Reviews for MATH136

Information Review
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A
I’m only giving a 4 because he cannot teach for the life of him. I stopped going to lecture after the first week and it never impacted my grade. If you’re confused he is able to explain well one on one but not a good lecturer. Anyway, his exams, worksheets, and quizzes are extremely easy. It helps to do his practice exams since they are literally the exam, just different numbers. I genuinely think it would be hard to get below a 90 in this class due to it being near common sense. Do the practice exams, are you’ll be fine.
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A
Very nice professor who wants us to succeed. He is very clear on what he expects on exams through his comments in class and through emails. He gives a good idea of what will be on the exams through his identical practice exam formats. There are also zoom reviews and class reviews before exams in which he walks through answers to the practice exams. Highly recommend.
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A+
Professor Pirnapasov was a decent professor! He was extremely polite and patient with us, willing to pause and answer questions if any students were confused. He taught straight from the book, but then again, I remember him saying it was his first semester teaching at UMD. He has a thick accent but always tries to ensure we understand the key points. The only essentials to pass the class are to complete all discussion material (difficulty depending on TA, but both math and bio TAs were great this semester) and to study the exam study guides. As long as you completely understand how he arrives at the solutions, getting an A on each exam and in the class overall should be easy. And overall, I honestly found the other students in the class being more hard on him than he was with us. Again, please be patient with him. He's super sweet; just make sure to communicate if you don't understand something and everything will be okay.
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A+
Can he teach? Mmmh not really and he’s kinda hard to follow, and sometimes his handwriting can be unclear. However, his tests are 100% fair and the monday discussions can be used to help understand certain concepts. We usually had quizzes every Monday except during exam week, there was review sessions before the test, and there’s no way to fail, unless you really put in zero. This is the easiest A+ I’ve ever achieved so far. Shout out to him
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A+
Easiest A+ for a math class surprisingly, especially for this professor. I believe, from what he told me this one time when I talked to him privately one-on-one, he told me how this is his first semester teaching this course for this school and it shows from the way he taught the class. He is genuinely a very nice guy and is willing to run through problems with you and answer your questions, but his teaching style is very confusing for certain concepts throughout the course in my opinion. Although he has relative knowledge in calculus, he teaches them in longer ways and in depth, which yes, it is helpful, but it gets more and more confusing as he kept it going. He does not record lectures and does not post lecture notes since he doesn't really know how to navigate canvas all that well, but if you were to go to discussion, the TAs will be much more effective and helpful with the content given so please try to attend them! His homework assignments are not graded but worth for practice based on the textbook, so workload isn't insanely heavy. I recommend studying and working with someone for this class if you have this professor, including taking some time to self teach from the textbook on your own. He gives out a sample to prepare for his exams but honestly the formatting is exactly the same except the numbers differ on the actual exams, so they will be done in a breeze with enough practice prior to taking them. Overall, not too bad of a professor when it came to workload and what was given on the exams, but his teaching style can be hard to understand. This course requires knowledge on calculus to do well for MATH 136, so if you are not exposed to it as much, don't take this class!
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A
He is very nice and a very fair grader. But, he is not a good lecturer. It's an easy class if you've already taken a calculus class. Also, half of the lowest midterm is dropped and all midterms/final are identical to his midterm samples. Attend class leading up to the exams because he doesn't post midterm samples with answers. The TAs were great and are lifesavers.
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A+
This was the easiest A+ ever, and I haven't taken Calc before. He has a thick accent and basically teaches straight from the textbook, but even so, I think he did an okay job teaching. The homework assignments were optional, but they were still good practice. Sometimes I felt like people were purposely trying not to understand what he was doing and complained about every little thing he did just because he wanted us to do it the long way instead of just doing something in two steps. Like, that's just part of the curriculum?!?! His practice exam questions are basically the exam but with different numbers. He also doesn't teach a lecture before the actual exam day and instead has a class just for working out the problems on the practice exam, showing us how to do them, which was very helpful. Just do the practice exams and make sure you understand the process for each one, and you're set.
Abror Pirnapasov

Expecting an A-
If you've taken calc before it's an easy A, but if you haven't good luck. This man cannot teach to save his life, genuinely I don't think ive had someone so bad at teaching. All of the material is sooooo easy when it's actually explained, but dear god he can't explain it. The TA's were where I actually learned stuff. He grades fair on his exams, they're very straight forwards and he gives practice exams before the midterms which look identical to the actual midterm. He only changes the numbers really. He drops half of the lowest midterm, which boosts your grade a bit and he is very willing to look over exam questions you feel you should've gotten full points for. Morally and personality wise he's great, but cannot teach even if there was a gun to his head. He knows his stuff but he just can't explain it and his notes re very unorganized. The average on the midterms were 95%'s.
Todd Rowland

Expecting a B
Extremely nice professor, very kind and caring... Except, he cannot teach lower-level math. DO NOT take him for 135/136 calc because his ability to explain concepts is terrible. He also skips "easy" steps when doing problems during lectures but makes the class very confused. Math136 was a scattered schedule of random math that we learned throughout the course, with no real structure. His lecture notes are very unorganized and messy which makes them extremely difficult to follow. Again, maybe he is much better at teaching a higher level of math, but avoid taking him for 135/136. I relied on the TA's to teach me the content during discussion. But Rowland is a very nice guy.
Todd Rowland

While it's true that he's very nice, Dr. Rowland is not good at teaching. Lecture is unhelpful as he does practice problems the whole time without explaining what he's doing and rarely looks up for questions. His rants can be entertaining, but I would strongly not recommend taking this class with him if you have little calc experience like me. If you have a good amount of calc experience you should be fine. (PS go to GSS!!!!) hw and classwork is easy, but his exams suck. Take the class with someone else if you can!!!!!!!
Todd Rowland

Expecting a B+
To keep it simple, don't take it. He does not teach, takes away notes before you can get them down. Nice man and tries to learn names but, he lacks greatly in the teaching department. You have to put extra work in teaching yourself which would be unnecessary if you had a professor who actually taught you during the lecture time. Practice exams are similar to the exam but, there is usually a question or more that you have maybe seen once or not at all (weighing 8-12 points). Save yourself the stress and don't take him.
Jose Rigoberto Enrique Zelada Cifuentes

Expecting an A
Nice professor but overcomplicates things and makes it hard to stay focused during class. I learned the most from going to discussion. The TA's were great, and the exams were fair and very similar to the practice exams he would post. Homework load is light.
Jose Rigoberto Enrique Zelada Cifuentes

Expecting an A+
Easy class, horrible professor. Can be very rude (called someone uncultured for not knowing a specific formula) and hard to understand. He enjoys over complicating some topics while undercomplicating others effectively confusing the entire class. Very quickly attendance at his lectures declined heavily. However, his exams are almost the same as his practice exam which is the one redeeming quality of this class.
Todd Rowland

Expecting an A
He's a kind person but can be a little clueless as a professor. Often gets distracted during lecture and explains things in a really confusing manner. He's clearly very smart, but explains topics in a way that only people who are already good at math will understand. Regardless, if you actually try you'll probably get a decent grade because homework, in class assignments, and worksheets are easy enough.
Hussain Ibdah

Expecting a C+
Please, whatever you do, DO NOT take him for MATH136. He made this class 10 times harder than it had to be. Even students in the class that had some background knowledge in calculus would struggle to keep up with what was going on in the class at times. His teaching style is awful. He teaches more so in a review manner instead of actually teaching the content, which makes it harder to grasp the concepts. He also spends a lot of time doing proofs for equations, which wastes time considering we do not need to know them for the tests. Speaking of tests, one plus for him would be that they were similar to the practice ones. The problem was, he would amplify the difficulty of the values given to a degree beyond what we did in class. Asking him questions was not helpful either, considering that he would just make the topic more confusing. People started to ask fewer and fewer questions because of this. In some cases, it seemed that he would attack or blame students for not knowing the content. In reality, a majority of the people in the class would be lost. He always would ask people to speak up but no one would considering that his response would be unhelpful. He also has a tendency to mess up problems MULTIPLE times, which did not help with his teaching style. The majority of the time, the discussion quizzes and worksheets that we would get were unhelpful and stressful. If getting a different professor means waiting for a semester, I would recommend doing so.
Todd Rowland

Expecting an A
He is a very nice person and the only professor that I've had that tries to learn every student's name. However, he is a little all over the place during lecture so there was a lot of wasted time. He does happily answer everyone's questions, but sometimes gets a little sidetracked. The material isn't that difficult but sometimes there would be random problems from the textbook that we didn't use on the exams. He does give out study guides for every exam, but the first one was almost exactly like the exam, the second one was NOTHING like the exam to purposely bring the class average down, and the third was kinda like the exam. There's also weekly online homeworks, worksheets due during discussion, and classworks. He's definitely not the worst professor, but definitely not the best.
Todd Rowland

Expecting an A+
Dr. Rowland is a very kind man who is always willing to help his students. Utilize your resources—go to office hours and if you can't do that, discussion and ask the TA. Ask a neighbor if you're confused, or go up to him and ask a question. In all honesty I think he's the best professor at UMD because he cares about each student. He has improved so much from when I had him last year and I know so long as you try you'll be able to do so well in this course.
Jose Cifuentes

Expecting an A+
So I took Professor Rigo because he was the only professor for this class and he did a wonderful job. He basically teaches all the lessons from the book so skipping class is possible (not advised as he thoroughly walks through the problems in class). There is no mandatory homework, but I would highly suggest doing it because it was good practice. This semester we had 2 midterms and a final. For each exam, he gave us a past exam to practice on which was extremely similar to the one he administered to class (so there is literally 0 reason to do poorly in this class). Discussion is mandatory as there is a worksheet and a quiz a week. Overall goated professor, just make sure you're on top of things, and its a guaranteed A.
Rigo Zelada

Expecting an A+
To be honest, at first, I really did not like him, especially given all the bad reviews on him. It was mostly just that I wasn't used to his teaching style, but he is actually one of the sweetest, funniest, and most caring professors I've ever had. One way to describe his teaching style is he's very exact and specific. He gives exact definitions and goes through the whole process to explain a concept, which I was not used to compared to other professors who just tell you straight to the point. You can tell english isn't his first language so sometimes he has trouble expressing things correctly but he is still able to explain things well. He writes in cursive so sometimes it's hard to read his writing but he is really nice about it if you ask what something says and he even started writing not in cursive so that we could all read it better. He usually does examples during every class so it is helpful to see and practice how things are done and how to apply them. He always makes sure to ask people if they have questions and goes really into depth to make sure everyone gets it. There are 2 exams and one final, so you can't drop an exam. The quizzes and worksheets arent bad at all and you don't even need to study before them; if you listen to the explanations in the discussion before they give you the quizzes or worksheets you will be fine. They drop the lowest ones anyways. His practice exams are exactly like his exams and sometimes his exams are even easier than the practice exams. When the average on one of the exams was a 70, he gave everyone an additional 6.5 points to increase the average to an 80. He also added a curve which no one really expected, which was amazing. I definitely recommend taking him. He will turn out to be one of your favorite professors.
Rigo Zelada

Expecting an A
He is an amazing and caring professor who cares about his students and their grades. His tests are very similar and easier than the practice tests he gives in class. He is very approachable during class and will try his best to answer any questions during class. I would say definitely take him because I really enjoyed his class and his teaching style.
Changguang Dong

Expecting a B+
If you can avoid him, please please do. He sucks. To give a good example, on the second day of lecture he taught us a very simple concept incorrectly(closed vs open circle on a graph). When someone tried to correct him, he gave no proper explanation and said "oh no it's like this" in reference to the wrong way.
Hussain Ibdah

Expecting an A
He's an okay lecturer. His handwritings are pretty bad. He posts his notes. His tests are unnecessary long and hard. His tests cover almost everything he taught.
Hussain Ibdah

Terrible professor. Really sloppy notes and tough grader. TAKE ANYBODY ELSE PLEASE.
Hussain Ibdah

Expecting a C+
I only give Ibdag a 2/5 and not a 1/5 because Dr. Dong is so much worse. That being said, Ibdah has bad bad handwriting (worse than Dr. MS @ my orgo 2 ppl) and is a crappy lecturer. It's hard to understand him but at least he pauses somewhat often to ask if we are understanding. Unfortunately, the teaching is usually so bad we don't know where to start with our questions and just stay silent. Only 2 mid-terms and a final (comprehensive). I will say he's a nice guy and genuine but that doesn't make up for the shitty teaching. The biggest knock to the guy is he will mess up his own practice problems A LOT. He even tried to fix it by just straight-up changing the problem because he did it wrong. TA's Neha and Shuhan are pretty good, you can understand them pretty well and explain stuff well. Why tf is this class required for my bio major?
Hussain Ibdah

Ibdah is just not a good lecturer to say the least. He constantly makes mistakes when doing problems, and just makes everything more confusing in general. The only saving grace were the TAs, who made some of these concepts simpler. I STRONGLY recommend avoiding him if you can.
Changguang Dong

Expecting a W
Terrible Terrible. Cons: thick accent, skips over steps because he thinks you know it already, not very good at answering questions, usually wouldn’t even understand my questions. TA’s aren’t much better, the man, Duc, is worse than Neha but same thing, thick accents and Duc rushes though material and assumes you know everything. This is a real quote from him “if you do the steps right you will get the right answer” like bruh. Use textbook but even then some times the practice problems are wrong. Take anyone else. I had to drop and I’m retaking next semester with someone else. First test avg was a 63/100 and there’s no curve. Don’t have any pros.
Changguang Dong

Expecting an A
Hands down one of the most accommodating professor under an online environment. He gave enough time for all exams and prepared us well in advance. The TAs were also amazing and very helpful. Highly recommend taking him for 136!