Reviews for BMGT457

Information Review
Daniel Goldsmith

Expecting an A
Professor Dan has hands down been my favorite professor at UMD. He’s one of those rare people who just leaves you in awe. His passion for marketing is contagious and he's an amazing storyteller. He genuinely cares about his students and goes out of his way to make sure we’re ready for life after school. He’s an awesome resource for learning and developing new skills. The course itself was the highlight of my marketing degree. We had three quizzes and a final exam, all open-note, but the main focus was the MarkStart team simulation. Every week, we made decisions for the simulation and then got results to analyze. We also worked on two group papers going into the simulation’s outcomes. All in all, this class is perfect for anyone going into marketing. It teaches practical skills and real-world lessons. And seriously, I can’t say enough about how incredible Professor Dan is as a teacher. If you get the chance to take a class with him, don’t pass it up! Use him as a resource to level up as a student and a future professional.
Dan Goldsmith

Expecting an A
He's an alright professor. His lectures are important to attend because his slides have very little information on them. He uses a lot of examples to get his point across and I felt like there needed to be more definitions and explanation of concepts generally. He's a nice guy and cares about your learning. I did not feel like I learned much but he's not bad.
Mary Beth Furst

Expecting an A
Loved Furst! She is a great teacher and always engaged! The class is discussion based but there is no pressure and low stakes. The cases used in class are very relevant and interesting from a consumer's perspective. The capstone project was boring and assigned weekly but it is not too difficult. The exam/quizzes are short and usually intuitive, but can be slightly challenging based on the wording. She was my favorite professor at Smith!
Roland Rust

Expecting an A-
Almost every class there was an assigned reading from articles that the professor wrote. They were extremely long, but as long as you understand the abstract you should be good. About 8 pop quizzes either based on the reading or class discussion, and those were always easy. 2 presentations but absolutely no structure for what he wanted and such a vague rubric. It was definitely interesting to see his perspective on topics since he did participate in a lot of research, but overall he was pretty close minded. Overall not terrible.
Roland Rust

Expecting a B
There are only two reviews for this professor and they're both fairly outdated, so here I am. Straight up, Roland Rust is not the WORST professor ever. He is there to help and answer questions, and he knows what he's talking about. However, as mentioned below, he is quite ego-centric. Majority of the lecture slides and articles he requires us to read are 100% his own writings and research. He also is not afraid to show off his awards as a distinguished professor and not to mention... his wife too. But look, it's whatever, because the awards he got are big deals and he's allowed to tell us or put in his syllabus. The case studies aren't that bad as long as you have a good team, otherwise you'll be pulling most of the weight. The Markstrat simulation is actually interesting if you know what you're doing, and I can understand why he has us do it since it is a Marketing Capstone course after all. The final exams however, a bit unnecessary in my opinion. There are two - one is the STP "required" exam thats worth 4 points. The other is the overall course exam worth 40% of your grade. It is based on ALLLLL the content slides and readings, and let me tell you, the readings are long. Overall, he's not the worst professor, he's not the best. He sits right in the middle for me. I've had worst and have had better. If he's the last choice on Testudo you'll be fine. Just *try* to go to lecture, submit the assignments, pass the exam and you'll be fine.
Mary Harms

Expecting a B
I'm sure Harms used to be a great professor, and while her class includes such crucial marketing info, she's just not the best person to be teaching it. There's SO much work in and out of class and she does not do a great job explaining what she is looking for. After many doing many case studies in class, she decided towards the end of the semester to give bad grades on all without previously giving feedback that could've helped my group improve. There are a ton of videos to watch before class that contain content for her "exams". Her exams are quizzes that have a super short time limit and she'll ask questions about the most random info she mentions in a 45 minute long video. Save yourself the trouble and take this class with a different professor who can give more clear assignment directions and won't give exams every two weeks that don't actually test on class content, but on random content she thinks is important.
Elie Ashery

He’s a very chill professor and is lenient but fair since he understands that it’s your tuition money not his so he doesn’t take attendance but do3 have pop quizzes that are worth 10% of your grade. Markstrat was our group project and it was confusing since we kind of had to learn it on our own. What you get out of his class is that he has years of marketing experience from running his own company so he brings in real life experience to apply the course concepts.
Roland Rust

Expecting an A
I'm not quite sure why he is forced to teach undergrad marketing capstone. It is evident from the first day that he is a grad school professor interested in marketing research. A course better suited for him to teach undergrads may be 452. The b-school having Rust teach 457 is basically a way to boost his ego. All of his lectures are basically about research he has done for the university. He is clearly a very smart and highly regarded researcher but the entire class is basically about him. The course is structured as 1 day lecture, 1 day group presentations so work is pretty minimal.
Roland Rust

Expecting a C
Awful professor...most boring class and super hard grader...talks about himself all class and how important he is...only class ive ever hated and only professor i ever couldnt stand...i get As and Bs, minus this class
Roxanne Lefkoff

Lefkoff does a great job of keeping class interesting with personal stories (her dog Willy comes up at least once a week), current events, and interesting cases. She really tries to mix up class and engage people. Unfortunately, the subject matter and material are pretty boring. Exams are tough so study details. Its really the multiple choice that gets everyone. Also, get her to grade your case paper. The TA for this class was HORRIBLE