Why Good Managers Make Bad Decisions

This course provides an overview of the concepts, approaches, and vocabulary of evidence-based management (EBM) and provides an understanding of how experts in many disciplines can employ evidenced based decision making. EBM is an emerging movement in business to explicitly use the current best information in management decision making with special emphasis on relevant scientific findings and unbiased organizational facts. The course stresses how individuals practicing EBM learn how to rethink their approaches to data and knowledge in order to make more effective decisions.

Sister Courses: BMGT289A, BMGT289B, BMGT289D, BMGT289E, BMGT289F, BMGT289J, BMGT289K, BMGT289L, BMGT289M

Fall 2024

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

Spring 2024

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

Fall 2023

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

Summer 2023

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

Spring 2023

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

Past Semesters

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

49 reviews
Average rating: 3.84

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

83 reviews
Average rating: 4.12

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.