Open Seminar; The Borders of Contemporary Mexican Literature

Prerequisite: SPAN graduate student or by permission of instructor. This seminar contextualizes and presents literary texts from contemporary Mexico that thematize the border and that exhibit borders within and among them. The representation of topics such as Central American migration and the US-Mexican border is thus considered alongside textual borders, such as the combination of fiction and documentary sources or the combination of genre, such as fiction and chronicle, poetry and theater, or the comic novel with the detective story. We will study works by a range of authors, including Cristina Rivera Garza, Fernanda Melchor, Gabriela Torres Olivares, Sara Uribe, Juan Villoro, and Yuri Herrera.

Sister Courses: SPAN798A, SPAN798B, SPAN798C, SPAN798D, SPAN798E, SPAN798F, SPAN798G, SPAN798I, SPAN798J, SPAN798K, SPAN798L, SPAN798M, SPAN798N, SPAN798O, SPAN798P, SPAN798Q, SPAN798R, SPAN798T, SPAN798U, SPAN798V, SPAN798X, SPAN798Y, SPAN798Z

Past Semesters

3 reviews
Average rating: 4.00

2 reviews
Average rating: 3.50

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Average rating: N/A

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Average rating: N/A

6 reviews
Average rating: 4.83

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.