Special Topics in Iberian and Latin American Studies; Speaking Up/Out: Women Writers and Feminist Social Movements in Contemporary Latin America

The feminist song The rapist is You - originally performed by the collective "Las Tesis" in Valparaiso (Chile) - has become a global hymn to protest violence against women. The performance was based on the work of anthropologist Rita Segato, whose studies have exposed power structures and the systematic violations of women s rights. By reading contemporary women writers, and by working on feminist social movements, we will explore what Segato has defined as the war against women.

Sister Courses: SPAN408A, SPAN408B, SPAN408C, SPAN408D, SPAN408E, SPAN408F, SPAN408G, SPAN408I, SPAN408J, SPAN408L, SPAN408M, SPAN408O, SPAN408P, SPAN408Q, SPAN408R, SPAN408T, SPAN408U, SPAN408V, SPAN408W, SPAN408X

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Average rating: 4.00

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Average rating: 2.45

6 reviews
Average rating: 3.00

3 reviews
Average rating: 3.67

3 reviews
Average rating: 3.67

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.