decide to take this class, you need to use them. I didn't care much about it until it was too late and I realized I lost points on SUPER pointless stuff. - Dr. K enables her TAs to grade harshly. She stands by their grading more than half the time (and the rare times I got some crumbs back were the other less than half). So all the other comments saying the TA grading is insane, it's because Dr. K enables them to. - Her exams are all multiple choice and open note, but she DOES NOT RELEASE THEM. Which means you don't know what you're losing points on, you don't know where you're going wrong, you can't learn from what you're doing wrong, and based on the content of this class, there is a LOT of answers that can potentially be very subjective. You will never know unless you ask to see them. - A lot of busy work. I did not find value in most of her assignments. Assignments are more "make sure you follow the rubric" and not the actual content yourself. - APA formatting. I personally didn't have a huge issue with this since I learned from how ridiculous it was in PSYC221 (which was equally as bad in terms of APA formatting), but the emphasis on APA in this department is pretty ridiculous, and this class is no exception (had 1 error which also destroyed my grade once). My literal class on research methods and writing cohesive research papers (PSYC300) didn't even grade harshly on APA formatting. Other comments: - The workload is easy. It's easy to do well in this class if you spend a lot of time stressing over the rubric and following it to a T. No matter what the assignment is asking you, you must do it based on the rubric. I would've finished with an A if I followed the rubric on the outline assignment and not what the assignment descriptions were. - Despite finding the course content interesting, I could not bring myself to go to lectures after the first 3 weeks. It felt like a waste of time when the assignments weren't even emphasizing learning the content. - All of the other comments about grading are VERY true. At least the teaching team is responsive to regrade requests. Just make sure you use it. I've had to submit 3 and I got points back for all of them... - Overall, the grading for me killed this class. I really wanted to like it. But the amount of stress for the assignments was not it. Basically agree with the person who said "It's quite unfortunate because the course content is so interesting and I've learned a lot, however the TAs are literally ruining the whole experience. I'm sorry, but this is a PSYC class, it's not meant to be so difficult (aka, an easy A). The TA's clearly have an ego and need to get their heads out of their... Someone below said "I would not recommend taking this class unless you enjoy pointless work and hard grading for no reason at all." 100% agree. Again, though the material is so interesting, at the end of the day, it's the grade that matters." The TAs are literally getting enabled by Dr. K to grade like this.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B+
I went into this course thinking it wouldn't be too hard but definitely higher difficulty than some courses. The assignments themselves didn't seem that hard but Dr. Kearney and her TAs were extremely harsh about grading and took off points for the littlest details. Dr. Kearney is a nice person and a good lecturer but a mean grader. The exams were easy for me and I would get high grades on them (as they were multiple choice, graded objectively) but the papers I would get such low grades on for stupid reasons. They are harsh graders were it comes to the subjective stuff. Not the worse professor but I don't recommend if you don't want a difficult class
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B
Do not waste your time on this course. They only care about APA format, not the content. Never had a class care so much about APA and only got a B because of that.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
This class is very interesting and teaches immensely important topics, which is why I decided to take it. Dr. Kearney is a very understanding and kind professor whom I had no issues with. The reason this course is so awful is because of the TA's and their incredibly unfair grading. I thought people were exaggerating it from previous reviews but taking this class has made me realize how awful it actually is. They will take points off for genuinely any little thing that they possibly can, even if you ask them during class if what you are writing is correct. They gave people B's and C's on a paper that was suppose to be written about THEMSELVES, which I find absolutely insane because why are you taking so many points off for a paper about culture and our personal identities? It also took the TA's 2 months to grade a 3-4 page paper just for them to absolutely crap on everyone's paper worse than the first. The grades people have been receiving is an utter reflection of how poorly this course sets you up for success. Points in this class are already so low, which means when the TA's take off even 3 points from an assignment, that determines whether you get an A or a B- on it. Major changes need to be made for this course structure because I am absolutely saddened that it was not as enjoyable as it could have been. The course material and teachings are extremely important but this class is ruined by its structure.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
I have had Dr. Kearney for PSYC 354 and 336, but nothing was as god awful as this course was. Before I get into the negative, the class itself (content and lecture) were genuinely important and engaging. I believe Dr. K is a fabulous lecturer and is good at explaining topics well. This is where the positives end. Literally the most inconsistent grading I have ever experienced due to there being 3 TAs that never graded similarly. Because of this, I would do well on an assignment, and then fail the second version of the assignment the following week because 2 different TAs graded it. I emailed to complain about this and was told that the TAs mistakes in grading would even out due to all 3 of them grading my papers. What ??? like actually what ?? It was just so bizarre to mess with my grade and class I pay for like that. How about the TAs are actually competent?? The TAs also never were open to critique or questions, and remained defensive with an atittude. Even when half the class would email to complain, they did not care and continued to be horrible graders. What made it more frustrating is that Dr. K did not seem to care AT ALL.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Dr. K is an engaging lecturer and understanding of personal struggles that affect academic performance. PSYC 336 is insightful into women's issues and I appreciated the intersectionality with which Dr. K. approaches all topics. The Gender Empowerment Project (GEP) is a group project and is manageable but requires advance planning and meeting with your group once a week. I would recommend leaving 11:00AM-11:50AM open in your schedule on Fridays to make it easier to meet weekly with your group. Dr. K. recommends this, but it was not announced until class started, so just something to think about in your schedule planning. Also make sure to structure your three critical thinking papers according to the rubric i.e., a paragraph per rubric section. I made the mistake not to in one paper, and lost 15+ points for that paper because of the lack of clarity and thorough discussion. I highly recommend Dr. K. and the class; I found all the material to be worthwhile to my study of psychology and my everyday life.
Monica Kearney

Dr. Kearney is a sweetheart. She is so friendly and caring and keeps you engaged during lecture. The course content is SUPER interesting, insightful, important, and relevant - EVERYONE needs to learn this content. I also appreciate the wide array of topics: bias and stereotyping, anti-Black racism, white supremacy, immigration and xenophobia, model minority myth, mental health, heterosexism and homophobia, transphobia, masculinity and femininity, misogyny, etc. However, the TA's are AWFUL. As a UTA myself, I am appalled at how the TA's have been grading assignments, ESPECIALLY the workshop/group project assignments. They're quite literally out to destroy your grade. At first I thought it was only the GTA Carlos , but turns out its the whole teaching team. I know for sure many student's grades are not accurately reflecting their understanding of course material because the TA's are busy deducting points for the most minute things and then proceed to leave behind useless comments. Also, apparently the whole psyc dept is so pressed over APA formatting. Please, I could care less. Sure, I'll follow APA formatting, but we should not be losing points over dumb things like oh the font of ONE word or phrase was accidentally a different color or size, the title was only horizontally centered and not vertically... It's quite unfortunate because the course content is so interesting and I've learned a lot, however the TAs are literally ruining the whole experience. I'm sorry, but this is a PSYC class, it's not meant to be so difficult (aka, an easy A). The TA's clearly have an ego and need to get their heads out of their... Someone below said "I would not recommend taking this class unless you enjoy pointless work and hard grading for no reason at all." 100% agree. Again, though the material is so interesting, at the end of the day, it's the grade that matters. I hope Dr. Kearney considers new TAs for future semesters or else people will continue to be deterred by these reviews and unfortunately miss out on her wonderful lectures.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this class. I think the class discusses many important topics. However, it also fails to address many topics that I think are critical to be mentioned in that class. The key doing well in this class is not submitting your best work, but submitting work that follows the rubric to the tea. Once I figured that out, my grades began improving from Cs to As.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A-
I enjoyed her class. She is a good lecturer, and approachable out of the class room. She will always give you an extension for work. But the work load for this class is ridiculous. I get her intentions with the assignments she gives but its TOO MUCH WORK. There is a semester long project we are assigned called the GEP. For this you pick a part of society where you believe women are misrepresented and you have to create tangible change in society. If there isn't tangible change you WILL get points taken off. How do you expect college students to create tangible change for things like sexism in social media or unjust laws. This project takes up so much time outside of the class room. I spent about 3 HOURS EACH WEEK on the project ( meeting with classmates, doing the assignment and trying to create tangible change). Also there is three papers. They are doable but hard. You get LITTLE GUIDANCE even if you go to office hours. They expect the students to include a lot of information but have strict page guidelines. I did good in this class because I work really hard. Overall, take the class if you want, but choose another psych class if you can. It's not really worth all the hard work.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B-
This class grades you more on APA than actual content. IDK WTF these other people are talking about, it sucks do not take this course unless you want to scream at a wall bc the TA’s grade ridiculously hard.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A+
Dr. K is a wonderful professor. I have no idea what the other student below is talking about. They might not have found value in the class, but that sounds like a personal problem for them, lol. The content is extremely engaging and relevant, and all of it is supported by research and empirical findings. Her class is manageable, low-effort, and her lectures are engaging. Attending class is worth it because she often engages in a lot of class discussions, and these are actually pretty beneficial and interesting to be a part of. Usually, there is just one assignment due each Friday, and they usually do not take too long to complete. I did not think the TAs graded harshly, for the most part; all I did on my discussions and assignments was follow basic rubric instructions and put in a decent amount of effort, and I managed to get full points on almost everything. To succeed and get the most of class, I would recommend attending lectures, emailing her or the TAs for help, submitting work on time, doing the required readings before class (these can be a little long, just skimming is fine), and participating in discussions. There is two exams; a midterm and a final, not cumulative and all multiple choice. To study, I watched back the lecture recordings. I loved this class because it really allowed me to think critically about the world around me and explained a lot of social concepts and phenomena that is always present around us. This is truly an easy class to do well in, and the content is useful and interesting. I would definitely recommend both Dr. K and this class to anyone.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B-
Dr. K has a great personality, but she's not the best lecturer. Her slides are posted online, which I appreciate (a very skippable class, BTW). In class, she provides examples and context for her slides, but it's NBD to skip IMO. The four papers are honestly not that bad (only 2-4 pages each). What I don't like are the discussion posts. I feel like they're not very helpful or relevant. Overall, take the class if you want, but choose another psych class if you can.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B+
Monica is a fine professor but I would not take another course she teaches again. Her TA's grade unnecessarily extremely hard where this should be an easy enough course. This makes the course very stressful. Along with this be ready for loads of busy work and useless discussion posts every week that do not help with understanding the course concepts at all. I would not recommend taking this class unless you enjoy pointless work and hard grading for no reason at all. The only positive to this class is never having to actually go to it because the powerpoints are posted online.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!! You seriously won't regret it. Dr.Kearney is the best professor I've had at umd. She makes topics extremely applicable to life and as long as you put in effort to complete all the assignments, it is not hard to do well in the class. You can tell she also cares a lot about student mental health and gives you unlimited extensions as long as you ask 24 hours before the assignment is due (apart from the in class assignments).
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Dr. Kearney was AMAZING. The content was super interesting and she really cares about her students and is super approachable. One of my favorite classes I've taken in college.
Monica Kearney

The teaching team for this class is so responsive. They answer your emails so fast and give you detailed answers to your questions. They really prioritize helping you and making your life easier (you just have to reach out and ask your questions). The grading in this class can be tough sometimes but if you read the rubric over and put in the work you'll do great. Dr. Kearney is also the coolest- she relates to us so much and really just gets it.
Monica Kearney

Dr. Kearney is the coolest professor I've ever had. She says it how it is, is so real, lets everyone say how they feel, makes the environment so comfortable for everyone, and leads a great lecture. Her slides are up on the board during class, posted on ELMS, and her classes are recorded. The work load was easy and the information was interesting. Take psyc354!!!!!!!
Monica Kearney

One of the nicest and most understanding professors I've had. The workload was really fair and the assignments were pretty easy. The lectures were also super interesting. Maybe I just had a different experience than the other reviewer here, but the TAs that graded my assignments seemed pretty lenient and the averages for all of them were around 90%. If you felt that something was graded unfairly, she was also very open to regrades.
Monica Kearney

Expecting a B-
Monica is a nice professor though I would not take another course she teaches again. Her TA's grade unnecessarily hard where this should be an easy enough course. I am a psych major and have never received any grade lower than an A- in a psych course besides this one. Along with this be ready for loads of busy work and useless discussion posts every week that do not help with understanding the course concepts at all. I would not recommend taking this class unless you enjoy pointless work and hard grading for no reason at all.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A
Honestly one of the best psych professors I've had, super understanding and sweet. As long as you pay attention, the course material is easy to understand. Definitely a passionate and nice professor and an easy class to pass.
Monica Kearney

Expecting an A+
Super easy class, and the topics are fairly interesting. There are random clicker questions and in-class work, so you have to go to class, but it's a good way to get easy points. There are only 2 exams and one paper. Overall, it's a solid choice for a class without too much work.