Dennis Vacante

This professor has taught: KNES333, KNES389E, KNES689J
Information Review
Dennis Vacante

Expecting an A+
Got an A for showing up every Saturday morning (I skipped two actually), filling out some paperwork, and making a project at the end of the semester and presenting it. NICE.
Dennis Vacante

Expecting an A
Your grade is attendance every Saturday morning for CHI, a folder of a couple simple pages to fill out, and a project. I'm pretty sure he gives 100s to all projects no matter what you turn in. Easy A.
Dennis Vacante

Expecting an A
Dennis is fun and knows how to get you and the kids involved. 389E is the most rewarding class you can ever take. All you do is play with disabled children a couple hours for most of the Saturdays of the semester and you end up with 40 hours of community service & a better resume. Plus, you make friends with your classmates and will love the child you are paired up with. Show up to class. Get an A. boom.