Explorations in Arts and Humanities; Metaphoric Building Blocks of Knowledge
first semester freshmen in the College of Arts and Humanities. Is your new roommate a ray of sunshine or a snake in the grass? Human experience is grounded in metaphor: we process new information based on how it resembles (or differs from) those things already familiar to us. In this course, we will explore how people use metaphor to gain new knowledge and insights-and what happens when those metaphors lead us astray-in such fields as literature, history, and the visual arts.
Sister Courses: ARHU158A, ARHU158B, ARHU158C, ARHU158D, ARHU158E, ARHU158F, ARHU158G, ARHU158I, ARHU158J, ARHU158K, ARHU158L, ARHU158M, ARHU158N, ARHU158P, ARHU158Q, ARHU158R, ARHU158T, ARHU158U, ARHU158V, ARHU158W, ARHU158Y, ARHU158Z
Past Semesters
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