Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering; Survey Methods in Transportation

Illustrates the principal survey instrument design used in transportation. Surveys will include: the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), American Time Use Survey (ATUS), Revealed and Stated Preference data. Bigdata from traffic measures and bigdata analytics.

Sister Courses: ENCE688B, ENCE688C, ENCE688D, ENCE688E, ENCE688F, ENCE688H, ENCE688I, ENCE688J, ENCE688K, ENCE688L, ENCE688M, ENCE688N, ENCE688O, ENCE688P, ENCE688Q, ENCE688R, ENCE688T, ENCE688U, ENCE688V, ENCE688W, ENCE688X, ENCE688Y, ENCE688Z

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