Special Topics in Iberian and Latin American Studies; Love, Science, Religion and the Pursuit of Criollo Independence in 18th-Century Mexico
This course will explore the 18th century from the periphery of traditionally studied centers of Enlightenment. By focusing on pre-independence Mexico, we will study the emergence of alternative scientific and religious discourses in an American context that leads to social and political changes at the onset of the 19th-century. Students will watch the Mexican telenovela Alborada (2005-6), which fictionally explores many ofthe topics that are relevant for the course,and read a variety of materials on the following subtopics: imperial designs, cultural production, inquisitional realities, medical discourse, individual and political rights, criollo consciousness, etc. Taught in Spanish.
Sister Courses: SPAN408A, SPAN408B, SPAN408C, SPAN408D, SPAN408E, SPAN408F, SPAN408G, SPAN408I, SPAN408J, SPAN408K, SPAN408L, SPAN408M, SPAN408O, SPAN408P, SPAN408Q, SPAN408R, SPAN408T, SPAN408U, SPAN408W, SPAN408X
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