Kevin Calabro

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENES100, ENES100A, ENES102, ENES102H, ENES192, ENES220, ENES221, ENES232, ENES478, ENES499, HONR288O
Information Review
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
My favorite teacher Ive had by far. His lectures are informative yet direct, his teaching style is rigid but patient, his grading is meticulous yet accurate. You will come out of his classes thinking "yeah, I deserved the grade that I got", because he is extremely fair and expects you to know the course material because he has taught it to you so well. He could teach mechanics to a kindergartener and thermodynamics to a houseplant. I have taken three courses with him and he has done a fantastic job instructing every single one. The best part is he is such a decent dude. Super respectful to his students and always willing to give even the most objectively "that kid has not been paying attention" questions a sincere and thorough answer. Only professor I would wake up at 8am for throughout the entire semester. Take this man if you have the chance.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
Great lectures and does a good job explaining concepts. If you attend lectures and discussions wanting to learn the material and succeed then you will.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Great teacher. He really cares about his students and is a very approachable and knowledgeable person who will answer all your questions. His office hours were very useful and he explains everything very well. He posts all of his notes online too. My one critique is that he spends a lot of time on proofs when example problems are much more helpful and easier to understand, but overall he is an excellent teacher. That being said, this is not an easy class. The weekly homework assignments are 6 problems and they take hours to complete. Most people in the class ended up going to office hours every single week. If you don't need to take this class I wouldn't recommend taking it, but if you have to, Dr. Calabro is a great professor for it.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A-
Awesome professor. I was really nervous for this class and definitely struggled at the beginning (first semester of college, never took any physics in high school). However he was great, he explained concepts really well, answered questions really well, had a sophisticated format for drawing diagrams and doing problems on the screen. His office hours were helpful, and he had a good way of guiding you through complex problems to consider all the parts at play. He's also really considerate, responds to emails, and allows you to join the lecture on Zoom if you can't make it to class. Don't be scared to approach him with any questions about the class or content. Definitely make use of all the resources available for this class if you're struggling: office hours, GSS sessions, and you can also go to the office hours of any TA from any section of the class 6 days of the week (its all posted)
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
One of, if not the best professor I've had so far at UMD. The way he paced the course and also reinforced concepts with plenty of examples made the class really easy to follow. He also posts lecture notes which are super detailed and easy to follow.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A-
Kevin is a really nice and laid-back professor. He does a great job of explaining concepts and laying out what he expects for projects. He's also super supportive and willing to help if you need it. However, Kevin can be pretty tough when it comes to grading (eg. no curve: (-) is. (-)). In our class, attendance is mandatory for the participation grade, but I've never managed to score a perfect 10 (the highest I've gotten is 9.5 out of 10). Sometimes, it makes me wonder what it takes to reach that elusive 10. The material itself isn't overly challenging, but be prepared for some lengthy assignments. Make sure you stay in touch with your teammates to complete them and ask for feedback if you want to aim for the highest grade possible.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
Kevin is an amazing professor and really cares about and engages with his students. He also did a great job in introducing the engineering design process at the beginning of the semester and following through with guidance as we moved towards spending all our time on the OTVs. He's also just a really cool and chill guy and knew when to give heavy guidance and when to let us develop on our own.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Professor Calabro has been one of the most thorough and dedicated professors I have had during my time here at the University of Maryland. He is incredibly devoted to working through practice problems and clearly cares about how well his students retain the course's information. Some of the best lectures on campus and is incredibly easy to approach after/before class with any questions. Highly recommended.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
A fantastic professor who really cares about his students. Although the course can be fast-paced at times, he's very approachable and will go through the time to explain concepts if you shoot him an email or attend office hours. You can tell that he loves and really cares about teaching. He also peppers in content from future keystone classes to show you why you're learning the things you are, making the content more digestible and exciting. Highly recommend him for ENES102
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
Great professor, really approachable, and genuinely cares about teaching. I learned a lot from the class and had a fun time. I took this class Fall 2018 so I don't remember a lot about the workload, but towards the end we got to create a bridge in the woodshop and test it which was really fun.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
He's a great professor. The only issue is when I took the class they were trying to implement the conceptual fluency approach and it did not go well for the class. Grades were all over the place. Other than that he's a great professor who is good at explaining the concepts and cares about his students.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
Kevin's an extremely approachable guy and you can tell he loves what he does. He was always adamant that if we do good work, the good grades will follow.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Calabro was a fairly good teacher for this extremely challenging course. He always was thorough with his examples in class, and his lecture videos and notes were posted shortly after class ended. Calabro did the best he could with an online course by providing ways to review for exams and being helpful during his office hours. Calabro's exams seemed fairer than the other professors teaching this Fall semester. For the course as a whole, they switched the grading system to be the same way as ENES 232, and that brought a whole load of challenges. The most frustrating thing is the strictness of what they consider partial credit which is the reason most students scored low on exams. Due to the change in grading, teachers and TAs ended up taking much longer to grade group works and homework assignments and grades were not updated as frequently as students would like. This semester, they also switched the homework website to a new website. Although it was free, the website regenerates the problem after each attempt. The homework problems sometimes required a lot of work, so if you get it wrong, you have to start all over again. Also, homework was much harder than the exams and examples in the notes. My advice: find a group to work and study together with and you will be okay
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
I definitely recommend Kevin for any class he's teaching. For this class, his notes and examples were clear and he taught very well. 221 is not easy, but if you put in effort and take the time to learn the material and ask questions, you will do fine. The last 232 review does a great job describing him.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
Kevin is awesome. He cares about all his students and wanted us to still do well, even when our OSV had about a million problems. He makes a hard class fun, and if you truly deserve an A you will get one.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A-
content is interesting but mans calibro is way too harsh on grading... you also wont know your grade for this class, i have anywhere from a C to an A- depending on how generous calibro is feeling
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A-
Kevin is probably one of the best engineering professors I’ve had the pleasure of taking. Understand, however, that Thermodynamics is not by any means a pushover class, and so expect to struggle through problems that sometimes take hours. Kevin’s philosophy about homework’s is that if you struggle through it and complete harder questions on your own then you’ll be very well prepared for the exams, which could not be more true. Throughout the class I thought to myself “man this is just a huge pain in the ass why do I have to do this?” Then came the first midterm and I got an A. Material ramps up in difficulty, homework’s are even more irritating and challenging, then came the second midterm and I got an even higher grade. I honestly don’t think I would’ve done half as well in this class had I had any other professor. Always take Kevin if you can.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B+
Kevin (because that's what he wants you to call him) is by far the best teacher I have had at UMD. His teaching style, note-taking style (exactly what you need, neatly organized, and nothing more or less), and general care about his students as people made him an amazing teacher. I am not one of those people who goes to office hours and tries to talk to my professor because frankly I don't usually need to and don't care, but Kevin is someone who I know actually cares about how well I do and how much I learn and is approachable and helpful. He is one of the few engineering professors who is actually a good person as well as amazing teacher and I 100% recommend him to anyone for any course that he teaches.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
Super organized and very friendly. He teaches the material really well and does plenty of example problems. If you do your homework and plan ahead for the truss project, you'll get an A.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Kevin is a great lecturer and I really felt comfortable with the material learned from Thermodynamics. However, he is a rather strict grader and gave almost no curve in the class even though there was one exam where our class average was 10% lower than both the other teacher's class averages. I ended up getting a B despite doing very well throughout the semester and I would've imagined I was at least top 15% in the class.
Kevin Calabro

Calabro is a pretty good lecturer. He knows how to teach the material very well. This thing is that he is a bit quiet and dry at times, especially if you have prior knowledge of the material. Calabro gives out a lot of 4/5’s on parts of reports if they are not perfect, which, in almost all cases, they aren’t. Our team got a 77 percent on the first report, and that was the highest grade in the class. He will rip apart your report and presentation for all possible flaws. Its for your own good though. You have been warned… Don't think that just because there are 50% A's, doesn't mean you can slack off in this class. The hovercraft project is a pain at first. You will easily spend hours with your team planning the hovercraft, building it, and testing it. It helps a lot to have someone who can program on your team because it is difficult to learn about programming if you have no knowledge.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Kevin is a great dynamics teacher. I also had him for statics and he was great at teaching that as well. His notes are precise and easy to follow. He works plenty of examples in class that are extremely helpful. Exams were tough but fair. Just do the homework and you will be successful.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
This class is quite easy and Calabro is a pretty good teacher. I should have gotten an A in the class, but I played the points game and really didn't care about doing the homeworks, when I should have and it has come back to haunt me... Anyway, Calabro is a nice guy and easy to talk to about any questions or concerns you have. He is, however, as stated in another review extremely harsh when grading presentations and design reports, you most likely will not get an A on these assignments, because he is very nit-picky. For example, in my preliminary design report, I got so many points taken off for formatting in regards to where captions should be for a table versus a figure. But overall, nice guy, and you should at least learn the necessaries of the courses, not really detailed material
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
"Calibro" is a really nice guy, and a decent teacher. He really cares about his students, and is very down to earth. He almost seems more like a TA than an actual lecturer at times, but he is definitely well qualified to teach the class. He does, however, grade very harsh on presentations and the Design Reports.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
Good teacher. Really cares about his students which is nice. He focuses more on getting you prepared for the mid-term than the hovercraft, but he's reasonably helpful with the hovercraft as well. He's very thorough on design reports, which is nice because you get a ton of helpful feedback for future reports. Homework was gradely a little harshly but it doesn't affect your grade to much in the end.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
Kevin's a pretty good statics teacher. his notes are easy to follow and understand. he also explains concepts pretty well. for the most part, if you do the hw and the practice problems, you should do fine in the class.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
Calabro is definitely a decent statics teacher. Lectures are pretty helpful even though it was hard to stay awake (I had his class at 9 am). ENES 102 is a fair amount of work towards the end of the semester. Do not underestimate the class just because the majority of material on the first exam is mostly review. Also, make sure you do as many practice problems as possible before the exam to get a good grade.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
The course material isn't very hard and Kevin does do a good job explaining everything. He does go the extra mile to help you on your hovercraft. As other people have said the presentations are graded pretty harshly, for me I got a B on every single one but I still ended up with an A+ in the class. As long as you work hard in the class you should be able to get an A. Just a note he is a mechanical or aerospace engineer, I forget so he isn't very proficient on programing or electronics design however he will try his best to help answer your question or refer you to someone who knows the material.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A+
Be ready to work hard in this class. The first half of the semester in enes100 was very time consuming between required special lectures (outside of class), homework, and team meetings (designing the hovercraft). Depending on how productive your team is, meetings can take huge chunks of your time. When the midterm comes around, study hard, it is important. The second half of the semester is great. Class time is reserved for working on your hovercraft, and you probably need very few, if any, team meetings. Kevin really cares about how well your team does and is happy to help if you ask him. He grades presentations and the PDR harshly because there is plenty of room for improvement. Regardless, it doesn't really destroy your grade. If you put in the effort on your team and show that you care about the project, you'll do well, and probably enjoy the class.
Kevin Calabro

he grades really hard on your group presentations. plus the midterm is extremely hard. I failed the midterm and did average on the presentations. I got a B in the class. he emphasizes how your hovercraft team and their evaluations have a huge impact on your grade but it really doesnt affect it that much. He is the hardest enes100 teacher.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting an A
Calabro is a relatively good statics teacher, but some people have a hard time with him. He talks in a monotone, but if you pay attention, his lectures are really good and you can learn everything in class. I have never had to study outside of class. The exams are not that difficult if you know the material. If you can get Fourney, go for him, but otherwise Calabro is good choice.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Arguably the most difficult ENES100 teacher. Just do your HW, do decent on the midterm, and well on your hovercraft.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
Probably the hardest ENES100 teacher. Grade really depends on how well your Hovercraft group does on its presentations.
Kevin Calabro

Expecting a B
He is a good teacher. He does grade much harder and thoroughly than the other teachers. Kevin (as he asks to be called) probably prepares you best for the midterm, which is a major chunk of your grade.