Elie Ashery

This professor has taught: BMGT350, BMGT457, BMGT466, BMGT484, BMGT495, BUMK758O
Information Review
Elie Ashery

Expecting a C
Hi, don't take this professor for BMGT 350. His class was so hard. I got a 71 on the very first class assignment which was the TEAM CHARTER. My grade was automatically brought down from day one. I spent the rest of the semester fighting for my life in this class. I also think he's just kinda rude and doesn't care about anyone's success.
Elie Ashery

He’s a very chill professor and is lenient but fair since he understands that it’s your tuition money not his so he doesn’t take attendance but do3 have pop quizzes that are worth 10% of your grade. Markstrat was our group project and it was confusing since we kind of had to learn it on our own. What you get out of his class is that he has years of marketing experience from running his own company so he brings in real life experience to apply the course concepts.
Elie Ashery

As a teacher he's laid back but does have an arrogant side to his personality. He loves bragging about his company. The group project was a monster- a 35 page paper. His test questions are all multiple choice and come directly from the book so going to class was pointless to me. The personal website project seems like a lot of work but is manageable.
Elie Ashery

He was ok. He could be arrogant at times. The group project was a 35 page paper. All the tests come directly from th book so coming to class was pointless.