Explorations in Arts and Humanities; Using Science Fiction to Interrogate Diversity, Identity, and Power

Restricted to first semester first year students in the College of Arts and Humanities. How do we engage with, embrace, or push back against various science fiction visions of the future? And what does that tell us about ourselves and our collective futures? Students will examine how science fiction texts-- including novels, short stories, movies, and television-- and science fiction scholarship-- intersect with writers and readers (including women, LGBTQ people, people of color, and indigenous populations) and with current political movements, trends, and "identity politics."

Sister Courses: ARHU158A, ARHU158B, ARHU158C, ARHU158D, ARHU158E, ARHU158F, ARHU158G, ARHU158I, ARHU158J, ARHU158K, ARHU158L, ARHU158M, ARHU158N, ARHU158O, ARHU158P, ARHU158Q, ARHU158R, ARHU158U, ARHU158V, ARHU158W, ARHU158Y, ARHU158Z

Past Semesters

16 reviews
Average rating: 3.56

16 reviews
Average rating: 3.56

16 reviews
Average rating: 3.56

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.