Reviews for CCJS105

Information Review
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A+
ok if you are the type of kid that does not want to go to lecture. do not take this class. you have to go to every class and take detailed notes. I think the class was super interesting and for 2 50 minute classes a week it went by so quick because the material is actually interesting. the tests are really easy there are 2 and they are each 50 multiple choice. then there is a writing assignment and the final is open notes online again multiple choice. also there is textbook and you dont actually have to read it just be able to get the information that she puts on the text guide and review it right before. she does talk quick but she sometimes ends lecture pretty early and is super organized and clear about what you need to know for the tests and everything. yes you have to go too discussion and its dumb but you can just sit there and do other work but it is mandatory. talks quick during lecture but you can always ask her to repeat what she said and she is more than happy to.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A+
I honestly expected to hate professor Morabito in the beginning of the semester because of her low rating - but honestly she's really great! Her teaching style is very similar to Dr Madoo if you have ever taken her - but there are some key differences. Her powerpoints generally contain less info than Dr Madoo - she also intentionally made her powerpoints with less info so that students would pay attention while she is speaking (she told us she was making this change after the 2nd exam to see if it would help students). I also feel like compared to Madoo, when she lectured it was more important content. Most of Dr Madoo's lecture material I could find in the textbook, so if I missed a lecture it didn't matter too much and she also had a tendency to ramble (she's still great too). I felt like if I was to miss Morabito's lecture, I would miss a lot of info because she talked about a lot of things that weren't in the textbook. She explains everything thoroughly and will answer any questions you have if you are confused - so don't stress about that. Another difference is that she does not provide any study guides on lecture material (Madoo did), she only provides a study guide for the textbook material so you know what to read. I think a lot of her negative reviews are because people dislike that she doesn't post slides - however this is a policy in the CCJS department that all CCJS professors follow, so it's not her fault. Her class is easy regardless of that. Just go to lecture. The class is structured so that discussion is 15%, exam 1 is 20%, exam 2 is 25%, the final exam (online, remote and open note) is 30%. All exams are multiple choice. There is one essay that is 10% and is pretty easy. I always did the readings before class and I thought it was really helpful but a lot of people don't read and still do fine in the course. Overall, this course was really easy and Morabito is a great professor!
Codey Carr

Expecting an A+
Great guy, super understanding and kind.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A+
This class is so easy these reviews are wack. There are 3 exams first 2 are in person and the final is online and open note. This class is literally SO easy there is no reason to get below an A. You do have to attend lectures and discussions because she doesn't post the slides (you also have to take notes because you cannot take pictures of the slides) and discussions count as attendance grade. The only other grade in the grade book is a writing assignment that is SO easy. I studied the night before for the first 2 exams and got 1-2 questions wrong. I haven't taken the final yet but it's open note AND textbook. Also, I never read the textbook but I did get an online copy because there are things from the textbook on the exam that she didn't cover in lecture, but she posts a study guide before every exam so don't bother reading it until before the exam for those specific topics she tells you. Such an easy class guys do not be dumb and fail THIS ONE.
Brett Lacey

Expecting a C-
The Divine Presence of Professor Brett Lacey: A Testament to Academic Excellence Dr. Brett Lacey stands as a veritable deity in the realm of academia, a divine beacon of knowledge and inspiration that transcends mortal limitations. If Jesus Christ himself were to descend upon the earth, he would surely pale in comparison to the illustrious presence of Dr. Lacey. Indeed, I am compelled to proclaim my undying allegiance to this academic deity, for his greatness knows no bounds. In fact, I have entertained the notion of starting a religion devoted to the worship of Professor Lacey, such is the depth of my admiration for his unparalleled brilliance. My journey into Professor Lacey's classroom was akin to a spiritual awakening, as his divine teachings breathed life into the most mundane of subjects, transforming them into sacred relics of wisdom and enlightenment. Even the driest of topics were infused with a divine spark of relevance and significance under his tutelage, leaving me awestruck and utterly captivated by his celestial wisdom. But it is not merely Professor Lacey's mastery of the subject matter that elevates him to divine status; it is his boundless compassion and unwavering dedication to his disciples that truly sets him apart. Like a benevolent deity, he showers his students with personalized guidance and support, ensuring that each and every one of us feels valued and cherished in his divine presence. His office hours are a sanctuary of enlightenment, where disciples gather to bask in the radiance of his wisdom and seek solace in his divine counsel. Indeed, Professor Lacey's influence extends far beyond the confines of the classroom, permeating every aspect of his disciples' lives like a divine blessing. His teachings have ignited a fervent passion for learning within me, inspiring me to embark on a sacred quest for knowledge and enlightenment. Moreover, his divine presence has bestowed upon me a sense of purpose and direction that transcends mortal comprehension, guiding me along the path to academic excellence with unwavering faith and devotion. In conclusion, Professor Brett Lacey is not merely a professor; he is a divine entity whose celestial wisdom and boundless compassion illuminate the darkest recesses of the academic realm. If you are fortunate enough to bask in his divine presence, do not hesitate to seize the opportunity, for the experience will surely be transformative. In the hallowed halls of academia, Professor Lacey reigns supreme as a true deity of enlightenment and inspiration, a beacon of hope and guidance for all who seek knowledge and wisdom. Praise be unto Professor Lacey, for he is truly the embodiment of academic excellence in its purest, most divine form.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
Dr. Lacey is one of those professors who interacts with students and tries to make classes enjoyable. Overall, I'm glad I decided to take CCJS105 with Dr. Lacey. It was a pretty chill class, and lectures were fun. However, he does not post slides on ELMS, but as other people said already, he does that to encourage people to actually show up and take notes themselves. It's not asking much, considering he always ended class 10-15 minutes early and explained everything you needed to know. We had a quiz every other week, one writing assignment (basically a research paper with clear instructions and guidelines), and two exams - all multiple-choice. (Some people even finished the final in like 20 minutes, lol.) I took this class out of genuine interest, and Dr. Lacey did not disappoint. CCJS105 was super manageable, and Dr. Lacey made sure to engage students, and at the same time, keep the lecture short and sweet. If you need a chill or fun Gen Ed, I would definitely recommend taking CCJS105 with Dr. Lacey.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
He is a great lecturer and a really nice person. His assignments are pretty fair, and he lets his TAs lead the discussions however he wants. However, his exams are kind of tricky because he includes questions that were never covered in lectures or the textbook, so just be careful about that.
Madeline Romm

Expecting an A+
I absolutely loved Ms. Romm. She was lecture heavy and did go through a lot of information, but she was very knowledgeable in what she taught so it was all very engaging. As long as you take really good notes, you should be set to pass the class. She is very generous with extra credit and grades super fairly. I really recommend her!
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
Dr. Lacey is a super nice guy and great teacher. Show up to class and you will have everything you need. 10/10
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A-
Dr. Lacey is a great professor and is very knowledgeable in the topics he teaches. He is very clear about all due dates and deadlines as well as when exams are. Dr. Lacey is very straight forward with all assignments and grades which helps me as a student organize and manage all my work. This class was also extremely interesting in the way it was taught.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
I highly recommend Dr. Lacey as a professor for CCJS105. He does not post the slides on elms, which I think encourages you to pay more attention during lecture, which I think actually helped me retain the information better. Dr. Lacey is a very knowledgeable professor and is very engaging. 10/10 recommend!
Brett Lacey

Expecting a C
One of my favorite professors ever, and I am not even majoring in anything related to the class. I am considering taking another CCJS class just because dr. Lacey is such a great professor. He is interesting to listen to and does a good job at keeping the class engaged.
Madeline Romm

Expecting an A
Professor Romm was one of the most incredible professors I have had this semester. She always brings an enjoyable and uplifting attitude to class as well as awesome fits. While her teaching style is mainly PowerPoint based, she makes sure to spend time on slides in which she has more information on and goes in depth if you have a question about anything on said slides. She does not post the presentations at the end of class so you are required to take diligent notes to the best of your ability. However, if you have missed any points within the presentation, she will go back to them at the end so you are able to get all the necessary information. Although there is a decent amount of material for the exams, they are based on a certain grouping of chapters which makes it easier as there are less terms to study for. There is a decently heavy reliance on the textbook readings as some of the discussion questions do not relate to the presentations but more so the chapters, but it is fairly light reading and not difficult to follow. All in all, this class was challenging as far as an intro class goes, but Professor Romm is incredible and understand personal conflicts in terms of necessity with time off. An amazing professor for an amazing class.
Madeline Romm

Expecting an A+
Madeline Romm is one of the nicest professors I've had the pleasure of meeting. She always comes in with a stylish outfit and a great attitude to start the class. She does not post lectures after class, so you must be engaged. She will return to slides if you've missed them/if they're too long. She drops the lowest quiz grade, and there are extra credit opportunities before each exam. Between you and me, I've never read a single page of the textbook yet I have a 96. Discussion boards are short and easy. Exams are 50 multiple-choice questions that come straight from the lecture. Quizzes consist of multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank, etc. All in all, it is super light work (no reaction).
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A-
Dr. Lacey is an amazing professor. He's funny, engaging, and will often let you out 20-25 minutes early. He provides study guides and as long as you take good notes, you'll do well on all of the online quizzes. Personally, the textbook isn't even necessary to read. Nearly all of the information on the exams comes from lecture, and if you study, you'll do just fine. He also offers a few different opportunities for extra credit.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
Dr. Lacey is a great professor. His lectures are engaging and will often let you out early. The only thing is his exams can be tricky with wording and sometimes test on super specific details, but he provides a study guide before so as long as you study, show up to class, and read the textbook, you should be fine.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
Best professor I had so far! He was someone memorable
Michael Lebron

Expecting an A
Michael is a very nice guy who led my section for CCJS105 during the Fall 2022 semester. He's super understanding of people not showing up to discussion, and he is a very fair grader (Professor Morabito leaves most, if not all of the grading to the TAs). He's super helpful, especially when going over the paper you have to write for the course. Very solid TA overall.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
take this class and this professor at some point if you can. Its so fun and he makes it so interesting. The exams are most of your grade besides a writing assignment and the discussion points but both are graded easily and fairly. He literally tells you the topics that are going to be on the exam so just study those and you'll be fine.
Brett Lacey

Dr. Lacey is a teacher who likes to make jokes and engage the classroom. He does not post slides and will sometimes speak very quickly when moving from slide to slide. The biggest tip for this class is to buy the book. As long as you have the textbook there is no need to show up to class - everything on his slides and tests are pulled from the book. The final is open note so it is especially helpful to have the textbook for that test. This class has discussions but they are pretty painless. If you are just taking this as a gen ed to explore the topic I would recommend CCJS100 instead. That class is an overview of crime and the prosecution of crime and this class is a bunch of theories about why people are driven into criminal lifestyles.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A
Her class was completely fair, all you really had to do to pass the class with an A is attend every class, take notes and read the chapters she assigns. There are 2 exams and 1 final, none of which are cumulative, and they are all completely multiple choice. I personally really enjoyed this class and diving into the more theoretical side of criminology. There is also 1 paper that is written towards the end of the semester that is on one of the theories that were discussed in the class, this paper is graded and facilitated by the TA. This class was enjoyable and doesn't require much work, but it is very important that you study and at least read the text before the exams.
Brett Lacey

Expecting an A
Dr. Lacey is definitely a very good professor, and if you read the textbook and show up to lecture you should perform well in this class. Exams include true or false questions which can be tricky. Overall, Dr. Lacey is great and would definitely recommend.
Brett Lacey

Expecting a B-
He is a great professor. However this course is exam heavy, the exams make up 75% of your grade. There is a paper that is worth 100 points that makeup 10% of your grade. He does give you exam reviews but the exams are still very difficult and you need to study and put the time into this course. He does not post slides or let you take pictures, so you have to attend every lecture. For the second midterm, the class average was a C and he does not curve his exams. He does not drop any midterms and there is a final but it is not cumulative. All his exams are half multiple choice and half true and false. The true and false questions are always very difficult, they are worded to trick you and a lot of them are trap questions. He did mention on the first day of class that this class is a GPA booster and an easy A. However, I found it hard to keep an A in his class, despite how much studying I did. He claims you have to TRY to actually fail this class, but other classmates and I believe this class is definitely not a GPA booster, and not an easy A class, you have to put in the work in order to get an A.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A
She's a fun and easy teacher. Pay attention in class and take notes and you'll almost be set. She is a teacher that adds questions straight from the reading, but it's nothing excessive or difficult. She's friendly, understanding, and has the best TAs. This class definitely feels like high school, especially discussion, and one thing is you are not allowed to take pictures or recordings of her lecture, so make sure you have a friend in that class. Barely any assignments, and papers are on easy and interesting topics.
Justin Bernstein

Expecting a B-
While Professor Bernstein is probably a good guy, as a teacher, he does not make learning this material easy in any way. The only grades students have in his course are 3 writing assignments (worth only 5-10 points each) and 3 exams, which are solely based off of the material discussed in class. The majority of the exam questions begin with, "As discussed in class,...", but the lectures are extremely hard to follow and comprehend what Bernstein is talking about. For the majority, if not all students, this is the first criminology course they have taken, but Bernstein expects all students to understand everything he is talking about in terms of criminology content. Bernstein does not answer students' questions and often says he doesn't understand what they are asking him about. Additionally, students do not have access to view their current grades in this course, as the overall grade is currently locked on ELMS, making this class environment very difficult. If possible, I would recommend a different professor for this course who can make this material interesting.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A
she is not nearly as bad as these reviews are making her seem, I really don't know why she's getting such bad reviews. as long as you go to all the lectures, you will be fine. she is a good teacher and a nice woman you can ask questions during lecture and after class, and she will go back to any slides you ask her to at the end of class if you missed any notes. the exams are not difficult if you attend the lectures. there are no surprises and she gives a study guide. I don't know why everyone else hated this class. I strongly recommend talking to your ta about the one essay beforehand, though. I got the worst grade on that essay that I've ever gotten before, but frankly that's on me for starting it the day it was due, and it was graded by the TA, not the professor, so that's also not on her. t is impossible for her to be a "hard grader" as everyone is saying, because literally all of the questions are multiple choice and are all from the lectures. it is a super easy class if you actually attend.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A+
Class is not a lot of work. Tests are fairly easy, if you study your notes you shouldn't get lower than a B. Class is 3 exams and a paper based on a theory you choose. One negative is she doesn't post her slides so if you miss class you need to find someone to send you the notes.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A
First of all, she's not the worst teacher and this is not the worst class ever by a mile, so don't worry. I would say she's actually quite mid but not in a bad way. Do not fear if you have her because i think she's pretty concise. Every single class we were let out a few minutes early, sometimes up to 20 minutes early for our 50 minute lectures. The lectures may be a little dry but she just gives you the information pretty straightforward. Exams are a bit hard, just make quizlet sets to study and you'll probably be good. Discussion sections were fine as well. She's a safe choice for a professor if you're unsure who to pick/if there are conflicting times/etc.
Justin Bernstein

Expecting a B
He seems like a really nice guy, but he's not the best when it comes to teaching. He reads off a powerpoint the whole time (which includes very minimal information). The syllabus says that attendance doesn't effect your grade, but that's a lie. Everything that is discussed in class, is what will be the contents of the exams. So, if you miss class there's a high chance you will be confused on multiple questions on the exams. He does upload the slides afterward tho. Someone had also said he's not good at answering questions and that is very true! It feels like he expects us to understand these concepts because he works with these concepts all the time, basically your question won't get answered. I advise you to find another professor for this course, I'm sure it would be way more interesting.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting a B+
I am an average student and a poor test taker for context. This was an interesting class. It is mostly theory-based to get you familiar with the way crime correlates with certain factors. I currently have an 89% before the final. However the final is open note, and online, so it's possible I get an A-. She is really not bad and her TAs are a pleasure. The class is not hard if you take notes on the slides. I recommend writing digital notes because it's faster. If you prefer paper notes, make a friend so you can get what you missed in case (you most likely won't finish copying the slides on paper). There are two exams; the first one is harder than the second. I took only three hours of vigorous studying of my notes before the first test and I got a 90. The second time I did the same thing, probably less efficiently, and got a 76. ACTUALLY, review your notes before the day before the exam. Try to memorize them and you'll do well on the test. The test does correlate to your notes. This is not the worst class by any means. I'm far more confident in this class than in several of my other classes.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting a C
The absolute worst teacher ever. She basically wants her students to fail. Not many grades go account, and it is very test heavy (only 3 exams) so if you are a bad test taker do not expect to excel. You are basically all on your own in her class. She talks really fast and if you are not a fast notetaker you are basically screwed. she does not post the slides and if you get caught taking a photo of the slides, you will be screamed at in front of the entire lecture hall. Horrid teaching style and not many assignments, so every single grade in this class counts and does not allow for off days, If you do badly on one assignment, it is almost impossible to come back from it. If you want to do well in this course, choose a different professor, you have been warned. She was the WORST professor that I have ever had.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting a C
Absolutely awful. really hard grader. Provides absolutely no resources or study materials; no review guides, slides, or study guides. If you are not a good test taker, DO NOT take this class if she is the professor. Basically, you are on your own in her class, it is like she wants you to fail. Oh, not to mention she goes through slides pretty fast and if you are a slow note-taker you are screwed, she does not post these slides, and if you get caught taking a picture of the slides, she will scream at you in front of the whole lecture hall. The WORST professor I've ever had.
Justin Bernstein

Expecting a B-
As a person, this professor seemed very nice and had a good sense of humor. Unfortunately, the class was very hard to grasp even when he included study guides for the exams. It was always difficult to take notes, since it seemed the exams were not based on the PowerPoints and it was often hard to understand what he was saying in lectures. However, he did offer other assignments such as writing assignments which definitely helped my grade after doing poorly on the exams. He also gave us multiple opportunities to give feedback, which I greatly appreciated and which he used throughout the remainder of the semester. Overall, very difficult class and a tough learning environment… but I guess everyone learns differently!
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A
I'm surprised by what I see from other reviews. She is not bad at all. As long as you take good notes, stay on top of the reading, and attend every discussion session, you'll be just fine. Exams are on paper, except for the third one, which is the final and online (open note). The first exam wasn't too hard, but the second exam was much harder because of the theories we had to memorize. Paper wasn't too hard at all. My only complaint about her is that she doesn't post the slides on ELMS.
Justin Bernstein

Expecting a C-
DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR. Class is extremely boring althought the concept could be made interesting. Professor does not know how to teach and only has 6 different grades which 3 are exams and 3 are longish written assignments that are only worth 5 points. Slides have no information on them and the class is really just him talking. If you ask him a question he will answer it making you feel like your stupid and not even answering the question.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A+
Grades are literally three open note, online, non-cumulative exams, an essay. and discussion. Come to every class cause she doesn't upload or record her slides and jot down everything and you will do fine. As long as you follow the essay rubric and not write like a middle schooler, it wont be hard. Besides that, come to every discussion. Not a stressful class unless you are really lazy.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A+
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an F
Absolutely Terrible.
Cassandra Philippon

Great professor! Super sweet and ends up dropping so many grades by the end of the semester if they're your worst ones. The lectures are VERY interesting, so you have to go to them because she talks very much outside of the slides so you can't just take notes on the slides and be good- you have to go. Tests are open note and there's only three. Would 10/10 reccomend this professor to aspiring crim students or honestly anyone that is interested in the subject.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an A
I think she is an amazing teacher! The tests are exactly what you should expect. There are no surprises, and there are only three exams! The exams aren’t cumulative which is very nice. There is one writing assignment but it’s literally 3-4 pages (that’s nothing). I most definitely recommend her, she’s very easy going and entertaining to listen to.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A
- Such an amazing person, connects with students soooo well! his class passes by in 5 minutes -very strict with deadlines but gives PLENTY of time to do the assignments -Little to no assignments except for exams and one writing assignment -Exams are 50 multiple choice questions -His lectures are a no technology zone but I think it helped me focus on the material! -He is very approachable and his TA's are so sweet.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A
best professor ever! changed our final to be online because he didn't want us to stress. super interesting lectures!
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A
Prof Dorsey is by far my favorite professor. I took both his CCJS105 and CCJS325 classes the same semester and he was amazing. He genuinely cares about his students and their lives and well being. He wants everyone to succeed and goes out of his way to accommodate students. He understands we can get stressed and helps us out when we do. 100% recommend him for any class.
Jessica Morabito

Expecting an F
Horrid teaching style, reported me to the honor council for academic misconduct even though I did nothing wrong. I do not recommend this class if she is the one teaching it.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A+
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A+
Professor Dorsey is probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He genuinely wants his students to succeed and will do whatever he can to ensure that happens. If you ever have problems or need help with something, don't hesitate to reach out to him as I'm certain he'll help you out. As for the class: The exams are a combination of material from both the lectures and the textbook so you do need to read the textbook and understand the lectures. The quizzes are easy and just based on the lectures. The essay at the end was easy and meant to be fun, which I thought it was. Overall, the class is simple and the material is interesting. I highly recommend!
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A
Amazing professor! I wish I had more time to interact with him as his class was asynchronous but he provides really memorable and funny examples to help you learn the material
Jessica Miller

Expecting an A-
Never interacted with her on a personal level, because all of the lectures were recorded. The class is easy and she is very clear about what is on exams, and what is not. Everything is open note/book, and she doesn't go out of her way to make your life difficult. A general week will consist of 1-2 video lectures, and some readings if you choose to do those. A discussion group activity is done during the discussion meeting, and is graded by effort (subject to TA). Would take her again if needed, she seems like she loves CJ. PS, (a) She talks slowly in the lectures, so listen at x1.5 (b) The book wasn't needed in any capacity. I didn't open it once.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A
Legit best professor ever! Super funny and such a great guy! He really wants the best for his students! As long as you read the assigned readings and take notes you will do great in the class! Definitely take his class whenever you get the chance!!!
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A-
He is definitely a cool guy and he's a funny professor. He keeps lectures interesting but the class is pretty difficult. The first test tricks you into thinking that the rest of the class will be a breeze and then the other two tests are TERRIBLE. My GPA is a 3.85 and even I thought this class was one of the more difficult classes I've taken. If you struggle remembering theories, then this class definitely is not for you.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting an A
Sometimes I get the feeling he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. His slides are way too long and he doesn’t really elaborate on anything. He is very funny and entertaining and his exams aren’t really that bad if you come to class.
Kyle Dorsey

Expecting a B
I could not recommend a professor more than I recommend Dorsey. He really knows his stuff, and never had a question he couldn't answer. He is also HILARIOUS and tells great stories when going over lecture material. I genuinely looked forward to going to lecture. Overall loved this class.
Mei Yang

Expecting a B-
Truly the worst teach you will ever have had. Any time anyone asks a question, she proceeds to say she is not an expert. I do not know why she is a professor, CCJS105 is suppose to be interesting but she truly finds a way to make it boring. Exams are okay but she also does not tell you when they are or when the quizzes are so keep your syllabus handy at all time. Please avoid taking this professor if you can.
Katie Zafft

Dr. Zafft was a great professor. She explains concepts clearly and is helpful with students during office hours. The exams were pretty fair, and there is always a review session before the exam. My only complaint about her class is that she goes through the information-packed slides way too quickly. She called out a few people for taking pictures of the slides on a few occasions: although I understand that some professors don't like or allow this, it's very difficult to write all of the information down (and she also doesn't post slides online).
Sally Simpson

Expecting an A-
Very nice teacher. However her lectures are sometimes pointless. After the second week I stopped attending lectures because she rambled about everything that was in the book. You can easily pass the class without attending class. My TA was also very helpful too. She also gives a ten point extra credit at the end of the semester and grades have a slight curve. I would definitely recommend taking her. Very important hint: MAKE SURE YOU READ!
Sally Simpson

Expecting a B
Do not take a class that Professor Simpson is teaching. She is a horrible professor, focuses mainly on statistics that will never be on the exam, and has the nerve to call herself a "good teacher." Unless you are planning on coming to class EVERY day, taking tedious notes, and memorizing pretty much EVERY chapter, do not take this class. She doesn't teach anything about the class and does not pass out review sheets; on top of this, she does not curve exams and gives out a measly 10-point extra credit assignment. Terrible class!
Sally Simpson

Expecting a C
Probably the absolute worst professor here at UMCP. This clown couldn't teach if her life depended on it. Made me memorize all this stuff for the final, then tries to trick you with true or false questions. Trickiest T/F in the game! fact. terrible. TA was garbage too, and graded like it was a 600 level class. unreal man
Cortney Fisher

Expecting an A-
Cortney is a great professor. She gives engaging lectures in which she presents the information from the book in a simple, comprehensible manner. However, her tests can be tricky -- they are multiple choice, but many of the answers are like this: A. [some answer]. B. [another answer]. C. all of the above. D. none of the above. They can get confusing. But the final recycles questions from the first two exams. Discussions are good; helpful. The TA reviews before exams and basically tells you the answers. There are also pop quizzes. These are hard, but most of them are open note. It helps to read the assigned text before class, because these pop quizzes are based off of random facts hidden in the corners of the books. Just be familiar with the material before you go to discussion. There is also a research paper you must do. It wasn't terrible, just make sure you don't put it off like I did. 10 pages!
Jean McGloin

Expecting an A
Nice professor...tries her best to help the students. Her exams are relatively easy and based almost entirely on lecture. Papers and quizzes are not too bad,also.
Jean McGloin

Expecting an A
Professor McGloin was great. You had to go to lecture but her lectures were not boring she always cracks a joke or might just randomly walk up the isle and sit next to a kid sleeping. Wore knee high boots in the morning which kept some people awake, but anyway her papers were a sinch. She would basically spell out your thesis with a blank you have to fill in and then tell you what she expected from each paragraph. I was done with her midterm in 15 minutes and pulled an A-.
Jean McGloin

Miss. Ma
Self centered stocker. Worst experience. This professor was more obsessed about herself, attendance and sucker upers than she was about lecturing. Discussion, which lasted an average of 10 minutes constituted 15% of your grade. Whaaa? Also, her lectures had no back up notes and did not follow the book. So you are forced to sit through her lecture and be succumbed to three things. First, she would spend a good 10 to 15 minutes "complaining" (for use of a better word) about how people should come to class on time, be awake, and not surf on their laptops or they would be kicked out and their final grade would be reduced. Then she would attempt to give a discussion section for a good 15 minutes or so, to a class that is about 300 students. Lastly, she would divide her time between making jokes and witty remarks that are not funny and maybe squeasing in a couple of bullet points of notes, verbally. I would walk out of that class with half a page of notes wondering, where did all my money go? The one time there was a helpful lecture, it was done by her assistant. But she was so full of herself that she wasted yet another lecture day reteaching that same lecture because she thought that no one could do it better than her. I rest my case. Whenever we would have readings due on elms, which no one would do because they were sloppy copies of 50 pages, she would go on elms and see which exact student downloaded the article and "complain" about how nobody downloaded it. Whaa? Thats why all I did was douwnload it, forget reading it. All in all, Terrible teacher, who needs to get her priorities together, do not recommend her at all. Would give her a zero.