Great Themes of the Hispanic Literatures; Literature, Art, and Film for Millenials: The Digital Don Quixote

100 well-known authors from 54 countries voted Don Quixote (1605, 1615) by Miguel de Cervantes the "most meaningful book of all time". The course will consist in a chapter by chapter commentary of Don Quixote in relation to the Don Quixotes universal impact in in the visual arts (, film, music and popular culture. The novel will be explained at the historical levels, as well as in its symbolical and philosophical dimensions.

Sister Courses: SPAN408A, SPAN408B, SPAN408C, SPAN408D, SPAN408E, SPAN408F, SPAN408G, SPAN408I, SPAN408J, SPAN408K, SPAN408L, SPAN408M, SPAN408O, SPAN408P, SPAN408R, SPAN408T, SPAN408U, SPAN408V, SPAN408W, SPAN408X

Past Semesters

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Average rating: N/A

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Average rating: N/A

3 reviews
Average rating: 4.33

5 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.