Seminar; Black Discourse and Digital Communication

Examines the connections between black discourse, oral culture, and traditional media with new digital media technology. Various methods, theoretical approaches, and tools for studying social media and online communication.

Sister Courses: COMM498B, COMM498C, COMM498D, COMM498E, COMM498F, COMM498G, COMM498I, COMM498J, COMM498K, COMM498L, COMM498M, COMM498N, COMM498O, COMM498Q, COMM498R, COMM498T, COMM498V, COMM498W, COMM498X, COMM498Y, COMM498Z

Fall 2024

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Average rating: N/A

Spring 2023

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Average rating: N/A

Past Semesters

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Average rating: N/A

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Average rating: N/A

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Average rating: N/A

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.