Reviews for INAG110

Information Review
Robert Ballenger

Expecting a B+
Amazing professor. Extremely helpful with speeches and very understanding. Used to work at NPR, so he's a fantastic lecturer. Stay on top of things, however. Attendance is mandatory with quizzes at the beginning of class and activities throughout, and missing one of these severely hurts your grade.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Great Professor, makes the class interesting at all times. Grading may seem a bit harsh at first (at least it did to me) cause I got a B on the first speech but there were a lot of other assignments and extra credit so I still ended up getting an A+.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting a B+
as someone who hates presenting and speeches, take this class with george! he is the best and makes it really easy to succeed, even if youre not the best presenter. truly cannot recommend him enough. just show up to class and put in the work for your speeches and you'll be fine!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is the best and the GOAT. You'll have a blast and this will become your favorite class ever. Take it with your friends and have even more fun!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is easily my favorite professor I've ever had. He cares about all of his students and takes his time to get to know them. He creates an engaging and enjoyable environment for everyone. Attendance is always required, but it is always a class that you want to show up for. Towards the end of the course the workload builds up, especially once you get to the professional presentations, but it is manageable. We didn't have any formal assessments, the midterm was online, and the final was just a farewell speech. If you don't like talking in class and hate being asked to participate, this might not be the class for you.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
just attend class and put in some work, you'll get an easy A 😊 though attendance isn't mandatory, you can easily get on his good side if u show up often. very fun and chill professor!
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Very nice professor.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Basically Sam's "thing" is that he is constantly doing a bit where he is super over the top and crazy in order to keep everyone engaged. You sort of just have to play along with his bit and roll with the punches. He really wants everyone to like make friends and stuff in his class, so probably great if you are a freshman. He is also very particular about how he runs his classroom: you need to go to every class, show up on time, and not use your phone at all. Assignments themselves are easy. You have like little weekly quizzes and stuff, then three speeches. You have to put some amount of effort in but he's not going to give you a bad grade even if you aren't a very good speaker (he takes off like one or two points at most for stuff like poor eye contact). Overall the class is an easy A but you have to be someone who can handle playing along a little.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
The best professor ever. Barely gives and hw (maybe 10 min a week + preparing for your speech). I don't think anyone in my class got below an A. He cares so much about everyone and he gives a bunch of extra credit if you need it (which you don't need). TAKE THIS INSTEAD OF COMM107.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Easiest class I've taken. Professor is so kind and understanding about people's individual public speaking anxieties and does everything in her power to make it as easy on the students as possible. Incredibly forgiving in regards to grades and deadlines. As long as you put in any effort at all, you will get an A+.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is not a bad professor; don't take offense to the jokes in any way, if you are, you're being too sensitive, lol. Try to enjoy the class, you don't come across professors like him often, try to go to class on time HE HATES PHONES, so don't take it out. Also, the speeches are not that bad and have fun with the speeches, and you'll do great! Also, take the class with your friends, you'll have a lot more fun.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Really nice guy and understanding. Had a blast with brodie and he says hes harsh with deadlines, but hes really understanding. Although there are a lot of assignments, theyre extremely easy and take literally 5 minutes or less.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Chelsea is literally the sweetest professor ever. This was the class I was most worried about—I was seriously stressing because I despise public speaking and I'm so bad at it. However, this class was soooo good, even for non-public speakers or people who don't like speaking at all. I'm super introverted, but she taught the class in a way that helped me gain the confidence to speak confidently on the later speeches, especially once I got to know my classmates better. She's so nice, gives tons of helpful feedback, and is just a great person. I will say, on the first day, she came off as kinda stoic, but after that, she was awesome. I had her at 8 AM, but it was 100% worth it, even though it was a long walk to get there. We had four speeches, which became larger percentages of your grade each time, but the averages and medians were basically a 100 on each one, so everyone did well. The assignments were super easy, too. I ended up with a grade above 100, thanks to extra credit for simple things like showing my voting sticker and doing a check-in with her before a speech. I really liked her and would 100,000% recommend her. She was one of my favorite professors this semester!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Regardless of whether you're here for the gen-ed credit (my initial goal but I grew to love the class), to learn, or to have a great time, Gormong is the best. He's a really nice guy, flexible with accommodations, and tries to keep the class upbeat. He mentioned a few times that he thinks a large focus on grades discourages students from being excited about the class, so he tries his best to make your grade not a big concern. As long as you show up to class, pay attention (some of the content is actually interesting), and put decent effort into your speeches, you will come out with an amazing grade. Worse comes to worse, he also has several opportunities for extra credit. I learned a lot about myself as a communicator and became more comfortable with public speaking. TAKE DAVID GORMING!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
if you show up to most classes and put in some effort, you're basically guaranteed an A (even if you're not the best at giving speeches). show up to class to make george smile :-)
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
This guy is amazing and the class is a cakewalk if you practice the speeches for like 20 minutes the night before you do them. Don't skip class too often because you may have a participation assignment for big points but honestly if you miss 1 you'll probably still get an A in the class. To not get an A on the 4 big speeches you would literally have to commit a crime against George, and the homework's and quizzes are 10 minute easy assignments. Would absolutely recommend.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
TL;DR: Probably the wackiest professor you'll ever have, and yet one of the best you may ever have. Funny out-of-pocket dude but makes the content interesting. Definitely an easy A class even if you are bad at public speaking. Speeches: There are three speeches that I had: informative, persuasive & professional. They are all exactly what you think they are, a speech informing a topic, a speech persuading your peers and a professional speech proposing something. They are all actually pretty easy I spent maybe an hour on each of them in preparation and got A's back on them all so it was okay. The biggest issue for me is he wants us to make an outline of the speech and then print it. That's it. If the biggest issue with this is a nitpick, you'll be fine. Lectures: Sometimes they can be boring so maybe try to bring out the comedy on your own or something. But they are a solid 1/4 of the class maybe, most of the time it's just speeches so you'll be fine. "Exams": Literally quizzes on ELMS you do on your own time. SO FREE. Extra: Tbh I thought I would hate the class because the first lecture he handed us like 8 papers but it was just the syllabus, so once you get past that you'll learn that he's a pretty great guy. He actively tries to bring the comedy out in each of his sections
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Great teacher, super nice, I recommend her for INAG110. - No quizzes - As long as you follow the rubric and practice, speeches are easy - In class activities pretty much every class, so you can't skip too many times - A couple of easy assignments where you record yourself speaking - No electronics... but if nobody in your section takes them out, she gives a lot of bonus points to the whole section - If a lot of people mess up an aspect of a speech, she won't take off points for everyone and will re-teach it
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is absolutely one of the best professors at UMD> He cares so much about his students, and this class is so fun. By the end of it, public speaking seems easy, and you come out of the class with so many new friends. I would 100% recommend this class to anybody looking to fill up the communications requirement. The speeches can seem a little daunting at first, but they are really not that bad, and as long as you put in some effort, this class is an easy A.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A-
Nice professor but is not understanding if you have public speaking anxiety. Also, she definitely grades a bit harshly on speeches, follow the guidelines she gives to the T! She did make the class fun though!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Dr. Sefton was truly a pleasure. You could tell how much she cared about her students from the way that she structures her course. At the end of the day, it's a graded communications class, but she prioritizes her students understanding the material first. If she notices a lot of students missed the mark on something in a speech, she will go back and grade leniently on that part and make sure to review it. If she got word that you had a performance (sports game, concert, etc.), she would show up and support you. At the end of the semester, she encouraged us to keep in touch and email her if we need help with anything (such staging a mock interview for a job/internship, or consulting her about any sort of speech you may have later down the line). I truly have not met a more caring professor/teacher in my life. I strongly recommend Dr. Sefton. The course itself wasn't terrible. Given the nature of how it's public speaking, if you struggle with that kind of thing, it's going to be tough but manageable. I hate public speaking and I'm still ending with an A. Just come to class and put in the effort and you will do just fine. Attendance is technically mandatory, and you get small, graded assignments every class. Skipping occasionally is fine, especially later in the semester. There is a final, but it's small and worth 5% of your grade. You simply just have to record yourself giving a speech on some things you learned during the course.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Dr. Sefton is an amazing professor. She truly cares about her students and wants to see them succeed. She will ask you about your hobbies and what you do in your free time, she wants to get to know you. She is super fun and she creates a great environment in her classroom. Content-wise she makes concepts easy to understand and is very clear with what she is looking for you to do. She knows that public speaking is nerve-wracking and doesn’t expect perfection, she wants you to try and improve. If you do what she asks you’ll get a good grade in the class. There is minimal work, and 4 major assessments plus a few recorded responses, and a recorded final.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A-
Mr. Ballenger is very approachable, professional, humorous,and practical when it comes to this oral communication class. Most things don't feel like common sense and are genuinely useful in delivering better speeches. He has clear rubrics and as long as you meet the criteria and put effort into it, you'll do well on the speeches. We got to the point where everyone knew everyone in the class. All grading is very fair and easy A, just have to put effort into class. Highly recommend. This class is worth taking a good instructor for.
Lori Sefton

Expecting a B+
This class is very very easy. You should definitely get an A, I unfortunately stopped going to class so that's why I have a B. Communications is a pain and a very annoying class as is, and truly nobody wants to take it. Dr. Sefton is a very kind professor and is incredibly lenient on everything except for big speech projects. There are 4 speeches throughout the course, and the final exam is only 5% of your overall grade. My one criticism to this class is that it was painfully boring which made it difficult for me to have the motivation to go. Overall would recommend, just keep in mind that she takes communications very seriously.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is the goat. Probably the best teacher I have ever had. The class is about communication, but he strives to push every person in the class to be the best versions of themselves. The class really isn't about what you learn, it's about how you exercise what you learn, and Prof. Gormong does in incredible job in making this happen.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Great course. Dr. Sefton is knowledgeable when it comes to communication, and her class teaches you the basics of communication and presentations well. However, her requirements and outlines when it comes to giving speeches are strict and can feel like it makes your speeches robotic. Dhe will take points off if you do not do it in the exact format she requires so watch out. Otherwise, she is very nice and she builds a great class environment.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
I would recommend dunning as a professor for INAG110. I feel like I mostly benefited from what we did in class because I felt more comfortable when it came time for bigger speeches. Almost every class we did short speaking exercises that were definitely funny sometimes and also some teambuilding things like the classic who would you push of the lifeboat. Those activities were nice. We also only had to do 3 big speeches: informative, persuasive, and business/professional which is good because I know other comm classes tend to do 4 big speeches. The only thing I would say is he is sometimes he is sort of passive if he can tell you are acting disinterested, lazy, careless, or unprepared. So, don't do that. Also, he has a lame topic list which is sort of long and says all of these topics we can't talk about because they are boring. Which is annoying but you can definitely find many other topics to use. It is nice to head people talk about things you would never think of because of this list and people also come up with some pretty funny topics. Overall, I would recommend but if you feel like you are the type of person who needs a lot of guidance, I would find someone else.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
As a freshman, it was my easiest class by far. As long as you put effort into it, you will get an A+. There are four speeches, and as long as you "give the speech" without completely selling, you will get a 100. Honestly, I enjoyed this class sometimes because Mrs. Williams would make the activities fun. Overall though 5/5 and a great way to start your freshman year.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
She was an amazing teacher who kept the class engaging and interesting. I highly recommend her when you need to take a communication class.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
He's a really nice guy. I'm not a fan of public speaking (idk many people who are) but I do feel like I took a lot away from this class, he doesn't grade harshly at all, and he's a really personable dude. Would recommend this teacher, his class was helpful and not overwhelming or scary.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
INAG 110 with Sam Rubin is the only way to go. I have friends who have taken INAG 110 from other professors and none are even close to Sam! His great sense of humor is what got me through his class. I’m a female junior and I’ve never seen a professor at UMD as lively and energetic as he is. Even the lectures, which can sometimes be a little dry, are fun because of all the stories he tells and his funny (and sometimes crazy) jokes. I really wish all my professors could be like him. If you want to really learn something useful, Sam’s class is where you need to be. He really cares about all his students, is fair, reasonable and respectful. You can talk to him about anything and he actually listens. When the class is over, you actually feel like you’ve been part of a community. Take this class and you’ll thank me!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Looking to better yourself and finally get over the fear of doing speeches? TAKE SAM RUBIN! He is hilarious, energetic, engaging and the class is pure gold. Speaking as both a senior AND a woman, it is a breath of fresh air to finally, finally, finally be treated with this level of maturity and respect. Through the use of care, concern and, most important, age appropriate humor, Sam teaches you the power of finding your own voice and being part of a community. Don't delay---sign up today for a life changing experience you will remember for years to come!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Sefton is pretty good. Cares about students and will support you in and out of the classroom. She cares a lot about what she teaches, and it is evident in her grading. Takes off points for some pretty niche things, but come to class and you will get an A
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A-
Sam might be one of the most genuine and best professors out there. He truly cares about the students and is always willing to help no matter what. He literally gives he phone number out and says you can call him anytime and he will literally always pick up. The class is mostly speeches that are graded fairly, you get what you deserve basically, no fluff. His lectures are boring and he repeats stuff too much. Some of the jokes are tiring and class feels long sometimes but he is a good professor and you should definitely take him.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
David Gormong is an AMAZING teacher. Public speaking is objectively horrible, but he made the classroom such a safe space to practice and get better! He was a fair grader - if you do what he asks you get a good grade. The work load is so reasonable, never felt overwhelming at all. Definitely recommend taking his class for your comms credit
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is an amazing teacher and he cares a lot about his students. Every class period always starts with some getting to know the students and he really shares things about himself too. The grading is very light and as long as you show up and try you are going to succeed in his class. I highly recommend this class and him as a professor.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
He is the best type of professor - not only does he care a lot about his students, but he cares about the students truly learning to be less afraid of public speaking and making them the best speakers they can be rather than the actual grade. This class is not only very light in work, especially since the big speeches (there are 4 of them, but the 1st is practically not even a speech) are very open in topic which allows you to choose something you actually enjoy. I thought I wouldn't enjoy this class as much since it's a speaking class and I hate public speaking, but this class became one of my favorites because of how close the class was and how kind he is. He fosters a very nice community in his classes.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
I almost dropped this class before the semester started because I was so nervous about public speaking and I'm so happy I didn't! Prof Gormong is an incredible sweet and kind man who truly cares about all of his students and wants everyone to succeed. He makes you feel super comfortable in the class and it really makes a difference when it comes to public speaking. The weekly practice speeches can be annoying but they end up being really helpful to get used to talking in front of others and are graded very easily. I looked forward to his class throughout the semester and I would recommend it to anyone needing a comm credit!
David Gormong

Expecting an A
TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is very nice and ensure that students succeed. Public speaking may seem scary, but Professor Gormong ensures that everyone performs well and he is considerate when grading. There are extra points assignments here and there if you need a grade booster. My public speaking improved because of this class. Professor Gormong also creates a welcoming and opening environment for students. For almost every class, we are doing something that is graded, for instance, practice speeches that last less than one minute, so I recommend attending every class if possible, but he is understanding if you are sick or needs an absent leave if you email him prior.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
All the recent reviews are correct, very chill class with fair grading. The speeches are also help you get better at speaking without adding additional stress on you. Best choice for oral communications credit!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong did a really great job! I learned a lot about how to give speeches, and he really focused on helping us get more comfortable talking in front of the class and making sure we were all included. A lot of times I would feel nervous before speeches or worry about mistakes I thought I had made, but the grading was pretty generous. At the same time, he still gave good feedback on specific areas to improve. I would highly recommend this class and Professor Gormong because it's a great way to get your gen ed credit, get better at communication, and have a fun and social class.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!! She is such a cool women and so nice. She is very understanding and so easy to get an A in this class. The assignments are lowkey fun sometimes. Love her
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
As long as you put minimal effort and do the work, you will get an A. Sam is a very chill and nice guy but at the same time an acquired taste. If you are (reasonably) uncomfortable with inappropriate jokes, don't take his class. Its probably not a coincidence the girl to guy ration in the class was so off as I can see how a lot of people would be uncomfortable. If your up for some jokes, and for some jokes to be made about you, then the class is wonderful. Your class will become a close community and there will be lots of laughter. Don't be fooled by the ridiculously long instruction pages and supposedly strict guidelines because in reality the class is an easy A. The personal stories Sam give are the best part of the class, while the worst is note taking days where he just reads off boring definitions and puts you to sleep. For that reason, and the sometimes unnecessary jokes, 4 stars instead of 5.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
PLEASE TAKE INAG110 WITH THIS PROFESSOR!!! He is the sweetest man ever with such a great personality. I would choose to take his classes over and over again if I could. Grading wise he's pretty easy going. he will dink you for points if you obviously don't try but nothing's unfair. Take his class, treat him well, and actually talk with the guy. He is so nice.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A-
Pretty much the same as the other reviews: light-ish grader (you will do good as long as you prepare and practice), easy engaging lectures, not a lot of assignments. He does seems to have feelings against non-freshman taking the course. Nothing ever outright, but he was more impatient with us. He also has a list of banned topics which he deems boring/lame. Some of them make sense, but some of them in the list are just things that he doesn't want to hear. Which is annoying because some of these topics I could imagine someone giving a good speech about; he's just particular. But honestly, it is an easy enjoyable class. Would recommend.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
Mr. B is an amazing professor with incredibly relevant communication experience. He is funny and engaging, and he will make a genuine effort to get to know you. I loved my time with him, and I learned a lot from him. The workload is very manageable, and the speeches are actually pretty fun.
Amy Fisher

Super nice professor! If you read the rubrics and listen to what she requires for the 4 speeches (one of which is show and tell) you'll be fine. Just complete things on time, I did it blended and sometimes I'd forget to do things but that's on me of course. Super sweet lady and tries to keep things entertaining and laid back. Take her!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
He is a super sweet professor who genuinely cares about his students. He grades speeches very fairly, and there are numerous opportunities for extra credit in his class. There are weekly quizzes on the chapter and mini speeches on the chapter, but I never read the whole chapter and did fine as he goes through all the material right before the quiz. genuinely recommend taking the class with him as he is probably one of the best professors at UMD. I improved my public speaking skills and can't recommend him enough.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Best class ever! Sam Rubin is the perfect teacher for INAG 110 if you want to learn how to give a great speech (a skill that always comes in handy). He opens the class with high energy, passion and enthusiasm. Stick with it and don't be afraid because the class is always engaging and exciting. Most of all, by the end of the semester, the class has become a community. THIS is what education is all about.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Sam's class is a very mixed bag. It can be fun, and he's definitely an unusual professor - but if you go to the first class and feel like it might not be for you, trust your gut. It might not be worth it for you - unless you really want stories to tell your friends.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Fisher is great to take to satisfy your Comm credit, as the course is very laid-back and she grades pretty easily. As long as you do the work and take her feedback into consideration, you should have to problem doing well. There are four speeches, and some reflections on various topics that are completion based. I would highly recommend taking her class online if possible, as it is even more laid-back and entirely asynchronous except for the speeches one a week. Super chill, super friendly.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam Rubin is the absolute BEST professor at UMD that I've ever had! He's caring, thoughtful and just a generally good person. His teaching style is extremely lively, high energy and fun---you'll never be bored. He's always available to help students 24/7. He's very up front and honest so you know exactly what to expect--nothing hidden. He's a VERY fair (and generous) grader and wants all his students to succeed. As long as you do the work, you can pretty much be sure you'll get that A. This is a professor who really cares about his students. I can tell you that is NOT something you find here at UMD (I'm going into my senior year). Take Sam if you want to really learn and have fun at the same time. You won't regret it!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Three cheers for Sam, the best professor at UM! Highly energetic, passionate, engaging and, most of all, an easy A. This is a class where you will get over your fear of public speaking, learn about other people and come out a lot better at the end. Sign up today for the experience of a lifetime!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Sam is great. He's a bit overwhelming but also is an incredibly nice guy who cares a lot about his students. He's an engaging lecturer (though the content is still boring) and is very transparent about grades and exam content. He can be hit or miss, but I would highly recommend giving him a chance.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
If you're looking for an easy A, with limited effort, a joke, don't take Sam, take literally anyone else. I took this class thinking it would be my chill class with all the STEM courses, it wasn't that, you actually have to try on speeches, always attend, be creative, and survive his antics. But Sam, is a great professor, he's funny, takes the class seriously, and cares that you succeed and take something away from this class. It's also nice cause you get to meet the people in the class and get to know them. I had a good time, but didn't think I would have to do as much work as I did. Have a funny story to tell down the line and take Sam.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Dr. Sefton cared about us and wanted to make us comfortable with speaking. We didn't really do practice speaking at the front like other classes which may have helped but would have been annoying. Decently easy grader if you practice your speeches and go to class. There was a grade during every class so you can't really skip too much, but you always get 100 for these if you go to class. We had no quizzes unlike other classes, and you don't need to do the readings even though she assigns them, she just lectures on the readings in class so there is no point and she asks nothing about the readings. One thing is no phones during class, the lecture isn't bad but I sometimes just reviewed notes for math during class. Tips: INAG100 vs COMM107 doesn't really matter, only the professor matters. We didn't have a group speech like some professors had. We just had Introductory, Informative, Persuasive, Business, and then the final (which is online and really easy for every class). Some other classes also had a group speech as well as those speeches.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
For reference, I review all my professors, and my average review is 4.2, 4.13 weighted by credit. Before day 1, he emailed us saying he wasn't your typical UMD professor. Yeah, he was right about that one! I'll write a full review since I'm bored, but you don't need to read past this line. Singularities/Unique because: - He's more of a guy at the front desk somewhere than a professor. You can walk up to him, roast him in front of the class, and he'll laugh as hard as everyone else and probably throw a few bonus points your way. - Wisconsin native, loves scuba diving and other fine points of life. A background rooted in enjoying life, not being the most professional professor possible or something. Ask him about it sometime! Like I said, he's fun to talk to, and to him, you're fun to talk to, too. - Course content is self-guided, and it's up to you how much you want to read about what are actually some interesting topics. You won't have to talk much about them in class or anything. INAG w/ George is the opposite of a content-crammer. - Don't worry about walking'll get out 20% early every day when speeches, the group activity, or the occasional brief lecture are over. George doesn't want to be there any more than you do. You'll probably like: - the low-pressure atmosphere all of this creates. It's still rewarding to do well on speeches though, because they're not automatic 100s. - Quizzes are two-take, see which questions you got wrong after the first one. You may be frustrated by: - 99% of you won't care, and I only did a tiny bit, but if you're someone who is really dying to learn a ton about this topic, say for personal experience, or just the fact that your major probably doesn't have many classes like "INAG110" in it, then you won't be getting a ton of lecturing and new material. You can certainly dive really deep into the material; it's all provided from the day ELMS opens for the semester, but it will certainly have to be self-guided. eeeeeeeeeeeee
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Dr. Sefton has been one of the best professors I've had so far during my first year. She truly cares about her students and wants all of them to succeed in her class. She provides ample feedback after every assignment submitted and always gets back to her students asap. There are four speeches throughout the semester, and if you follow the rubric you'll do well on them. There is a no electronics policy in her class, but it is not too bad since the class is only 50min long. If you're a freshman and need to fulfill your oral comm gen-ed, I highly suggest taking it with Dr. Sefton in INAG110. She grades very fairly and always makes sure to explain why she grades a certain way. There are no test or quizzes in the class, so that is also very nice. Other than the four major speeches, the workload is very light and manageable. She explains all the concepts very well and is always happy to answer questions for her students.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Professor Mays was hands down my favorite professor this semester. She made class very accommodating, and easy. This class is relatively small, so the class environment made it easier for me to give speeches. She gives out an outline and prepares you very well to do good in speeches. The impromptu speeches and quizzes are very easy, as everything is in the textbook. Also, the final was voted on by the class, and we chose an advertisement, which was fairly easy and quick to complete. Professor Mays had a lot going on this semester, but she was very nice and tried her best. I truly appreciate her for being so authentic to her students, I wish we had more professors like he, shoutout Professor Mays!!!
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A+
A very nice professor who is organized, gives good feedback, and grades leniently (aka not a harsh grader). He makes the class chill enough that I would only need to spent maximum 2 hours each week on the workload. And he's genuinely a nice person who enjoys his job, and it shows :)
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
amazing professor!! she's a very light grader, super fun to talk to, and incredibly understanding about everything. definitely take her!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
The vast majority of your grade comes from the 4 speeches, and he's a pretty chill grader. Everything I lost points on was things I genuinely screwed up, but I've given some pretty terrible speeches (from a combination of anxiety + lack of preparation) and still have never gotten lower than a 90%, which still pretty much guarantees you an A in the class. The rest of your grade comes from easy assignments, and any of the chapter quizzes can be finished in minutes with control+f. The final is also pass/fail and is only like 3 questions about the class. George himself is also really chill and kind! He makes class interesting enough that you will actually want to go, but he doesn't care if you don't as long as you still show up to speech days. He also tends to end class early or cancel it altogether. He's also very accommodating if you just talk to him. Take George!
Lori Sefton

Expecting a B+
Amazing teacher, will hold you accountable for your own grade and make you sure you know why you got what you got, even if you did well. I agree with the “no-phones” rule as it more often than not allowed me to pay attention much better. As long as you put the effort in, it’s not difficult at all to get the grade you want. Also, very personable and friendly!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Super nice professor. She is very personable and wants to get to know you. But, she nitpicks on small details in the speeches that add up. I am not a good public speaker and still got an A on every speech. 5 point assignments every class so attendance is basically mandatory, but if you do well on speeches you can afford to skip a few. Class is ultimately pretty boring and she either just talked the whole time or we were listening to speeches, which made her no phone policy particularly annoying. Overall, she is a great professor since she made everyone feel pretty comfortable presenting even if public speaking wasn't their strong suit and it isn't hard to get an A if you follow her specific comments. There's probably easier professors, but she is really nice and wants you to succeed.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Only have 4 in person speeches (and a recorded final) that Dr. Sefton well prepares you for. Have to attend class because there are little assignments everyday. Class is a little boring at times but you do learn a lot about public speaking and it's almost impossible to do poorly in. Dr. Sefton clearly explains what she expects and if you do that you will get a good grade. I definitely recommend taking Dr. Sefton and INAG110 for oral comm GenED.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Sefton is so sweet! She truly cares about this subject and her students and shes very kind and considerate to her students. She takes feedback very seriously and always leaves a lot of comments about how you can improve. She doesn't take off many points, especially if a lot of other people were struggling with the same thing. She communicates her expectations for each presentation and assignment very clearly, so tbh if you want to do well just make sure to practice a little before your presentations and you will be fine. The class is structured where you have 4 speeches and a final speech that you record and submit on ELMS. Theres assignments (points you get for participating in the activities every lecture - not really an assignment) every lecture. Theyre easy points to get so just go to lecture, but if you miss a few it isnt going to affect your grade much. The course is weighted so that speeches make up most of your grade (speeches are 60% i think and the final is 5%) so they are what matter most - so again, just make sure you practice and prepare a little. In general the course is really easy and I do think it helped me improve my presenting skills, and I would recommend this professor.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Dr. Sefton is a great professor that cares a lot about her students. She really makes an effort to get to know each of her students and takes into account / makes notice of your progress throughout the semester. She is a very fair grader, and for someone who does not like public speaking, this class was not bad at all. The material that Dr. Sefton teaches about speeches (such as eye contact, posture, slideshows, hand gestures, etc.) are very useful and I feel that I have learned a lot of valuable skills in this class for public speaking. Overall, great professor.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
I absolutely LOVED taking this class with her. Although it is important to attend her classes because there are participation points everyday that add up in the end. I learned a lot from her and would recommend everyone to take her!!!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A-
Great professor, one of the best I have had so far at UMD, really engaged and helpful, and the environment of the classroom was super friendly and I enjoyed coming to class everyday.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Lori Sefton is a very nice professor and cares about her students. Her lectures are clear and shes really passionate about communication. She is very detailed in speeches but it benefits you in the end if you're looking to improve your public speaking skills. She is adamant about attendance and has a few points for classwork in each lecture. Her speech assignments aren't very hard and there's very limited homework. As long as you prepare for speeches, follow guidelines, and come to class it's a pretty easy class. I found enjoyment and didn't feel like it was a boring Gen Ed class as well. If you aren't good at attending classes, I'd avoid taking her but in the end, it benefits you.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Really unique instructor who cares a lot about teaching the course. The course is a free A as long as you put in the minimum effort and it is pretty interesting. Don’t drop him in the beginning even if he comes off a bit strong because it will be worth it at the end.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Great professor. As long as you follow instructions, turn in work on time, and put a bit of effort in your speeches, the class is an easy A. Definitely worth taking even if it is a 6:30 class.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Incredibly sweet man who wants the best for everyone. Super encouraging and gives great feedback. He facilitates a healthy classroom environment that makes everyone feel welcome. A little harsh when it comes to grading speeches, but overall just prepare for a day or two before your speech and you'll get an A.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
I don't know why all these other reviews glaze, probably because everybody feels proud that they successfully completed their oral communication credit, but he does way too much for an oral communication class. He is generally one of the more stricter teachers I have seen at this university. Like this guy does not play around. But his class is pretty easy to ace, just attend class. Like if I have one suggestion for you, it is to attend class because you can lose a lot of points for not being in class. In terms of grading speeches, as you progress through speeches he grades more harshly, but it's nothing to worry about because he makes sure you get plenty of practice before you give solo speeches.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
I am a very anxious public speaker and coming into INAG110 I was very nervous. Professor Gormong made the class and environment so comfortable. We knew everyone in the class, and we all were friends which made it so much easier to speak in front of them. The grading is pretty easy as long as you put in the work to do well. The bigger speech assignments were flexible in what we talk about so we could talk about something we were passionate about. We had weekly readings which we had to do small weekly speeches on and chapter quizzes which sounded like a lot to me, but it really wasn't. The readings were never too bad and the class is structured to where the small speech was on Monday and the quiz Wednesday so we were prepared for the quiz without really needing to read if we were paying attention. Overall I grew as a speaker and would highly recommend this course to others who need to take a communications course.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Prof Gormong is an AMAZING teacher. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of public speaking, I genuinely look forward to going to classes. He has excelled at creating a comfortable and welcoming environment in class where he is accessible and friendly, and everyone in class is friends too. There are a lot of mini speeches which seem annoying at first, but they're guaranteed A's and really good practice just to get comfortable speaking in front of class, there are even opportunities to make them funny. The big speeches are NOT graded harshly at all as long as you make an effort and stick to the rubric, which we go over in class. You also really get used to speaking and it becomes a chill experience. There are also many in class activities incorporated into the class like canvas quizzes based on speeches and stating that you were present that give good grade cushioning. Not a ton of prep assignments for the speech, just organizational things to help you out. I would 10000% recommend taking this class with Gormong to anyone who needs an oral comm credit still, he's genuinely the nicest guy and best prof.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Prof. Gormong is a great teacher. The reviews from a few years ago are inaccurate. He is supportive and encouraging, a fair grader, and tries to keep class engaging. There is a graded participation assignment every class, so I recommend not skipping, but there is no real reason to skip as the class is engaging and even fun. You can easily get an A as long as you stay on top of your assignments outside of class and follow the rubric that he gives for larger speeches.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Gormong was one of the best professors I have ever had. He made a class I was nervous about taking, one of the best classes. He is very lenient and great with communicating.The class is super easy, there's weekly quizzes on the textbook but it's super easy. There's four major speeches which get longer as they progress but they're not terrible. You're given an objective and you're free to write about whatever and you're able to have notecards. Anyone taking this course for sure try to register for him specifically.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong was an excellent teacher. He tries to be as involved as possible and asks us about school and life as we are waiting for class to start. He explains the speeches well and is not a harsh grader. He does lots of practice speeches so everyone can practice each skill we learn. He also has lots of extra point assignments to boost your grade like journals entries, and class activities. I was glad to have him as a teacher.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Amazing teacher. Takes time to connect with each student and is very social and kind. His lectures are brief and too the point, and he explains the curriculum very well. Homework only includes speech prep and practice, and the occasional readings (that are not graded). He's an extremely fair grader on speeches as well, you'd have to intentionally miss the rubric or just not do the work to get anything less than a -A. He tries to grade your speech based on your own effort and ability, not in comparison to your classmates.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
I loved Professor Gormong's class. He is extremely kind and treats everyone with the utmost respect. He was able to foster an environment where college students could be vulnerable and honest with each other, which I think is extremely commendable. He takes his time to get to know his students as well. I would recommend his INAG110 class to anybody who needs to fulfill their Oral Communication requirement.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
100% recommend this course and professor for your COMM requirement. The class environment felt super comfortable and safe and I actually looked forward to coming to class each day. Public speaking is scary for a lot of people (including me) but Professor Gormong helped to relieve a ton of that anxiety.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Great proffesor. Cares about the student's success and overall well-being. Fostered a fun environment in the class where everyone became friends and it was a class that I looked forward to despite it being my first class in the morning. This is also a pretty easy A if you do everything on time and follow the rubric. Very forgiving grader. Definitely take him!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Prof Gormong was one of the kindest and genuine professors I've had a UMD. He was highly involved in our work and truly wanted his students to learn. He cares about his students and truly wants the class to be a safe place especially since public speaking can be difficult. He is very clear and fair with his grading. Pay attention, but also have fun. I would take Gormong again if I could!
David Gormong

Expecting an A-
Professor Gormong is great. He made INAG a lot less painful than it otherwise would've been and was extremely fair with grades and gave prompt feedback on all major assignments. I'd highly recommend this class and professor Gormong specifically.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Awesome prof and amazing person! But she is a really harsh grader. If you don't adequately prepare for a speech, you will not get away with just bullshitting it unfortunately, but you do grow as a communicator in this class and she is always ready to help you succeed in any way you can.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Sam is easily the most caring, kindhearted, and passionate professor I've ever had. I'll never be able to look at another professor the same because none can compare.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
He's a great teacher and explains things really well. He actually believes that this class is meaningful though. This class sucks at first with public speaking but you get used to it and it's one of those requirements you just have to get through. If you show up and do the work you'll get an A.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is one of the best and most engaging instructors I have ever had. If you are planning on taking INAG110, definitely take it with George!!
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Professor Gormong cares about his students. I have become a lot more confident by taking this class and it was one of my favorites. It's perfect to take freshman year because you meet people- it kind of feels like a high school class because it's intimate and that's what I loved about it. This class was funny at times too, and Professor Gormong makes sure it's a safe and supportive space. He is such a real and genuine person and you can easily connect with him. I definitely recommend him. One thing is that if you speak fast and under the time limit you can have some points taken off, and as someone who speaks fast I learned to slow down a lot. Great class, great professor and I liked my classmates too. The graded speeches themselves are chill, the hardest ones were probably the middle two- the Informative Speech and the Persuasive Speech. He's really accommodating, so make sure to email him if you're absent because attendance is mandatory. There are a lot of practice speeches, where you get full credit for showing up and doing them, and at first, it was daunting but over the semester you learn it's really not that deep. Also, a lot of ways to bring your grade up. Good class for people with public speaking and social anxiety. :)
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is the best teacher ever GOAT, I love how he gets personal with his students and he is just himself. If you have the chance take the course with George as he is the GOAT INAG teacher.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
This guy is the GOAT Professor!! It was always a blast to come to the classes and is super laid-back, flexible, and doesn't assign much work outside of speeches. I would highly recommend taking INAG with George!!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Sam is the best. This is the only course I feel so sorry if I miss a lecture. This class doesn't make attendance mandatory but everyone shows up.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
I love Mr. Sam. He is a little too harsh of a grader but he cares a lot and his teaching style is very engaging
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
She's a very forgiving teacher. The content isn't too bad, and she does everything she can to benefit you.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is awesome! Very kind, very positive and straightforward. There was a week where he was very moody and kinda rude, but I think something was going on in his personal life. If you are not going to talk at all in the class, just take a different professor because you ruin how fun the class could be. In my class there are only three people that talk, myself included, and George likes us. The rest of the class will not speak, and I think George got upset because of how irritating that was. As far as the class goes, you can get super ahead because he posts every assignment throughout the entire semester before classes even begin. It lightens the semester load up a lot, and honestly, I would even do work in his class to procrastinate my work in other classes. Doesn't take much brain power to do well. I highly recommend him, but only if you're going to open your mouth and not sit there like a dead zombie.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Without a doubt the best professor I've ever had. He genuinely cares about his students and is also really entertaining. Grades are also easy.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
Great Professor. Easy class to get the oral communication credit.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is one of the best professors in my opinion. He is the sweetest person out there and very understanding. He doesn't grade harshly at all and is very fair. I would recommend him to anyone! The one downside to the class is having to do mini speeches each class but everyone gets a 100% on them so it helps if you don't do as well on a quiz or actual speech. He really cares about each of his students and takes the time to get to know everyone!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Lori Sefton is a nice person, but she is way too into this class. This class is not hard and is manageable with her as a professor, but I would encourage anyone to choose a different professor if possible. Doctor Sefton always leaves rude comments on your speeches and will grade you on things that are unimportant like if you put too much weight on one foot during a speech or your pace while you walk up to the podium. She also does not allow any electronics to be taken out in the classroom AT ALL which is extremely annoying at times, especially because the class is often boring. She likes things to be done in a certain exact way and if it is not done that way, she will take off points.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Prof Dunning is the best. He makes his lectures fun and engaging. He grades relatively lightly on the speeches. Easy A. Take him if you can.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is amazing, great teaching style and enjoyed his class!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George was a great professor that actually cares about his students' wellbeing. Not only was he an understanding grader but he truly made you feel heard and supported. I would take him again if I could. He makes every class enjoyable and understands that students have heavy workloads. He responds to emails super fast and is really attentive in class. I felt like I actually learned how to be a better speaker without all the stress of public speaking.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Awesome professor! She cares a lot about students and is always available to help with anything you need. As long as you go to class you'll be fine, the only homework is writing speeches for the most part.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Dr. Sefton was a really enjoyable professor. There were 4 speeches that made up the majority of your grade. Each were a a little longer than the last but nothing difficult. You can choose what to talk about. She goes over everything needed to get a good grade and explains each part thoroughly. She always offers extra help and responds quickly. There are some recorded assignments but none are difficult. There are many readings assigned but they aren't necessary to do as she goes over each chapter during lectures. In class she lectures about the chapter each week and has you do some small 5 point assignments that do add up but aren't worth much of the grade. The fourth speech is done in the last weeks of class. The final is a recorded submission. Overall, Dr. Sefton is a great professor and wants to help you succeed. Her class gives you valuable skills you are guaranteed to use in the future and I would recommend taking INAG110 with her.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
This was a pretty easy class and attendance was not mandatory. He provides a clear rubric to follow, and everyone pretty much gets a 90-97 on every speech (based on canvas highs-lows). He said that "mandatory" class activities factored into our final grade, but I don't think he ever ended up putting them in. It's still nice to go to class and hear his lectures/participate in activities because they tend to be fun and he gets to know you better (and might give you a higher speech grade if he recognizes you).
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
All the reviews saying that he was a harsh grader no longer apply. He explained to my class that he had been required to do so in the past due to his old boss, however he has since changed his teaching style. He gives you all you will need in order to be sucessful in the class, as well as provides good feedback to help you do better on your next speech. The class consisted of weekly pass/fail practice speeches, reading quizzes (super easy), and 5 big speeches. This class can truly help you become a better public speaker as Professor Gormong truly cares about the success of his students.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Course: Course was public speaking with other assignments focusing more on interactions with others and inclusivity. Quizzes you can CTRL F the textbook pages. Speeches progressively get longer as the year goes on. I finished with a 100.04% Breakdown: - Speeches (4), 60%, these go Introductory, Informative, Persuasive, and Professional. The times go from 1-2 minutes, 4-5 minutes, 6-8 minutes, 8-10 minutes, respectively. It sounds intimidating but if you choose a topic you are actually interested in, it goes by pretty fast. The last two have visual aid slideshows. These get easier as you have more practice, and as long as you prepare well, then you should be fine. - Assignments (11), 35%, these include chapter quizzes, speech reflections, and impromptu speeches. Chapter quizzes are pretty easy as long as you can find it in the textbook, speech reflections should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, and impromptu speeches are kind of like pop up speeches on the fly, but are really easy. Just talk about something that you like about for 1 ½ - 2 minutes and you will get points. - Final, 5%, this is really easy. You get to vote as a class as to what you want your final assignment to be, and ours was to create an advertisement. I finished it in 20 minutes virtually asynchronous and got 100%. Professor: SHE IS THE BEST! She is very understanding of the fact that public speaking is a hard skill and a very big fear of many people, and makes the class a very warm and welcoming environment. She WANTS all of her students to end with an A+, and those who came to class and put in minimal effort ended up with an A. She is super nice, cares about every single person, and she felt more like a very knowledgeable friend rather than my professor. I would recommend anyone to take her for a communications class, if they’re ok with earlier classes (class starts anywhere from 8:00 - 10:30 AM). If there is only 8 am left, take it, it's worth it!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Going into this class I was expecting to not do well. I was really bad at public speaking and I just took the class to fulfil the general education requirement. The class was certainly a challenge if you don't have a lot of public speaking experience. However, the challenge is completely manageable because there are no surprises. For each speech the professor goes over exactly what is expected of you and as long as you do what your asked you will get a good grade. The class schedule is generally easier than COMM107. However, the last presentation is quite a step up in difficulty from the rest of them. If you're bad at public speaking (like me) the class will require a good amount of prep work before each speech. I know this might all sounds bad but I promise that the class is more than fair. Dr. Sefton is an incredible professor. She is so supportive and understanding. If you need help with any of the speeches or have any questions she will always help at her office hours. She lets students restart their speeches if they messed up and tries her best to make sure everyone understands that its ok to make mistakes. The learning environment was so supportive, even from the classmates. It felt like we were all a team that was suffering through the pain of public speaking together. This class and Dr. Sefton helped me grow so much as a public speaker. This is why I would recommend this class to anyone. With a little bit of effort you will easily pass this class.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Great person all around. If you meet all of the requirements for your speech, she will give you full points. Any comms class will push you out of your comfort zone if you're not accustomed to public speaking, but she makes it doable for her students. Her class has a very light workload. There are 4 total speeches, ranging in time requirements from 1.5-10 minutes, a handful of open-book take-home quizzes (free points), small assignments here and there, and a few extra credit assignments. My class had no midterm and a final assignment. In all, Prof. Mays-Williams is such a kind, understanding, and intelligent professor that will make your comms class a breeze :)
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
One of the best professors I've ever had. His teaching style can be a little quirky and he has a clear no-phone policy (you get extra credit at the end if nobody uses it though). Still very engaging!
Lori Sefton

Expecting a B+
Take another comm professor at the end of the day, regardless if they're rude or not as long as u get that A. Honestly shes is a very sweet professor and I've learned a lot going to her class but shes is very nitpicky about minor details and it adds up in the end. I ended up getting a B+ and was on the edge of an A and she refused to round up. Her class is very dependent on attendance and speeches, so if your not good at presenting or refuse to show up to class... womp womp
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Amy is probably the best professor you could take to fulfill your communication credit. She understands that a comm class isn't the focal point of your education, and she designs the course that way. There are only 4 speeches throughout the whole semester, and those are basically the only grades. She grades very leniently, so as long as you put effort into the assignments, you'll get an A. She's also incredibly nice and is a joy to be around. You should 100% take this course if you need to fulfill your FSOC credit.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Like many other reviewers, I have to say that Dr. Dunning's lectures were very engaging. His class was also pretty easy. There were three speeches, an introduce-yourself talk (free points), a final project (explain how to write a speech), and open-book quizzes on Canvas (no due date, and you can take 'em twice.) If you're naturally confident and like public speaking, this is an easy A. It took me about a hour and half to whip up each speech and only minimal practice to deliver them. If you're newer to public speaking, I would still highly recommend Dr. Dunning's classes--there's a lot of practice speaking spontaneously in classes, and he is very helpful in office hours as a sounding board for your speeches. Plus, the speeches are graded pretty leniently as long as you adhere to the structure he teaches in class and the rubric he gives you.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Awesome. Take her. Warning: She does not accept late work. Besides that, take her!!!!!!! As a stem student, this class was very refreshing. Nice to actually see an A for once.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam the man is an absolute G. Class was a cakewalk and actually fun to go to. For one of the three speeches we did, I did not practice at all and managed to get an A on it somehow. The guy wants you to succeed and makes it impossible to fail. You just need to go to class and do all of the work the way that he tells you to do it. He even brought in his wife one day and she even made us treats for the beginning of every night.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A+
I loved INAG110 with Dr.Dunning. Though the class is lecture-based, taking notes is not required since the majority of the learning is done through practicing the different speech structures you'll learn in class. Dr. Dunning is hilarious and finds ways to apply all the concepts in the course to our daily lives. This class is an easy A (so long as you "don't reinvent the wheel" and follow the rubric). This semester the final was a video you could pre-record where you explained how to give a speech. I loved this class! It's my favorite gen-ed yet!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
I loved George, and he was super laid back, the work was at times non existent for this class. Great guy, and made class fun. Please take him!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is one of the best professors I have had during my academic career at UMD. Not only does he grade fairly, but he makes the class easy with his quizzes, worksheets, and speeches. Regardless, of the previous reviews from a year ago up to now. I assure you he is one of the best INAG-110 professors on this campus. If you put in the work and effort YOU will pass. So please take his class as he grades very fair and cares about every single one of his students. Please do not judge a book by its cover this review should be the most current as of why you should take his INAG-110 class. His quizzes require you to read the online FREE version of the textbook, but at max it takes 20-30 minutes to review the content. So expect a tiny bit of the work to be put into that. Practice speeches are quite easy if you put in the time and effort only taking 10-15 minutes of my time to do. Please take this class, great professor, great takeaways from public speaking, and an easy A if you put the work into it.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I hate speeches, but love George. Ends class early often, and sometimes cancels. The lecture feels more like a conversation cuz it's so chill. Just practice your speeches a couple of times and you're good.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
She's a pretty standard professor, not hard to do well in the class if you put in the time. Class was basically mandatory as there were small assignments every class. There were four major speeches in which you could basically talk about whatever you wanted (not hard), but her grading could be a bit harsh considering. Topics covered in class were interesting enough and useful in a communications setting. Overall she was fine.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
If you're someone who thrives under very specific direction you will love Dr. Sefton. She lays out expectations very clearly: structure for your speech outlines, notecards, speech structure, even body language. You can practically know what you'll get on a speech or assignment before even doing it if you just follow the rubric and especially if you go to office hours (she's very willing to help). However because the directions are so specific there is not much room for error with her grading. There are assigned textbook readings but tbh you do not need to read any of them, she covers the topics fully in class. Definitely recommend, I feel like I will actually be using a lot of the things she taught in my future presentations
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A-
Just the best teacher. Didn't care that my presentation were obsessively about cars (240sx)
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Great professor, understands that this is an easy class that most students are taking to cover their comm credit. Doesn't grade harshly, even if you don't like public speaking, very accommodating and offers extra credit, both assignments and for participation. We had three speeches, with a few more really minor ones, and our "final" was a simple creative project, but we got to vote for it, so might be different in other classes. Additionally, Prof. Mays-Williams is really kind and friendly, loved her as a person. Plus, class size was small (15-20 students), so overall chill, friendly atmosphere, and made speeches much less nervewracking in front of a small audience. Would definitely recommend!!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
One of my favorite professors ever. She is genuinely so kind and friendly. For all your speeches if you write your outline before the due date, you can email her and she will provide feedback that pretty much ensures you get 100% on the structure part of the speech rubric. There were textbook readings we were supposed to read before class but there was no need for you to read them since there were no tests or quizzes on the textbook and she would repeat the same stuff in her lecture that day. There were 4 recorded assignments throughout the semester that were very easy and didn't take too long, and other than that the only work for her class was preparing for the speeches. I didn't find her to be a tough grader and if she noticed the majority of people missed some component of the speech she would not take points off anyone for it and instead called it an error of her teaching. She randomly partners you up with people in class which might seem scary but made you more comfortable with everyone in the class and made speaking in front of them far less intimidating.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
The reason Professor Gormong's ratings are so low is because they are from when he was a harsher grader/instructor which is no longer true. I took this class completely uncomfortable with any form of public speaking but he really made the class welcoming, comfortable, and inclusive. The class consists of weekly practice pass/fail speeches, weekly (easy) quizzes, and 5 big speeches. As long as you put in effort and show that you tried you will get good grades in this class. (the lowest grade on our big speech was an 84). Professor Gormong really cares about his students and is extremly accommodating because of it. He gives you all that you will need to be successful in his class, and makes it fun and lighthearted at the same time. This class was a refreshing break from my harder classes and gave me a chance to breathe. I really recommend this professor for INAG110.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is an amazing Professor. He is very generous with grading speeches, and treats this class like the 100 level class its supposed to be. He builds good relationships with his students and creates a positive learning environment every day. There are four speeches which make up the majority of your grade, but if you practice you will be fine. George is there to help you overcome any anxiety you may have. Attending this class is genuinely enjoyable. Take George for this required Gen-Ed, trust me.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
Very very nice professor who is understanding and very accommodating. I highly recommend taking him for this course because he does help teach motivation and get you prepared for public speaking. This class would not have been my first choice by any mean, but I am glad that I took it with Mr B because he did help a lot with my public speaking comfort.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Please, please take this class with Dr. Sefton! She is very, very passionate about what she does and makes the class incredibly engaging. I did not ever utilize her office hours, but I heard from fellow classmates that she was very helpful and essentially made sure that they couldn't do anything OTHER than get an A on their speeches. Your grade in the class will depend mostly on four key speeches, which grow in point value as the semester goes on. If you follow the rubric and get help if you need it, you will do well. She is a tough grader, but not completely unfeeling—ask for help and you will get it. Take advantage of her office hours, and don't be afraid to talk to her in general! I thoroughly enjoyed this class. She is NOT lenient with assignments turned in after the 24hr grace period without communicating with her prior, which makes sense, but just be aware of that. Don't be afraid to email her to let her know what's going on, either. She is as accommodating as possible and will do what she can to make your life easy. She's great!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is a caring and dedicated professor who genuinely cares about helping his students improve. There are 3 graded speeches, a group presentation, and a final presentation. A lot of class times are dedicated to short practice speeches which are graded by participation. Sometimes there are quizzes based on the info from the textbook but it's mostly common sense. Just show up to class to continue collecting participation points. A lot of the reviews here state that he doesn't give much extra credit, but he has changed his policy and offers 4 extra credit opportunities over the semester.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Amazing professor! I recommend anyone who has to take a Comm class to take Professor Gormong's class. He is very understanding and wants you to succeed. He truly cares about his students and takes the time to make personal connections.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is a great teacher. He very clearly truly cares about his students and tries his best to ensure his students succeed not only in his class but in life in general. Super friendly guy. The class itself is easy if you do the work and he offers plenty of extra credit opportunities.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
In my opinion, she is an exceptional professor who consistently offers assistance whenever required. There have been various instances where her guidance during office hours proved invaluable in clearing up all of my uncertainties and worries. Despite coming across reviews criticizing her grading style as overly strict, I must respectfully disagree. Based on my experience with her class, she is a fair grader.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Sam is the absolute GOAT.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
At the beginning of the year, I did not expect to like Dr. Sefton at all but I ended up loving her. Yes, she is a hard grader and overall doesn't mess around (no phones in class, no headphones, etc. etc.) but you can tell she cares about her students. Yes, speeches are hard and scary but that's something you'd get with any communication class. Also, this class sounded like a lot less work than some of my friends' communication classes so keep that in mind. Outside of the time I spent writing speeches (which was only once and a while), I spent virtually NO time doing homework in this class. We had readings but I never read any of them and it never mattered. The best way I can describe Dr. Sefton is comparing her to a stern mom, tough love but makes you respect her and succeed in the course.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Professor Gormong is so kind and genuinely cares so much about his students. This class could be really annoying but he really tries to make it as painless as possible. He made us do a lot of practice which may seem annoying at the time but it actually really helped me improve. I feel like my public speaking skills really improved a lot and I got a lot more confident. Theres four big speeches which get progressively a little harder, but he prepares us really well and as long as you follow the rubric you should be totally fine. There are like maybe 10 small quizzes based on the textbook but they're really easy and you don't usually need to read the textbook in depth. Definitely try to get Gormong if you can!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
I loved Prof. Gormong for this class! I know some other reviews said that he graded harshly, but I asked him about it and he said that his old boss required this stricter grading, but his new boss does not. He graded my class very leniently. The rubrics for the speeches were really clear and you'll get a good grade if you follow it. We also had weekly quizzes based off of the textbook, but I just did control F for all of the topics and took like one note each topic and got a 100 on almost all of the quizzes.
David Gormong

Expecting an A-
Teacher mad calm
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
He really wants you to have a good grade in the course but he does narrow down the rubric for speeches really specifically. And is strict with attendence and rules. But he is very nice and you will get an A.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Absolutely amazing teacher! Connects with his students and really cares. 100% recommend him to anyone and everyone.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Dr. Sefton is extremely approachable and knowledgable about communications. She makes class engaging and gets to know students on an individual level. She isn't very lenient about grading but her rubrics are super straightforward. I really liked her!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Take his class!! Professor Gormong is a very nice person and I think grades very fairly. He creates a fun and very not intimidating atmosphere to present speeches. Your public speaking will improve a lot this semester and course load is pretty light. There are weekly practice speeches with quizzes and 4 big presentational speeches- very manageable.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Although Professor Gormong made it so that we had weekly work that can seem pointless, at the end of the class you realize that the work was helpful to your improvement. Your grade depends on how much work you put into the class, but it is very easy to just pay attention and you will be successful. Overall he grades pretty easily until the last speech and by then you already are a better speaker so it should be easy.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Very good at what he does, as long as you do your stuff and complete your assignments on time, you're going to get an easy A in the class. Do not believe the other reviews that say he is hard, or mean, genuinely one of the nicest professors you will ever have.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is the goat. Laid back and barely spent much time preparing for speeches. Take George to get this gen ed out the way stress free
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
I loved Professor Gormong. His class does require more work than other comm courses, but I definitely recommend him. This was a very easy A. He grades extremely leniently and there are easy participation points each class. I would definitely take him if you have the chance!
Lori Sefton

Dr. Sefton is very passionate about what she teaches and makes every class engaging. The material we learn is useful in the future and outside of the class, I've used the steps for writing/giving a good speech in other classes already. She is very approachable, welcoming, and easy to talk to, and makes the class a comfortable environment in a class that can be nerve-wracking normally. Her rubrics and assignments are extremely clear and she goes over exactly what she's looking for, and gives reminders of assignments several times every class period to make sure that everyone knows about them. We also had a lesson that had to do with psychology, and I found it really interesting and a nice change from just practicing writing/giving speeches. She is also very available for office hours, I would highly recommend her.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is a great professor and an even better person. He makes class entertaining and is an understanding professor. He knows that students have other priorities besides INAG110, so the workload is pretty light. The main assignments are 4 speeches throughout the semester. George is a fair grader and I definitely recommend taking comm with him, you won’t regret it and I actually looked forward to attending class because of him
David Gormong

Expecting an A
I don't know what these 1 star reviews are talking about Professor Gormong! He is amazing. Actually the sweetest man I have ever met. His class is extremely easy and all he wants is for his students to be confident. There is no final exam and the speeches are very clear. It is literally impossible to fail this class. There's a quiz once a week but they are so easy. If you have the choice to take him do it!! He is AWESOME!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam Rubin is THE MAN! If you have to take an oral communications class, he is the one to take it from. You will not be disappointed. The class is a total blast! His love of teaching and care for the students is second to none. Even if you are an introvert (like I am), he will make you feel so comfortable that you won’t even realize what’s happening. This is the first class I actually knew all of my classmates and their first and last names! I think all professors should learn how to teach from him. He’s fair, compassionate, funny and always available (24 hours a day) for you to contact him either through email or by phone. You can even contact him to discuss anything other than the class, if something’s on your mind. Take Sam Rubin! You won’t be sorry!
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
The Goat. Funny with his dry humor, makes you feel better about speaking. Grades fair and understanding, nice guy. Makes you feel more motivational and his level of calmness makes you speak better.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is a very easygoing and interesting guy. He made the lectures engaging and would crack some jokes to lighten to mood. He is a relatively easy grader but can be picky about the introduction and closing of the speech. I would recommend him if you need to fulfill your communications gen ed.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Amazing prof, she made class enjoyable and made me want to wake up for the 9am class with no hesitation. She doesn't take attendance minus for the one week of the last set of speeches for audience credit. As long as you fulfill the speech requirements, she's giving you a 100% on everything. The quizzes are really easy (and two tries), just command+f the online textbook. Impromptu speeches are completion so don't stress about them. I went in reluctant about a comm gen ed but she made me so much more of a confident speaker - especially for longer durations and I loved that we could choose our own topics. BTW she loves pumpkins. Participate because class is only fun that way and when you participate, others usually follow and the students can lowkey make or break the experience (my class had very engaged students and she even said we were her fav class because we were actually engaged and participated, she def reciprocates the energy we give her). I recommend her to anyone needing to take INAG
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A-
She's amazing! She tries to make the class engaging, gave out a lot of good tips for speaking, and helped me with interview tips. She is pretty nitpicky with her grading on speech days, but she is a very good person and you can always go to office hours to discuss speech grades. Honestly would HIGHLY recommend this professor.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is nice. Though the class can get tiring, he is a good person at heart who is willing to extend his kindness in many ways, like cookies or inviting us over for Thanksgiving if we have nowhere else to go. He is funny and lenient. You will get an A in this class.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
super chill. Chapter quizzes on canvas but he provides the textbook and the quizzes are open note and you can retake them, plus they are only due by the end of the semester. Other than that three speeches (plus a short intro-get-to-know-me like 2 minute thing at the beginning). grading is very realistic and his lectures are actually really entertaining. would def recommend. no final or midterm.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A-
Take this class with literally anyone else. You will probably have better luck with a TBA comm professor.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Amy is really nice and makes INAG super easy to get a good grade while still learning stuff about communication and presentations. She's pretty forgiving with several things, but make sure you don't turn in late work! It's very easy to not do so though, as at least in the summer class, as she releases all assignments at the beginning of the class and you can work on them whenever. Honestly, I've spent less time on this class per week average than I have on many of my semester classes despite the condensed schedule. The midterm and final are super easy at least right now, as they are all open note from the textbook, although she is getting rid of the textbook in the fall so I don't know how that will change things. The only mild thing I would suggest if Amy ends up seeing this, is that although you get 100 for following instructions, I would still appreciate feedback on where to improve, as I know I am not always the best speaker. Still not enough to lower the grade though. I like her because she understands that students may not all have the same background in public speaking, and that many of us are just doing this because it is a gen ed, but she wants us to do well anyway.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
I hate public speaking. I was extremely anxious and scared but Sam makes the class so warm and welcoming that it felt easy to go up and present. He also brings baked goods on the first of every month that his wife makes!! (and if you have any dietary restrictions he makes sure to accommodate for those) He is honestly one of the best professors I’ve had and bumped me to an A when I was on the very edge because I lowkey failed the final lol. He loves his job and as long as you put in a little effort into the class you will have a great time!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam was an amazing professor. I’m really not a fan of public speaking so I went into the class thinking it was just one of those icky gen Ed’s I’d have to take to get my degree. I was so wrong. Sam made inag fun and exciting. I looked forward to his class every day and genuinely learned so much from him. He has a strict attendance policy but I didn’t have an issue with it because I wanted to go to his class. I highly recommend taking Sams class. It’ll be unlike any class you take in college in the best way possible.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
Great professor, very generous and understanding when it comes to due dates. Very funny and takes her teaching serious without being harsh. Definitely would recommend.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
TAKE SAM RUBIN. Sam will turn a class that could be very boring into something amazing. He is the funniest prof I've ever had and has the most engaging lectures possible. He entertains you throughout all of his classes by sharing stories and telling jokes. His grading is also very fair, and he will help you out if you are struggling. He truly wants to see everyone succeed and have a great time. This man doesn't do this for the job, he does it because he loves it. He will take care of your grade and you will get an A provided you put in the effort. Overall, he gives you a FUN class and a good grade, so 100% recommend him.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
Amazing professor, makes class interesting and is the easiest A ever please do yourself a favor and take this man!
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A+
Great professor for INAG110. Highly recommend!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Super funny, really understanding, genuinely cares about you, and creates an atmosphere where you end up coming to class willingly because you don’t know what he’s going to do next.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam was the perfect professor for a INAG110 course. He kept us excited about learning, engaged, never bored, and was very motivating when speeches were looming on the horizon. He was honest yet Light-hearted and always willing to talk to you outside of class as well if you had any questions or needed extra guidance for a personal issue or the course itself. I definitely recommend to anyone willing to take him for this Gen Ed credit! :)
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Mrs. Fisher is awesome--one of those professors that actually feels like a real person and has a life outside of the classroom (unlike literally like everyone in the math dept...) If you do everything you are supposed to do on the speeches you will get an A and the two exams are super easy. Even as an already confident speaker, I feel like I actually took some stuff away, especially about visual aids and professional speaking.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Really engaging professor. Take advantage of going to office hours-- she will help you write out your outline and tell you exactly what you need to do to pretty much get an A. Her rubrics are VERY clear, and tell you exactly how to get the grade you want. Very nice and approachable, and I recommend taking her.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Bombastic man. Pretty easy A, just do all the assignments and practice for your speeches. He really cares about everyone and is really charismatic, but that can be a little much for some people.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Absolutely baller professor. Grades very lightly on speeches (there are 3). Please take him.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is the GOAT, no questions asked. So great, so chill, so many good stories. I felt comfortable in this class and really enjoyed it. Take George!!!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Great teacher! You definitely learn a lot in class, which is very helpful for making slides and crafting speeches for other courses. 60% of your grade is speeches (4). Her rubrics show EXACTLY what she is looking for- so go to office hours! She is very helpful and will tell you what exactly what you need to fix to boost your chance of getting a good grade. Midterm is 5%, final is 10%. All you need to know if vocabulary and how to apply it.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Mays-Williams is a great person and professor. She is very understanding and wants everyone to do well.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A+
Came to this class hating public speaking, still dont like it but I feel like my skills have improved thanks to the learning environment that Mr. Ballenger created.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Professor Gormong is truly great at his job. He makes class fun, makes an effort to get to know his students, and actually cares about making you become better at public speaking. His grading was not as harsh as everyone made it out to be in previous semesters--as long as you make a genuine effort you'll be fine in this class. 4 individual speeches, weekly MCQ HW based on the textbook, and a group presentation at the end of the year plus in-class quizzes that he reviews the answers for before submitting.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
simply put, an amazing professor AND mentor
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
If you're a student who just wants to get the oral communications gen-ed out of the way in the easiest and simplest way possible, George is your guy, no questions asked. Super chill and laid-back guy, and he understands that students don't exactly prioritize his class over their other classes. In fact, he does not even want you to expend a large amount of time to his class compared to, for example, hard STEM classes. George was more of a friend than a lecturer to his students, and he holds a great presence. All weekly assignments take no more than half an hour total, and the speeches are not even that hard to prepare for. The midterm and final are also absolutely nothing to worry about, and I mean that literally because I don't think anyone will study for that for anything more than 10 minutes honestly. Classes are not mandatory, but you might miss a participation grade or two if you miss a day on a group activity day. I feel like I only went to like 50% of the Friday classes in all honesty. If you do go to class, George does lecture well and straight-forward. Overall, this guy is the absolute best professor I've ever had.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Wrote me a cover letter in a super short notice for a scholarship. Went to a performance with him and his wife and a few classmates supporting a student in the class. Very nice & you'll learn a lot.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Gormong is super nice and friendly. Speeches weren't graded too harshly unless you went over/under the timeframe that was posted on the rubric ahead of time. Most of the time you can get a good grade on your speeches if you just check every box. We had a lot of weekly homework quizzes that were based off of a chapter in the textbook, but they weren't really difficult at all. They offer a lot of extra points if you preform well and outside of class there wasn't too much work. He lets you choose when to sign up for speeches so you can give yourself as many or as little days as you need to prepare. The only thing is that during speeches he doesn't let you take a timer up with you or give any indication if you're talking too long or too short which was sometimes difficult because you wouldn't know unless you asked someone for your time or waited until the speech was graded. Overall, great professor and would recommend.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
He is a great guy and really not that hard if youre willing to learn to talk to people in a new and more constructive ways.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
If you need to take a credit for your comms gen ed, definitely take INAG110 with Professor Gormong! He legitimately wants all of his students to succeed and he is pretty lenient with grading. I was terrified of public speaking prior to this course, but now I feel so much more confident. He's also just a really nice guy and super easy to talk to, so I really recommend him!
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
I had really low expectations coming into this class, but I ended up LOVING it. There are 4 speeches and then one little group project at the end, and honestly they’re really not that bad. Talking for 8 minutes (the last speech) sounds really hard, but you just have to pick something you really like to talk about and it will come naturally, as well with the shorter speeches. There are weeklyish homeworks about the textbook, but just use ctrl-f and they shouldn’t take you longer than 15 minutes. There are quizzes, but he literally goes along with us in class and makes sure we all get 100 lol. Looking at earlier reviews, I am confused because Professor Gormong is great. He’s super friendly and seriously wants everyone to succeed and do well. His grading is fair to easy - I completely bombed my second speech yet he still gave me an A. He really promotes the whole class getting to know each other, so that helps take away a lot of the jitters before giving your speech. I cannot recommend taking inag110 him enough!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I probably don't even need to write much here; the other reviews sum it up pretty well. There are sometimes weekly textbook readings/quizzes, but these are mostly vocabulary, and they don't take long if you just have the book open while you do them. The speeches are the biggest part of this class. I'm usually annoyed by Gen-Ed type classes, but I think being able to speak in front of an audience is an extremely important skill, and throughout the semester I felt myself getting more confident for the speeches. With George, this class is very chill, and you'll probably make a new friend in class.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Dr. Sefton is very nice and supports all students through all problems they might have. 60% of the grade comes from 4 key speeches which you have to prepare on your own however, the speeches are not much longer than 5 minutes and you can go to office hours with and outline and she will help find everything wrong with it and help you improve it. this pretty much guarantees you don't get a bad grade on the content of the speech. the presentation alone is not worth much. She is strict with her rules but will always tell you what the rules/rubrics and expectations are far in advance, (they also aren't that hard). Unfortunately, she does teach the class like it is a middle school class and gives out a worksheet almost every single class but the homework is limited to 2 short assignments per week if any at all. Essentially, just attend class and take your outlines to office hours to review for an easy grade.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
Grades very harshly, but pushes you to become a better public speaker. Does not easily give 100s on speeches, but will give you an A as long as you practice. Does give quizzes often in class, but he gives you the answers so its really just attendance
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Good professor overall, kind to students. 4 main speeches + group speech, grading isn't too harsh, pace may seem aggressive at first but pays off later in semester. Weekly textbook readings + MCQ HW, quizzes he gives you the answers for. Midterm and final are just like HW. No curves but shouldn't be necessary cause of speech grading. Some controversial topics at times but was generally respectful. Definitely helped me be more confident with speaking.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Super chill professor - Prof Mays may come off a little disinterested/stoic at first, but once she opens up, she's such a funny and lovely soul. She is very accommodating towards students and I can't stress that enough. If there is something going on, just go talk to her and she will make things work. Class workload was manageable - you have 4 speeches, 1 midterm and 1 final. Public presenting is difficult but she makes the small class environment a warm and welcoming one so you won't ever feel embarrassed to go up there.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Amazing lecturer that creates a good environment to learn in and grow. The class is very easy and she does not stress over little grades; as long as you show effort, you will get almost a perfect grade. Her Kahoot reviews before exams are basically what shows up on the exam and she is very clear on what she wants from the speeches (which makes up the greatest portion of your grade); just hit those pointers are they are all 100s.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is the GOAT (Greatest of All Time)! If you need a communications class for the gen ed requirement, this is the guy to take it from. It's like no class you've ever had and you'll never forget it. He's a very fair grader and an easy A! Also, you'll get to know everyone in there, learn so much and have a lot of fun. 100% recommend because Sam is the man!
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Love her!! She made me excited to go to class, even though I’m a bit shy and don’t like public speaking. Midterms and finals are the easiest thing ever and is on Google Forms. She does helpful Kahoot reviews before those. All of us got an automatic 100% for the first speech if we did it. Very caring and loves to talk to people. Amy sometimes tweaks people’s grades if they didn’t get the one they wanted. She excused the homework for my friend and got him to a 93 for an A! Would definitely take her again!!!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
At the beginning of his class, he makes it seem like it’ll be much harder than it is — especially if you’re on the quieter side like me. But don’t be intimidated by that, he’s much more encouraging than he comes off at first, and he’s a great teacher and person. His feedback gets a bit repetitive at times, but he’s always available for further instructions and help if you ask. Definitely take this class for a comm credit!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Seriously just take his class for your communication gen ed. He genuinely is a great teacher and person and truly cares about everyone in his classes.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
Very nice, personable teacher with super generous grading policies. Would 100% recommend taking INAG110 with her, or any other courses she offers as well.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Very chill professor. His chapter quizzes are kinda annoying because it means you can't skip class, but they're pretty easy and straightforward. The midterm and final are basically the same as the chapter quizzes but, just, longer; be sure to study for them using Quizlet, though. His lectures are pretty fun and entertaining, but that said, there's some content he covers that you just don't need for any quizzes or exams, so be sure to actually read the textbook. As for speeches, he's a very lenient grader, so long as you look at the rubric and specifically tailor your speech to them.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A-
Overall, Dunning is a great choice for INAG 110. He's super laid back and will be pretty entertaining. He actually cares about teaching so he'll infuse the lectures with his personality but he is very chill with grading. Make sure to prepare your speeches ahead of time and write it exactly to the rubric but other than that, you'll really be fine. Very important: The reading quizzes are super valuable and have very few questions so you really can't mess them up. I bombed a couple and fumbled an A in this class, don't repeat my mistakes. Do the reading, use quizlet, just make sure to get perfect scores on those reading quizzes and the rest will fall into place. This class isn't a lot of work, just nail the quizzes, be passingly engaged in class, be competent in your speeches, and everything will be ok.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
I'm very glad I chose them as a professor. I was not looking forward to public speaking, but Mays-Williams created a comfortable environment for every student to succeed. I could tell that they made an effort to get to know each student. The grading was also lenient in my opinion. I gave speeches that I personally thought were bad, but I would only get a few points off, never to the point where it significantly impacted my grade. The midterm/final were just multiple choice questions that were easy to answer if you just paid attention during the in-class lectures and reviewed vocab a bit. Would totally recommend Mays-Williams for this class.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Dr. Sefton was a great teacher and knows what she is doing when it comes to public speaking. 60% of our grade was based on our speeches and although she was a tough grader she gave great feedback and acknowledges when you improve. She also genuinely cares about her students and was very reachable. The workload was very manageable and she provides lots of classwork to help improve your grades. You definitely have to work for your grade which was a little annoying considering this was just a gen-ed but I learned a lot so it was worth it in my opinion!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
I was skeptical at first, but this guy is the best INAG teacher there is. But I am going to list the cons first. He grades speeches probably the harshest out of the other inag professors. As someone mentioned being like 5 seconds under a 5-minute speech will result in 70 points off of on speech. But I dont believe he actually gave someone 70 points off on a speech as someone in my class was 10 seconds under, he just silently urged them to keep on talking. He is a strict grader when it comes to presenting in general. He also has strict harsh rules, but these rules are just there to make sure you are doing your presentation correctly. People rarely ever fall outside of his rules like they are just common sense with his own twists on it basically, it's meant to encourage us to do our best. Sam is so energetic when it comes to speaking it brightens my boring day. He is always telling jokes our forcing us to tell jokes as everyone in the class must say 1 joke. (I've said 3 jokes). He seriously doesn't want you to fail and its scary the length he'll go for you just so you dont fail. At first, I thought he was doing this so that we would have no excuses when it came to our assignments. But he really just wants us to pass the class as INAG should be an easy A. It is really the exams that may hit peoples scores. I honestly never studied for them cause the questions were common sense. And I scored like 80-82 which was fine since it was above average lol. He gives us so many extra credit opportunities its crazy. The environment in his class is very comforting. The way he sets up the seats brightens my day. We can present our speech topics on anything as Sam loves creativity. He really is "Sam the Man" as I cannot see any teacher that can have a bigger impact than he did. If you are looking for a fun class to actually better your speaking skills take Sam. If you are just looking for a class to just get a grade and dip, take anyone else. I hate public speaking, but I can definitely say I learned a lot from this class. I have seen improvements from my first speech to my last speech. INAG is not a hard class in general. So don't be afraid of taking Sam because he is a harsh grader.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam's a really fun and entertaining guy. I had a really wonderful time in his class, and he obviously cares about his students and wants to see them succeed. He's really energetic and brings more "fun uncle" vibes than "communication professor" vibes. My only qualms with the course are that there's not much to learn - I don't feel like I learned anything from the course that isn't already obvious ("meanings are in people, not words", "nonverbal communication can be more effective than verbal", etc) and most of the feedback he gives for speeches are cookie-cutter; you hear the same feedback given to basically every single person and he speaks as if he's filling in the blanks of a premade template. Overall though, fun guy and easy class.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Literally the best professor. He makes his class enjoyable and is extremely passionate about teaching. He turns public speaking into something pretty fun and he grades really fairly. His classes are about 19 people so you really get to know the people there. He creates the opportunity to let you improve as a speaker and is overall an amazing person Take his class
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
I took Mrs. Fisher based on reviews here and she most definitely surpassed all my expectations. A hilarious professor who genuinely cares for the well-being of her students. She keeps lectures entertaining and is very fair with her grading of speeches and other assignments. Highly recommended to everyone!!
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
My favorite professor by far. They create such a welcoming and entertaining environment. The class work is extremely light. They are the kind of professor that wants you do to well, so there are a lot of extra credit opportunities and they are a lenient grader. The class itself was very rewarding. We had amazing discussions and the speeches were so entertaining, to do and to watch. Professor Mays-Williams is honestly just a pure, fun soul whom fosters great relationships with their students. If I could, I take more classes with them.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting a B
honestly shes so chill and acts like a friend in a good way! my tip is do well on your speeches! if your speeches are a high grade you can fail the final and midterm and still end up with a B or low! Not a class you need to go every time but I would say easiest gen-ed ever, I got ended with a 82% which is pretty good bc i did not try with my speeches but if i did try i bet i wouldve ended up with an A. Also make sure to make friends in the class bc the first week there's like a small group project (leading a discussion)
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting a B
honestly shes so chill and acts like a friend in a good way! my tip is do well on your speeches! if your speeches are a high grade you can fail the final and midterm and still end up with a B or low! Not a class you need to go every time but I would say easiest gen-ed ever, I got ended with a 82% which is pretty good bc i did not try with my speeches but if i did try i bet i wouldve ended up with an A. Also make sure to make friends in the class bc the first week there's like a small group project (leading a discussion)
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Great professor. Sam is entertaining and keeps you engaged. Speeches are not that hard, just make sure to practice them. Great guy. All assignments are easy and take home. You can get an A pretty easily in here while enjoying yourself.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
They do an amazing job making the course engaging, fun, and light. The coursework is generally easy and the final/midterm do not have much weightage. Highly reccomend them if you're looking to take this course.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
I was very stressed about this class but the environment that they created made it not only easy, but fun as well. The grading was very lenient and they are very understanding about stage fright and never deduct points because of it. Additionally, the workload is very manageable and they are willing to adjust to each individuals persons/the classes needs.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is by far the best INAG instructor out there. He really makes an effort to make lectures/classes enjoyable and he ensures that you can succeed at public speaking. This was the first gen ed that I truly enjoyed because Sam turned a boring subject into an interesting and fun class. The environment is different from the traditional classroom, so if you're someone who likes repetitive lectures or serious content don't take this class. Definitely take Sam's section if you want to grow as a speaker, learn something new about yourself, and are able to thrive in a creative atmosphere.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Dr. Sefton is a great lecturer, she knows what she is talking about. She genuinely wants her students to do well and tries to get to know everyone making it a great learning environment. She makes it very clear on what she expects on speeches and provides specific clear feedback to help you improve. There is a midterm and final exam but it is all multiple choice and very easy since she does in-class review and provides study guides. This class focuses on application of content through worksheets and just talking it out with classmates. Homework is assigned maybe once every two weeks and is like three questions from the textbook. I would not recommend skipping class all the time since she does have classwork usually for a few points. Overall, her class is very engaging and always goes by fast. She is definitely someone you can talk to.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
listen, lori is a strict grader, however, she makes it very clear and communicates exactly what she wants. she posts rubrics for each speech and gives great feedback. her feedback is not meant to criticize you, it's meant to help you become a better communicator. its honestly impressive that she can notice and comment on small details in such short amounts of time when you're giving your speech. she genuinely wants you to do well and tries to get to know each student. she is also a great lecturer and her slides are always online and very clear. there is a midterm and a final which are both 50 mc, but lori does in class review and posts study guides and its really easy. her energy during class is always so excited and it shows how much she loves teaching. just show up to class and pay attention.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Definitely the best professor for this class. The speeches aren't really graded hard. Basically if you do them and meet the requirements you will get a 100. Super easy workload, just prepare for your speeches some when you have them and you will cruise to an A. She is also super understanding and tries to not keep us in class unless she has to.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Coming into this class being a public-speaking hater, I was not excited to give speeches. But her class environment was very comfortable, and the grading was very lenient. Would definitely recommend her if you have speech anxiety.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Gormong helped me get better at speech/presentations. Class has very easy HW (sometimes just 1 question HWs or MC straight from the textbook), assignments are super easy, he grades the speeches very lightly, light quizzes that he gives you the answers for. The class is fun for the material he has to teach, he’s a nice guy and will make you better
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
Honestly I was not looking forward to this class and I went in super stressed about giving speeches, but I absolutely loved my experience in their class. They grade very leniently; coming from someone who is not a good public speaker and definitely messed up a lot in my speeches, I got either 100 or a point or two off on all major speeches in the class. The workload is super manageable, and although the first few weeks are filled with assignments, after that there's nothing except practicing for speeches. They're also very kind and understanding of any problems, and I genuinely enjoyed coming to class. If you're also someone who hates public speaking and has bad anxiety, take your oral communications credit with Mays-Williams.
David Gormong

Expecting an A-
Nice person, but a harsh grader. Getting an A would be far easier if you take this course with another professor.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is great -- very chill, teaches with personality, makes expectations for speeches clear, and doesn't make the class any more work or more complicated than it needs to be.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
No one wants to take INAG110, but since you have to make sure to take it with Mr. B. He is such a down to earth and caring professor. He wants everyone to do well and grades relatively easy. I do not like public speaking but Mr. B made lectures engaging and had a class environment that it was easy to make friends in. You have to do 4 speeches, but get notecards for all of them and the midterm/final is so incredibly easy it's not even funny.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Fisher is the absolute best for this class. There may be others who are also really good, but I think Fisher tops all of them. She's incredibly lenient with how she grades, and if you mess up anything on accident such as incorrectly reading the directions to homework, she will fix your grade assuming you make the proper corrections even past the submission deadline. She doesn't take that many points off during speeches assuming you follow everything in the rubric. The exams are also super duper easy as it should take you at most 20 minutes each for the midterm and the final. The only thing I dislike about this class is the required attendance. I get that it's necessary for graded in-class activities, speeches, or exams but sometimes she presents slides covering textbook material in class which I think is a waste. Nonetheless, I still think she's the best INAG teacher.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Lets get right to the point. Sam is the best INAG 110 instructor and professor at UM. Passionate, hilarious, knowledgeable and super high energy. He makes himself available 24/7 because he really cares and wants to see all his students succeed. No matter how afraid you are of public speaking, he will make you alot better and feel more confident. This is also the first time I got to know everyone in my class and learn something about them. Sign up to meet the gen ed requirement but really take it for a once in a lifetime experience. Trust me, you won't regret it and, most of all, you will never forget it!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Pros: - Sam makes what is normally a boring Gen-Ed course much more interesting - You can tell he cares very, very much about his students and oral communication in general - Everyone sees a noticeable improvement in their public speaking skills after taking his class - Easy exams, extra credit, and some pass/fail speeches that are easy 100s Cons: - Lectures can be kind of contrived, he likes things being done in a very specific way - Very easy to lose lots of points on speeches if you make small mistakes/don't read the directions (i.e. a 70 point deduction for being >5 seconds under the minimum time limit. I believe this is more strict than other INAG/COMM professors are but I may be wrong)
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A+
At the beginning of the term, nobody understood what the assignments meant, but she clarified them and we all eventually figured it out. Mays-Williams would have class in Hornbake Plaza if the weather allowed. She is nice enough, and very forgiving with issues.
David Gormong

Expecting an A-
If you are on this website, you are most likely looking for the best professor for this class with the best grading breakdown. If you want an easy A, do not take Gormong. He grades harshly on the four speeches for the class with major deductions for your grade if you are a second over or under the time requirements. Homework is easy but doesn't really affect your grade. Exams are harder than other sections and he makes the class use a lockdown browser in person to take them. Our average on the final exam was 78%. All the speeches we had had about an 85% average score. This being said, He is a very genuine and good person and is passionate about the course that he teaches. He tries very hard to keep the class engaged and knows about communications. However, this may be the reason he takes the class way too seriously. Unlike other professors in INAG, he does not offer extra credit in any form except for a .48% increase to your grade at the end of the semester. Take any different section if you want to raise your GPA with an easy comm credit.
Lori Sefton

Look Lori's a nice person and is willing to help you but not the best in terms of teaching. She is a very harsh grader and will take off points for many little things with your speeches. She is very uncompromising in terms of how assignments are done and its either her way or no way. She does not accept late assignments whatsoever even if it is a minute after the deadline unless you have a University approved excuse. And just about INAG110 in general, there is a midterm and a final and a lot of the information just seems useless. If you can I would take COMM107 instead as to my knowledge there is no midterm or final or try and find another INAG professor.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
Great teacher, made a class I was stressed about doing enjoyable. She's a very nice person and very responsive to emails. The class could be unorganized at times but other than that it was fine. I would 100% recommend her in your plan on taking an Oral Comm class.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam's INAG class was a blast, and this is coming from a huge introvert who always gets nervous when it comes to public speaking. Boring parts are not what he chooses to do but what he has to by the curriculum and he makes it tolerable through stories and letting us introduce ourselves in this early part of the class. One slight downside is that he doesn't teach the difficult parts of the midterm + final exams very well, but the majority of questions are easy (4/5 easy questions, last fifth was strange questions) and these are a small part of the total grade anyway. He is a very lenient grader for speeches, giving as many opportunities as possible to give more points if he can, and as someone who had many issues with stuttering, he gave me more points than I think other instructors would have given. On days we don't present we get to sit back and review one other person's presentation for the day, which meant it was a nice time to chill but also learn from others. I got to know about other people, from their names to interests to ideas, which is more than I could say compared to basically all my other courses at this campus. In short, this class is amazing and Sam is one of the best instructors for the course! Try to get his class because the experience is unlike any other class.
David Gormong

Expecting an A-
Graded very harshly in comparison to other INAG teachers. Follows the curriculum too seriously and doesn't allow any electronics and doesn't post lectures. He also is very strict with the speeches and if you are not a perfect speaker immediately you will get a lot of points off. Takes points off for very small things. Expects way more commitment than is needed for this class. Honestly take any other teacher.
David Gormong

Expecting an A-
This was his first year teaching at UMD, so he followed the curriculum to a tee and was very very strict at grading. Lectures were insanely boring, and most of them had a quiz worth 5 points. He allows you to collaborate with students after so that you get a 5/5, but if you miss class, the 0/5 can really hurt your grade. He was by far the harshest INAG professor, grading speeches extremely harshly. The midterm and final exam were both in person, closed-book, and on a lockdown browser. I had an 89.9 that he refused to round up, but he assigned an extra credit final essay worth .48 points, so you could do that if you were within .48 of a letter grade. With other INAG professors, this wasn't the case. He was so insanely hard for absolutely no reason, avoid if possible because he will make your life and INAG experience so much harder than it needs to be.
Lori Sefton

Expecting a B
One of the harshest graders I have ever had in my life, all for what was supposed to be an easy gen ed class. She goes through every effort to try to make your grade. Oh and another thing, we had these exams during the semester that contained questions about the most obscure things about communication that were most definitely not covered in class, even though they may have been in the textbook, they were in the side diagrams and small footnotes. The tests are 50 multiple choice questions and are not easy in the slightest unless you studied for a week beforehand. Lastly, she made us do a final business presentation and ON TOP OF THAT, take a final exam. Literally just stupid and I've talked with my friends and they said their teacher never did that. If you can take any other professor for the class, do it. If she is the only professor left for INAG, just take COMM, it is NOT WORTH dealing with this demon for a semester.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Okay for starters Gormong is a very nice professor and he really does care about teaching us important communication skills. The way he grades presentations is ridiculous. He talks points off for every little thing and make sure you hit the time or you'll get a lot of points off. The way he grades is directly out of the book and he doesn't let anything slip. Also when you go to ask him a question about the grading he gets super defensive and almost rude. He gives a lot of homework throughout the semester, but don't get me wrong it's easy homework. For the amount of homework he gives there is almost like no point because it doesn't effect your grade at all. The midterms and finals are dumb because you have to take them in person and with a lock down browser, when you should be able to take those online and not in class because that's what other professors do. Overall, he is a nice person but a tougher grader for an oral communications class that is just supposed to be an easy GenEd. I mean in my opinion everyone should be getting a 85+ automatically if they are getting in front of the room and talking about the topic. Honestly the class wasn't that hard and the presentations weren't that bad but I would suggest to take a different professor if you can.
Lori Sefton

Don't take this class. She's a harsh grader and is so knit-picky in the way she grades her assignments.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Had her for INAG110 last semester and found it very straightforward. Very engaging in each class lecture and makes you work in groups with other srudents. By the end of the semester, it is likely you will know everyone's names (especially as it is a smaller class). While she can be somewhat of a harsh grader (especially once you reach a 90), an A or B is still obtainable with some effort. Would recommend taking it with her!
David Gormong

Expecting a B+
Would not recommend if you're genuinely not good at public speaking or have anxiety
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Great teacher, easy workload besides from preparing for speeches. As long as your speech follows the worksheet, you won't lose points. Highly recommend.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A+
Amazing teacher, with excellent communication skills, lots of energy, easy to contact, and clear rubrics and grading for everything. Oftentimes, unless we are presenting speeches, she would let us off early or straight-up cancel class/post the lecture online. Classwork and hw assignments were all very easy and quick to complete. Midterm and final are multiple-choice online quizzes taken in her class. There are 4 speeches all with very clear rubrics and grading criteria. She does not require us to dress up like some of the other comm teachers. Literally if you prepare your speech the day before and have adequate notecards and tried, you should have an A in this class
Lori Sefton

She's very nitpicky in her grading and will look for any opportunity to give you a lower grade. She is not someone that's willing to work with you, preferring to just straight up give you a 0 if you are late. You have to write outlines prior to each speech, and she notes any small details to just subtract points from your grade. The speeches themselves aren't the worst as she isn't too harsh on the grading, but otherwise, she's very hard to impress. To ensure you get an A, I'd suggest you take another professor if possible. Just so you know how seriously she takes communication, she has a bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. all in communications.
Lori Sefton

Very harsh grader for no reason. Very strict about the ways she wants her assignments. Expects way too much for a dumb gen ed. Take any other inag professor.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
She made a super stressful class enjoyable for me! I agree that some of the assignments can be confusing, but she will clarify in class if there are any questions. She gets to know her students and doesn't give an insane amount of work. Weekly reading quizzes and group discussions. She provides helpful feedback and allows us to pick speech topics that are actually interesting. I definitely recommend her!
Lori Sefton

This professor is the WORST. If you’re looking for a class that is less intense and less demanding, I would not even consider this. She is super strict, doesn’t accept late work no matter the circumstance. She is also difficult to work with as a teacher. She doesn’t seem to have many students’ best interest because she would rather fail you. She also doesn’t recognize students’ efforts and if you did an assignment wrong you will get a 0, and she will not allow you to redo it. Basically, you cannot make mistakes in her class because she will just give you a zero and not look back. She is rude to her students and comes off very strong and not friendly.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A-
Super chill professor. Lectures are informative and entertaining. 10/10 would take again. Quizzes are worth a lot of your grade but aren't worth many points so definitely need to do all the readings. Other than that his grading on speeches is very reasonable and class activities are engaging and fun.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
The final and the midterm were all multiple choice and as long as you read the textbook, you’ll do great. You’ll do fine even if you didn’t read honestly. Dr. Sefton makes class interesting and engaging. Just make sure to practice the speech beforehand and you’ll do great, the speeches are graded pretty leniently. This was honestly my favorite class during my first semester. Oh another thing, make sure you follow directions when creating your outlines
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
I took this class based on these reviews and I'm really glad I did. This was by far the most interesting and fun class I took in the fall semester and I'm glad for once that we have to take a comm gen ed. Similar sentiments as others where public speaking can be hard for me but this class was still my favorite. I saw a big improvement by the end of the course not only on my speaking but also with my pre-speech anxiety. I honestly spent a lot more time and stressed more for the first one than I did on my last one. A good amount of people seemed to not enjoy the lecture parts in the first half of the semester but I actually really liked them because I enjoy this content and its a break from what I learn as a STEM major elsewhere. He also tells us what to write down for notes which I enjoyed. He honestly is a great guy and you can tell he truly cares about his students. He's a little eccentric which can be annoying on days you feel tired but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Since class size is so small and we spend time learning about others, by the time class ended it really felt like a family (cheesy ik but I mean it) and I was actually kind of sad when it ended. His wife also makes baked goods for us the first week of each month. Only "complaint" I have is that since he kind of teaches his own way you do have to look at the textbook for the midterm and final even though we never use it before then. We also got short take home quizzes that were things we didn't cover in class but the textbook had. I don't believe comm107 has exams so if that's a huge dealbreaker for you take comm instead but inag exams are fairly simple (I studied way more than I needed to and finished the midterm in 5 minutes and got a 98 on it) but comm107 will just be another gen ed you have to take and nothing like the experience inag gives you. Inag exams also are worth very little, mid term is 5%, final is 10%, speeches are the bulk, and he's a pretty lenient grader in my opinion. Some of my other friends took inag with other professors some of which seemed WAY harsher and another that I heard was maybe chiller than Sam (he has a few things he's strict on but they're very easy to follow and he reiterates them all the time), but none of them understood the connection we left the class with (and I say this as someone who didn't talk as much in class).
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Extremely straightforward class. As long as you attend class and office hours prior to the speeches you get an A. The speeches are graded fairly leniently. The midterm and final are extremely easy and can be studied for in a day.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Extremely easy class. As long as you attend class and go to office hrs while writing your speeches you will get a A. She's fairly lineant with grading speeches and focuses more on the structure of it.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Take this class!! I was dreading taking a public speaking course and it turned out to be my favorite class. I don't usually write reviews but Sam deserves one. He cares so much about his students. The workload is extremely manageable and you get to pick your topic for the speeches. Although speeches can seem intimidating, Sam walks you through everything so you don't have to stress about it. I've made so many genuine friendships because of this class. Taking Sam's class is an experience that everyone reading this review should have. Go sign up for it!!
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Eric Dunning is a great professor. Just by the way he lectures, it is clear to see he is well qualified to teach a course about public speaking. He gives a few easy quizes on readings and the midterm and final are multiple choice. The course load is low, but you really need to spend your own time outside of class prepping for your speeches. He also usually lets the class out a little early.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
Very relatable professor. We asked her to clarify instructions for certain assignments and she gladly explained everything to us in class. Once she realized that instructions were unclear for several assignments, she began going over all assignments that were due. She also created a weekly assignments announcement at our request. As for the class itself, it's not too difficult, especially since Mays-Williams is an easy grader. The only issue I had was that the first 3 weeks had an insane amount of work for me to do. It dies down after a while, but I spend those first few weeks only doing work for this class.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
Mrs. Fisher was a great professor. Very kind and understanding. She communicates frequently and well. This class isn't terribly difficult, however, you must put in the work to do well. The speeches require time and practice. Have fun with this course and remember that the final is only 10% of the grade.
Amy Fisher

Expecting an A
This class was pretty nice, Professor Fisher led it well and had a fun energy. It wasn’t too difficult, the speeches do require some preparation though. Great way to cross off that communications gen ed.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
This was his first year teaching so I assume that's why he took the course so seriously. My friends had other INAG professors and, in comparison, Gormong graded the harshest and took off points for the littlest things which did add up. His midterm and finals were also both LockDown browser, closed-book, and made us come in-person for it while other profs allowed you to take it home and open-note. If you take INAG with him, you actually have to put in a little more effort than if you were to take the other profs so if you were looking for an extremely easy A, take any other professor. Other than that, it is very doable to get an A with him as long as you use gestures (he takes those super seriously) and practice your speech often. I am very relieved that his class is finally over and, if I could, I would have taken a different professor.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A-
George is awesome! This class is definitely one you can BS your way through; very minimal work required besides speeches. In my opinion, he's a bit critical of speeches but overall a fair grader. He is also super understanding. I highly recommend taking George for INAG.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is the best professor I've had this semester as a Freshman here at UMD. As long as you treat George with respect, he'll respect you. Not only is he hilarious, he's more than fair with his grading and wants to give every single one of his students a chance to succeed. If you have to take INAG and can take his course, please do so. The workload is light and he is willing to work around YOUR schedule. Not many other professors are willing to make amends, especially if you missed a speech or need to move it to another day. He is one of the few professors that understands that we as students have our own struggles and schedules; his course bottoms out towards finals with practically no work. George is a champ. You'll probably love his course if you take it, especially since he's so chill about everything.
David Gormong

Expecting an A
This professor is very nice tho a bit awkward at times. I feel like someone else perfectly summarized his teaching style but let me reiterate that he is new and because of this I feel like it is the reason for why he is so strict on following the curriculum to a tee. One thing that did make me hesitate to give him a higher score was that he does give pop quizzes sometimes, although on some of them, he allows you to collaborate with your fellow peers. However, twice he gave a matching quiz and once you get one wrong, you basically get two wrong and these five points, although small, can have a huge impact on someone's grade. I feel that he is a lot more harsh than some of the other INAG professors I've heard about from my friends when it comes to grading your speeches. He really cares about your movements in your speech, along with your hand gestures and make sure you practice at least two nights in advance because he will take off points if you look at your note cards too much. Other than the speeches, I feel that the other assignments are just busy work and can be completed in thirty minutes or less. He doesn't allow electronics but people in my class constantly go on their phones and he doesn't say much about it (this didn't really bother me because I have other classes that also don't allow electronics but it might be an issue for someone who doesn't like to write out their notes). He really does care about his students and their opinions but also just making sure that all of us understand the content that he is presenting. As long as you work hard, prepare well for each speech, and listen to/attend class lectures (also he does not post his powerpoint slides or recordings of his class lecture because he thinks this will make his students think they can just skip his class), it should be easy to get an A in his class.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
simply the coolest. take him at all costs, take the course later if you have to. the only dull parts of his class are the ones that is explicitly shoved down his throat by the curriculum. he is the man!
David Gormong

Pros: 1.) Friendly & easy to approach. He smiles a lot and respects his students. He's not one of those professors who would stare at you blankly if you told a joke. 2.) You can tell that he's very passionate and enthusiastic about the subject that he teaches. If a professor hates their job, the students probably will hate the subject. 3.) His assignments are very easy. 4.) Lenient on grades for speeches. 5.) When you're presenting your speech, he gives his full, undivided attention and occasionally nods (which personally makes me feel less nervous). Cons 1.) Speeches are worth 60% of your grade so if something random occurs and you miss're pretty much doomed. I know this class is supposed to prepare you for public speaking, but even 40% would be reasonable. The midterm and final need to be worth WAY more. Or maybe he can incorporate other assignments...for example projects. 2.) Though his assignments are easy, with other classes college can be overwhelming. There is no leeway for late work at all. You don't even get 50% of the credit. 3.) I never understood why we couldn't have electronics in class (even for notes). We're adults. If someone gets carried away on Instagram, that's their problem. 4.) Pop quizzes
David Gormong

Expecting an A
Since this was his first semester teaching at this university, he followed the curriculum that he was given rigorously and did not allow much leeway. We have 5 total speeches (4 individual, 1 group - tho this speech was a breeze). While he knows his stuff, he is kind of boring. He does not post his PowerPoint online as he believes this will cause students to slack off in his class. You are expected to take notes by hand unless you are excused by UMD to use an electronic device. What I found most annoying was two things. He gives pop quizzes on the occasion and while they are worth 5 points, they can be unexpected and hurt your grade a little bit. The other thing is that when you are giving a speech, and you go even a second above or below the time limit, he will deduct 3 points from your final grade. If you are giving a speech worth 50 points, those 3 points mean the difference between a letter grade. Plus when you are giving a speech, you have no way of knowing the time so you really have to practice to get within a certain time frame. I will say, he did not grade that harshly on speeches and he is approachable if you have a problem. He is a nice professor and you will learn a lot in this class. You get weekly reading quizzes which aren't too difficult, and a weekly video response which if you put the minimal work in on those, you will get 5/5. There are definitely better professors out there for this course, but Professor Gormong is new so he is getting used to the culture here at UMD.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
George is a very fun, kind, and relaxed professor. Our class always had a very light workload under him and for the few assignments we did get, he was a very fair grader (in my opinion, you'll really have to try to fail in order to get a bad grade in his class). Prof. Kurtzweil always let our class out early and was very understanding when it came to having to reschedule assignments. If you have the option to, TAKE GEORGE KURTZWEIL! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
Amazing teacher. I didn't think one of my favorite classes would be a subject I generally hate, but George made it really nice. He's super chill, super funny, and just generally makes class enjoyable. The workload for the class is pretty light, pretty much the only big thing is the actual speeches. There are some occasional reading checks that are basically free points.
David Gormong

Expecting an A+
This is literally the worst teacher I've ever had. He completely invalidated my thoughts and opinions 100% of the time and treated me with blatant disrespect in front of my class. Do not under any circumstances take INAG with him.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I really enjoyed taking this class with George. He is super chill, and managed to make the class super enjoyable! The class is not too much work either. I would definitely recommend that you get your communication gen ed credit with him!
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
He is a must-take for this course. He made every class engaging while still holding us to a standard. He is also very chill about most things. Definitely recommend his course!
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A
Very kind and helpful professor. The class consists of 4 major speech presentations, a midterm, and a final. The class itself is small and you get to know everyone well which is nice. There is a minimal amount of homework, the main homework comes from reading basic chapters, and at times completing reflections. The class is very beneficial and fairly easy. I would definitely recommend this professor to everyone.
Lori Sefton

Expecting an A+
Genuinely nice teacher. Class is easy, small, and engaging. Everyone feels like they have a personal relationship with this professor. It is a fun class and an easy A. You give 4 speeches and take a midterm and a final. The textbook readings are simple, I just listen to the audio version from a PDF file. The midterm average was an A too. Definitely a nice relief from the giant lecture halls. She also provides great feedback on your speeches and helps you structure them well.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
Very easy class, but quite boring if I'm being honest. It was so formal for a public speaking class with very silly assignments. There was so much emphasis on outlines which is kinda weird I guess. Very easy but if you can take someone more exciting then I would.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
There is no way to describe a class this incredible! You must go through it yourself to fully understand how engaging and unique it is. Of all my courses, this is the one where I learned and grew the most. I also finally got to know everyone in there. If you want an unforgettable experience that will change your life, Sam is your man! 100% recommend!
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam's alright. He can be aggressive, and repeats the same jokes, which can get annoying. Final grade comprised of informative, persuasive, and professional speeches, three exams, and a bunch of reading quizzes that can be completed by skimming the text. Prepare for speeches and use feedback Sam and your classmates give, and you should be fine.
Amy Fisher

Dr. Fisher is great!! Apart from the speeches there is very little work. She is extremely lenient with grading which makes public speaking less stressful. She's also a good lecturer so class was usually interesting.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Fantastic professor and a fantastic person. Super high energy and makes online zoom classes something to look forward to. I personally struggle with social anxiety and doing oral presentations and I feel much more confident and comfortable after taking INAG110 with Sam. Super funny and understanding and I can only imagine how much more fun his class would be in person compared to online. The class should be an easy A if you prepare well for the speeches. Absolutely recommend his class!
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
Prof. Ballenger handled online classes and teaching very well. He is very approachable during and outside of class. The speeches make up the majority of the grade with a few participation assignments. He grades pretty fairly and gives constructive comments for improvement. This class is one of the few ones I enjoyed during Zoom University.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Are you tired of boring professors that put you to sleep? Do you finally want to get over your fear of public speaking? If so, then fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the experience of a lifetime! Sam is a one-of-a-kind instructor--he is energetic, engaging and over the top hilarious (he is also an easy A)! Best of all, you will get to know everyone in the class! 100% recommended--take him!
Shala Larson

Expecting an A-
Overall she's a very nice and good professor. If you take her class you can definitely get an A. She gives good feedback on speeches and is a fair grader. However, for the first few weeks it was hard to find the zoom links and sometimes the discussion posts wouldn't be posted until a day or two before the due date. Again, overall she's a good professor, but a bit unorganized at times.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
Great guy and professor. I felt like I learned a lot from his class, and he made the class engaging and interactive. He's a bit tougher grader than some other OC professors (a.k.a. you're going to have to work a bit for your grade) but the payoff is a great speech learning experience. Would def recommend his course
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
Absolutely crazy dude, in the best way. Sam managed to give an online class the feel of an actual in-person class, proving that you don't need to be insanely tech-savvy to pull off online teaching if you care and are willing to put in the work. He does make some not so politically correct comments, though, so if that bothers you, maybe stay away.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
Very fun class, we didn't meet that often and it was a very light load. George is also a very fair teacher.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Very relatable and nice professor that gives an expected workload. She sometimes has miscommunications about assignment due dates and grading, but aside from that, I would recommend her for INAG110.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
She is not a very effective teacher in that, because of COVID, we didn't have any lectures and she didn't do a great job explaining assignments before they were due. I got most of my answers from the class groupme instead of from the Professor, which is not great, but it is also not a very hands on class. I took this class with her because the grading distribution was good and I thought I could just get an easy A for my GenEd. That's exactly what happened. The discussions are definitely interesting, but she was not too involved in them except asking a few questions. There are only a few assignments, she is an easy grader, and generally it is not hard to get a good grade in the class with a medium amount of effort. I'd recommend for anyone looking to knock out their oral comm credit
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A+
He's pretty wild, but leads an extremely enjoyable class if you're able to handle his insanity. Everyone grew to love him and everyone in the class gets to know each other well. Unlike any other prof I've had!
Shala Larson

Expecting an A
She's a great professor and she doesn't grade harshly. She's very straightforward with her assignments and there are a couple of chapter quizzes and weekly discussions. However the exams and quizzes are open note so it's easy. She gives very detailed feedback for oral speeches and all the speeches are extemporaneous style with just an outline. I definitely recommend her for this course.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Dr. Dunning is a really chill professor. He's laid back, a little funny, and seemed to adapt well to online learning. There isn't much work in the class, but you do have to read the textbook, or at least skim it, as there are pop quizzes based on the reading. If you have to take an FSOC class(which you do), I wouldn't tell anyone not to take him.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
Great teacher and very easy grader. The workload is also extremely light. Best way to get gen ed credit.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is amazing and one of the most caring teachers I have had. Warning: He has no filter and makes some off-colored jokes but they are all with good intention so if you can handle that then go for it. He invites his class every year to his house for thanksgiving in case they have nowhere to go. 100% Reccomend
Michelle Molinaro

Expecting an A
Michelle was a great professor for this class. I took this course to get the comm credit and was expecting it to be really boring, but Michelle knew most of us were in that boat and tried to keep the material engaging. Most of your grade comes from your speeches and she is a pretty fair grader who gives helpful feedback for you to improve next time. She's approachable and normally very nice in office hours as well.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is absolutely, without a doubt, the most amazing instructor I've ever had (and I'm a senior)! You will NEVER be bored in his class and you'll learn things that will follow you through your whole life! He's available to help 24/7 and wants everyone to succeed. Take his class and have the time of your life! You won't regret it!
Chelsea Mays-Williams

The other reviews are right in saying that Mays-Williams has pretty confusing assignments/instructions sometimes but our discussions in class are always interesting and she's an easy grader. I'd advise you to take this class if you're willing to power through the confusion of the assignments and she's a really understanding and nice person!
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Mays-Williams is such a caring and nice professor and really fun to talk to! Her assignments can be a little confusing but she's an easy grader.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
I thought this class was going to suck but George actually made it fun. Fair grader and super nice guy
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
To her credit, Prof. Mays-Williams is very kind and seems very knowledgeable about the content of the textbook she teaches. However, to put it simply, she is not good at teaching. She often gives incredibly vague instructions for assignments, and when asked to clarify, either gives a more confusing answer or contradicts herself. Also, she very clearly pulls assignment ideas out of thin air, which results in a lot of our assignments being not well thought out and therefore tough to complete properly. That being said, if you're willing to just keep your head down and power through the confusion, it's not very difficult to get a good grade.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A-
Sam can be aggressive at times. But if you can handle that, this class should be an easy A assuming you're putting in the work.
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A-
This course comes with an easy A and a little bit of insanity. I'd say Sam is sort of crazy.
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Expecting an A
The class is easy, but she is not really a good teacher. She is extremely vague on assignment details/due dates and often contradicts herself. It also seems like she constantly just pulls assignments out of her ass, as a lot of them are assigned last minute and don't make much sense. That being said, it is still easy to get an A, especially if you know how to b.s. for those stupid assignments or when she calls on you in class discussion.
Jo Ellen Barnhart

Expecting an A
MUST TAKE IT WITH HER! She has become my favorite teacher and she is absolutely amazing, she is an angel. There are really less professors who would genuinely care about you and would want you to do well. She is very lenient, I messed up one of my speeches and had anxiety, she let me retake my speech she is that nice. I am so glad i got take it with her. Also go to her Office Hours just to talk, she is my go to person to talk to whenever I feel low.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is so nice and makes public speaking easy even though I hate it. He grades easy and is so fun. You will not regret taking this for you OC gen ed.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A+
He is literally the most thoughtful human being ever and he actually cares about his students. Class was always engaging and I was so grateful to have had him for INAG110. Take a course with George!!!!
Chelsea Mays-Williams

Professor Mays-Williams is great. For one, she don't want you to fail the class. She tells you the first day of class what you need to do to get an A. She's very fair while grading the speeches and if you ask her she'll explain how you can improve. She loves, loves, loves participation in class. I think it makes a bit sad when we don't participate. She keeps the class interesting with little games sometimes. I really don't like public speaking but prof mays makes the class bearable. All in all, i'll advice everyone to take her class.
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
George is pretty quirky but makes our class really fun and chill. Easy grader, speeches are the biggest grade but he gives out tons of other points with little writing assignments every week. Def take his class if you get the chance its the easiest way to get through that comm get ed
George Kurtzweil

Expecting an A
I hate public speaking but George is able to make class fun and relaxed. He also manages to make the content interesting. Great teacher and easy grader!!
Edward Priola

Expecting an A
You must attend every lecture (obviously) and don't be surprised if he calls on you during class. You should be fine if you read ahead and memorize key terms from every chapter. The midterm and final are quite easy if you skim the entire book. For presentations, I'd recommend rehearsing your speech as much as possible.
Jo Ellen Barnhart

Expecting an A
What a lovely person. Possibly the nicest professor I have met on this campus. One of the only Gen-Eds I have taken where I felt that I actually learned a lot and was able to get an easy A. Barnhart is an angel; if you get the opportunity definitely take her class.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Very easy grader when it comes to speeches. He gives pop quizzes, often at very inconvenient times (for our semester, he gave a pop quiz before the midterm, and after the midterm), so make sure that you're ready for those. The quizzes are just vocab, so if you read through the chapters, and learn the vocab, you should be fine (he pulls from headers and bolded words FYI). I ended up getting caught off-guard by a couple quizzes, so if you find yourself in this situation, Dunning will give extra-credit if you wright an essay for him, so it's still not so bad. Otherwise, he's very engaging and fun to take, so I highly recommend
Samuel Rubin

Expecting an A
Sam is a treat. Possibly one of the best instructors that I have had. He is also very willing to help on his time if you need it. Definitely recommend him. The course should be a fairly easy A as long as you prepare for the exams and rehearse your speeches. Remember eye contact! that gets a lot of people.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A+
Eric Dunning is absolutely the best professor to take for INAG110. His lectures are fun, and if you have him on Tuesday/Thursday for the hour and fifteen minute time, you will always get out early. He likes to come in, get things done, and get out. There are a lot of in-class exercising that are simple, goofy and fun to help with public speaking and speech structure skills. His grading of speeches is straightforward and he will always give you feedback if you want it. The lowest grade on any speech in my class during the semester was a 92, so you will do well. He does have a midterm and a final, which are basically extra points, They are based on the chapters from the book which are super simple and it is basically a glorified vocab test. Most people studied the day or or the night before and did great. He does have pop quizzes for the readings, so going to class is important, but you can also predict when they are going to be, but class is fun so you might as well go. For the pop quizzes, if you look over the vocab at the end of the chapter right before class, you will be set.
Michelle Molinaro

Expecting an A
Perhaps the greatest professor I've ever had at UMD. Her lectures are interactive (as opposed to most) which kept me engaged with the material. The bulk of the grades were based on speeches instead of remembering definitions and principles. She graded speeches fairly and gave genuine feedback which dramatically helped my public speaking ability
Michelle Molinaro

Expecting a B+
What can I say its a silly, easy class that most people only take for the comm credit. It's been a year and I genuinely have forgotten everything I learned when taking it. If I ever need to put into practice communication skills in any setting I can just watch a youtube video or read a book instead of wasting my money on a class like this.
Robert Ballenger

Expecting an A
Easy class. Good teacher. Fair grader
Edward Priola

Expecting an A-
Well worth the credit. Don't be mistaken you'll have to work for an A but the skills you get while going for an A are invaluable! Highly recommend.
Edward Priola

Expecting an A
As long as you come to class, participate, and practice your speeches, you will earn an A. As a professor, Ed is much stricter than other comm teachers and assigns a lot more. However, he is fun-loving guy and enjoys what he does.
Jo Ellen Barnhart

Expecting an A+
Probably the easiest A ever. The speeches are straightforward, even if you have difficulties public speaking she cares about you and does not grade harshly. As long as you try your best you will get an A on the class.
Edward Priola

Expecting an A
Very strict and most days seems to pull facts out of thin air (statistics, studies, etc.) just to back up some claim he made. Made us take a rather difficult midterm and final, which were all from the textbook. If you don't want to read the textbook cover to cover, I would not recommend this professor.
Anthony Pagnotti

Expecting an A-
dope af
Jo Ellen Barnhart

Expecting an A
What you came to read: Her class is really easy and straightforward. Easy grader. Easy A. Low workload. Speeches not difficult but still need preparation. Important participation points for going to classes. What you should also know: Dr. Barnhart is one of the kindest and genuine professors I've ever had. She really creates a warm and friendly atmosphere in her class which makes it enjoyable to go to. Classes are actually fun, interesting, and enjoyable. Her class doesn't make you want to kill yourself like many other classes. One of the best professors I've ever had and highly highly highly recommend.
Kristen Willett

Dr. Willett is a lovely person and a good teacher who does a wonderful job engaging the class. I hate public speaking but Dr. Willett makes it bearable.
Anthony Pagnotti

Expecting an A+
Best teacher ever. Really clear about what he wants.
Edward Priola

Expecting an A-
GOAT professor of my time at UMD so far. Effectively teaches the content and is a cool guy. He can seem a bit strict at times and will poke fun at students but he does it to everyone and it's always in kind faith. Definitely a good option for a comms class.
Eric Dunning

Expecting an A
Entertaining and very reasonable workload